KBV Research(KBVリサーチ)

KBV Research(KBVリサーチ)
  • 主な調査対応産業:化学、材料、産業機械、IT、電子、エネルギー、医療、バイオ技術、サービス、食品、消費財など多様
  • 主な調査対応地域:グローバル
KBV Researchは、Marqual IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.の完全所有市場調査ブランドであり、あらゆる業種の企業、政府および非政府組織、非営利団体にサービスを提供しています。当社のモットーは、当社のサービスが、当社のビジネス目標を信頼してくださるお客様に長期的な影響をもたらすように努めることです。
KBV Researchは、お客様のビジネス目標を達成するために、お客様の組織構造のあらゆるレベルに踏み込み、当社の能力を最大限に活かします。信頼のおける市場アドバイザーとしての能力を最大限に活かし、厳しい状況下でも、あらゆるレベルの利害関係者と協力しながら戦略的な洞察を提供します。あらゆる形態の契約において、最も信頼のおける専門知識を持つプロフェッショナルチームを選抜します。
課題はあらゆる事業の一部であり、課題は最終的に私たちをより強固なチームへと成長させ、クライアントが活用できる実行可能な計画の提供を可能にするものと確信しています。 私たちは専門知識を提供し、クライアントが必要な時に協力します。 クライアントが課題に直面した際には、常にクライアントのそばに寄り添い、リソースを提供し、最終的には統計データに裏付けられた厳しい決断を下せるよう支援します。
今日の一般的な調査環境では、市場調査業界は、ビジネスコンサルティング、シンジケート調査レポート、企業概要など、従来のサービスであふれかえっています。 これらのサービスは、つい最近までは間違いなく企業を大いに支援してきました。しかし、競争が激化するビジネス環境において、差別化されたビジネス目標を持つ活気のある市場が増加し、非常に限られた時間枠の中でビジネス上の意思決定を迫られることが多くなっています。 限られた時間枠と従来の市場志向の調査では、市場参加者の期待に応えるために埋めなければならない大きなギャップが生じています。
前述の市場状況により、市場調査の提供と要求の厳しいビジネスとの橋渡しを可能にするツールとして、分析が脚光を浴びるようになりました。今日、データは豊富に利用可能ですが、その解釈は膨大な作業であり、隠れた洞察を特定することはさらに困難な作業です。知識ベースの価値(KBV)調査は、ビジネス界への約束として誕生したものです。長年にわたる市場追跡調査により、革新的なツールの必要性は避けられないものでした。長年の経験の蓄積が、KBVチームが独自ツールを開発するのに役立ちました。このツールは、利害関係者への一貫性のないデータフローのギャップを埋めるものです。KBV Researchの「MARKET RESEARCH & ANALYTICS TOOL」は、利害関係者へのデータフローを合理化し、結果として市場調査をよりシンプルにし、洞察をシームレスに抽出します。[KBV Researchの調査方法]


Over the years, Market research has been an important component of strategic decision making processes. Market research activities have been facilitating the search for new market opportunities, understanding the market gap, bringing in the key insights into the R & D departments, value addition to marketing and promotional functions and many more. In short, one can say that the market research has been a fog light to various industries, especially while taking strategic decisions.

KBV Research is a solely owned market research brand of Marqual IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd., serving all kinds of business verticals, government and non-governmental organizations, and not-for-profit organizations. Our motto is to extend our services that will have a lasting impact on our clients who trust us with their business goals.

KBV Research walks into every level of an organization’s structure, with our capabilities to be most useful for our esteemed clients. With the natural capacity as trusted market advisors, we work with stakeholders at all levels in offering strategic insights in demanding situations. For every form engagement, we pick and choose team of professionals with most reliable expertise.

Challenges are a part of every undertaking, and we are confident that challenges eventually build us into a stronger team and help us deliver actionable plans that our clients can build on. We offer our expertise and work with clients in time of need. We always stand by our clients and back them with our resources when they encounter challenges, eventually empowering them to take tough decisions that are backed with statistical data.

The market research activities are no more limited to just searching for market opportunities, rather has expanded its horizons to the validation of viewpoints irrespective of the departments, to a successful implementation of a strategy. However, the limitations about the authenticity along with the availability of data and more so with the deliverable format along with its representation pose a question mark on the market research offerings these days.

Nevertheless, observable advances in the market research sector such as the evolution of targeted research methodologies and its application have found its place in the mainstream business environment. Primary research played a pivotal role in unearthing deeply rooted market insights required for strategic decision-making processes. Further, with the rising adoption of internet technologies, the flow of multi-layered information available through secondary research, coupled with strategically targeted primary research activities facilitated access to a wide spectrum of available information.

The collaboration of two independent research methodologies, namely primary and secondary research directly contributed to the development of a wide variety of research studies that supplemented research requirements at different levels of decision making.

In today’s prevailing research environment, the market research industry is flooded with traditional offerings such as business consults, syndicated research reports, Company profiles, and so on and so forth. These offerings undoubtedly assisted the organizations substantially till the recent past. However, with the rising competitive business environment, vibrant market landscapes with differentiated business goals are on the rise, negotiating on business decisions with a very limited timeframe. The thin timelines available and traditional market-oriented research offerings have created a significant gap that needs to be bridged to balance the expectation of market participants.

The aforementioned market situation paved the way for analytics as a tool, promising a handshake between market research offering and demanding businesses. The abundant availability of data today makes its interpretation a mammoth task, and to pinpoint hidden insights is even more challenging a task. Knowledge-based value (KBV) research is a brain child that bloomed as a promise to the business world. With years of market tracking, the need for a revolutionary tool was inevitable. Years of cumulative experience helped the team KBV Research to develop a proprietary tool that bridges the gap of inconsistent data flow to the stakeholders. The “MARKET RESEARCH & ANALYTICS TOOL”, a brain child of KBV would streamline data flow to the stakeholders; consequentially, making market research simpler and extracting insights seamless.

[KBV Research’s Research Methodology]

Secondary Research: Secondary research exploits resources that exist as data and public records, SEC filing, surveys, research studies, blogs, government publications, statistics, and others to gather information for precise analysis.
Primary Research: Primary research is done to collect data from analyzing the current sale and effectiveness of the trend followed in the industry. This is done by conducting interviews with the Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), either telephonic or through the mail, questionnaire (through the mail), survey (Cold calls), and feedback from the sales representatives, marketing managers, and other key industry experts to tailor our research study.
Validation: Data gathered from both primary and secondary research is validated through a powerful approach of data triangulation method wherein the study is validated through the variety of modules for concluding the study. Every piece of information is validated through numerous research techniques or data sources that add credibility to the findings.
Estimation: The market potential is estimated based on market size and share across the segmentations and geographies along with market forecast. The estimated data contains historical trends, current growth in sales, and future predictions.
Analysis: Quantitative and qualitative assessment of a given market is analyzed from the relevant data to provide critical information on the entrepreneur business plan. The attractiveness and dynamics of the market are analyzed from the perspective of several frameworks.

※H&Iグローバルリサーチ株式会社は調査会社KBV Research(KBVリサーチ)の日本での正規代理店です。お問い合わせはH&Iグローバルリサーチまでにお願いします。
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