n-tech Research(nテックリサーチ) |
- 主な調査対応産業:先端材料、電子
- 主な調査対応地域:グローバル
n-tech Research is the leading provider of market research and industry analysis for the advanced materials sector, with a special focus on the latest functional and smart materials. The company is the next evolution of NanoMarkets and represents a rebrand and more from what has been an extremely successful firm that started back in 2004.
Our reports and services are designed to identify the latest business opportunities, whether they involve printing, coating, or patterning materials. Our client roster is a who’s who of companies in specialty chemicals, materials, electronics applications and manufacturing.
※n-tech Research(nテックリサーチ)ホームページ⇒ http://ntechresearch.com/
※H&Iグローバルリサーチ株式会社は調査会社n-tech Research(nテックリサーチ)の日本での正規代理店です。お問い合わせはH&Iグローバルリサーチまでにお願いします。 |
◆n-tech Research(nテックリサーチ)人気レポート◆ |
◆n-tech Research(nテックリサーチ)新着レポート◆ |
市場調査レポート・産業資料 総合販売サイト www.MarketReport.jp