Venture Planning Group (マーケットリサーチドットコム)

Venture Planning Group(ベンチャープラニンググループ、VPGマーケットリサーチドットコム)
  • 主な調査対応産業:医療、バイオ
  • 主な調査対応地域:グローバル
Venture Planning Group is an international market research, publishing and management consulting firm, providing syndicated and custom services to corporate executives and key decision-makers in the healthcare, biotechnology, chemical, food and beverage, electronics, and other industries.
VPG has served over 1,000 corporations in 70 countries, and has established a broad network of domestic and international contacts with industry executives, opinion leaders, and experts from leading universities, research centers, the financial community and the government.
※H&Iグローバルリサーチ株式会社は調査会社Venture Planning Group (マーケットリサーチドットコム)の日本での正規代理店です。お問い合わせはH&Iグローバルリサーチまでにお願いします。
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