1 はじめに 24
1.1 調査目的 24
1.2 市場定義 24
1.3 調査範囲 25
1.3.1 市場細分化と地域的広がり 25
1.3.2 対象範囲と除外範囲 25
1.3.3 対象年 26
1.4 対象通貨 27
1.5 対象単位 27
1.6 利害関係者 27
1.7 変更の概要 27
2 調査方法 28
2.1 調査データ 28
2.1.1 二次データ 29 二次情報源からの主要データ 29
2.1.2 一次データ 29 一次情報源からの主要データ 30 一次情報源の主要関係者 30 業界の主要な洞察 30 専門家へのインタビューの内訳 31
2.2 市場規模の推定 31
2.2.1 ボトムアップ・アプローチ 32
2.2.2 トップダウン・アプローチ 32
2.3 成長予測 33
2.4 データ・トライアングル 34
2.5 要因分析 35
2.6 調査の前提条件 35
2.7 制限事項およびリスク 36
3 エグゼクティブサマリー 37
4 プレミアムインサイト 41
4.1 チルド飲料市場における各社の魅力的な機会 41
4.2 チルド市場、媒体別 41
4.3 チルド市場、種類別 42
4.4 チルド市場、エンドユース産業別 42
4.5 チルド市場、主要国別 43
5 市場概要 44
5.1 はじめに 44
5.2 市場力学 44
5.2.1 推進要因 45 食品および医療用途におけるプロセス冷却の需要増大 45 冷却装置の技術進歩 45 インフラ開発の急増 46
5.2.2 阻害要因 46 初期資本投資の高額さ 46 システム設置とメンテナンスの複雑さ 47
5.2.3 機会 47 エコフレンドリーな冷却装置の製造における新たな機会 47 エネルギー効率の高い持続可能な冷却ソリューションへの需要の高まり 47
5.2.4 課題 48 フッ素系温室効果ガスに関する規制 48 高いエネルギー消費 49
5.3 ポーターのファイブフォース分析 50
5.3.1 新規参入者の脅威 51
5.3.2 代替品の脅威 51
5.3.3 サプライヤーの交渉力 51
5.3.4 バイヤーの交渉力 51
5.3.5 競争の激しさ 52
5.4 主要な利害関係者と購買基準 52
5.4.1 購買プロセスにおける主要関係者 52
5.4.2 購買基準 53
5.5 マクロ経済指標 53
5.5.1 世界のGDP動向 53
6 業界動向 56
6.1 はじめに 56
6.2 バリューチェーン分析 56
6.3 規制環境 57
6.3.1 規制 57 北米 57 ヨーロッパ 58 アジア太平洋地域 58
6.3.2 規格 59 インド季節エネルギー効率比(ISEER) 59 ASHRAE 標準 90.1 59 空調・暖房・冷凍協会(ARI) 59
6.3.3 規制当局、政府機関、その他の組織 60
6.4 貿易分析 62
6.4.1 輸入シナリオ(HSコード841869) 62
6.4.2 輸出シナリオ(HSコード841869) 63
6.5 生態系分析 63
6.6 顧客のビジネスに影響を与える傾向/混乱 65
6.7 ケーススタディ分析 65
6.7.1 ダイキンは、マグニチュード磁気ベアリング遠心式冷凍機をLUMINISヘルス・ドクターズ・コミュニティ・メディカルセンターに提供しました。
6.7.2 トレイン・テクノロジーズ社がジェプサ・クリード蒸留所にチラーを提供 66
6.7.3 キャリア社がグリーンスピード・インテリジェンス搭載のアクアフォース 30 XWV 水冷チラーを開発 66
6.8 技術分析 67
6.8.1 主要技術 67 可変速駆動装置 67 スマート制御および自動化 67
6.8.2 補完技術 68 可変冷媒流量 68 自然冷媒 68
6.9 2024年~2025年の主要な会議およびイベント 69
6.10 特許分析 70
6.10.1 方法論 70
6.10.2 文書種類 70
6.10.3 過去10年間の公開動向 71
6.10.4 洞察 71
6.10.5 特許の法的地位 71
6.10.6 管轄権分析 72
6.10.7 主な用途 72
6.11 AI/GEN AI が冷却器市場に与える影響 73
6.12 投資と資金調達のシナリオ 73
6.13 価格分析 74
6.13.1 地域別平均販売価格動向、2020年~2023年 74
6.13.2 主要企業の平均販売価格動向、媒体別、2020年~2023年 75
7 冷却媒体別、冷却装置市場 76
7.1 はじめに 76
7.2 フルオロカーボン 76
7.2.1 クロロフルオロカーボン 76
7.2.2 ハイドロフルオロカーボン 77
7.3 無機化合物 77
7.4 アンモニア 77
7.5 フレオン 78
8 冷媒別冷凍機市場 79
8.1 はじめに 80
8.2 空冷式冷却装置 81
8.2.1 さまざまな環境下で効果的に温度を制御 81
8.3 水冷式冷却装置 82
8.3.1 優れたエネルギー効率と冷却負荷を管理する能力 82
8.4 液冷式冷却装置 82
8.4.1 熱による損傷から精密機器を保護 82
9 冷却装置の市場、容量別 83
9.1 はじめに 84
9.2 300キロワット未満 85
9.2.1 効率的に稼働し、全体的なエネルギー消費を削減します。
9.3 300~700 kW
9.3.1 堅牢な設計と費用対効果の高いソリューションです。
9.4 701~1,500 kW
9.4.1 大規模商業ビルで使用され、快適な室内冷却を保証します。
9.5 1,500 kW超
9.5.1 大規模産業用途および商業用途における重要な冷却に使用されます。
10 チラー市場の種類別 87
10.1 はじめに 88
10.2 スクリューチラー 92
10.2.1 コンパクトな設計と低騒音レベル 92
10.3 スクリューチラー 93
10.3.1 高効率で、大きな冷却負荷にも対応可能 93
10.4 遠心式冷却器 94
10.4.1 高い性能係数と効率で、大きな冷却負荷にも対応可能 94
10.5 レシプロ式冷凍機 94
10.5.1 中小容量のプロセス冷却に広く使用されています。
10.6 吸収式冷凍機 95
10.6.1 太陽熱や地熱エネルギーシステムに広く使用されています。
11 冷凍機市場、エンドユース産業別 96
11.1 はじめに 97
11.2 業務用 100
11.2.1 データセンターおよび病院における冷凍機需要の急増 100
11.3 プラスチック 100
11.3.1 製造工程における金型および溶融プラスチックの冷却効率 100
11.4 食品&飲料 100
11.4.1 栄養素の保存および低温殺菌に対する需要の高まり 100
11.5 化学製品&石油化学製品 101
11.5.1 熱管理の必要性が高まり、冷却装置の需要が増加 101
11.6 ゴム 101
11.6.1 ゴム押出成形や射出成形に広く使用 101
11.7 医療&製薬 101
11.7.1 生体および医療用サンプルの温度管理 101
11.8 印刷 102
11.8.1 インク温度の管理と印刷品質の維持 102
11.9 レーザー切断 102
11.9.1 レーザー切断プロセス中の安定したビーム品質の確保と過熱防止 102
11.10 代替エネルギー 103
11.10.1 太陽熱システムにおける冷却水の再循環用チラーに対する需要の高まり 103
11.11 その他のエンドユース産業 103
12 地域別チラー市場 104
12.1 はじめに 105
12.2 北米 106
12.2.1 米国 116 産業用、商業用、住宅用建築物の建設増加が需要を牽引 116
12.2.2 カナダ 118 天然資源の利用が市場を牽引 118
12.2.3 メキシコ 120 各種パイプラインプロジェクトにおけるチラーの設置増加が市場を牽引 120
12.3 ヨーロッパ 122
12.3.1 ドイツ 132 人口増加と人口動態の変化が市場を牽引 132
12.3.2 フランス 134 冷凍機の消費量の増加が市場を牽引 134
12.3.3 英国 136 製造業と医療分野の成長が市場を牽引 136
12.3.4 イタリア 138 自動化とインダストリー4.0へのシフトが市場を牽引 138
12.3.5 スペイン 140 建設業界の成長が市場を牽引 140
12.3.6 ロシア 142 さまざまな分野でエネルギー効率の高い冷却装置のニーズが高まり、市場を牽引 142
12.3.7 トルコ 145 再生可能&非再生可能発電所への投資が市場を牽引 145
12.3.8 ヨーロッパのその他地域 147
12.4 アジア太平洋地域 149
12.4.1 中国 158 需要を牽引する代替エネルギー源への移行 158
12.4.2 日本 160 先進技術の開発と天然資源の効率的利用が市場を牽引 160
12.4.3 インド 162 人口増加と工業化が市場を牽引 162
12.4.4 韓国 165 商業用建築の急増が市場を後押し 165
12.4.5 タイ 167 データセンターの急速な拡大が市場を牽引 167
12.4.6 アジア太平洋地域その他 170
12.5 中東・アフリカ 171
12.5.1 GCC諸国 179 サウジアラビア 180 市場を牽引する豊富な原材料と発達したインフラ 180 アラブ首長国連邦 182 極端な気象条件がチラーの需要を増加させる 182 カタール 184 急速な都市化と厳しい気候条件がチラーの需要を押し上げる 184 GCC諸国その他 186
12.5.2 南アフリカ 188 都市建設の増加が市場を押し上げる 188
12.5.3 中東・アフリカその他 190
12.6 南米 192
12.6.1 ブラジル 200 政府主導のイニシアティブと廃水処理プロジェクトへの投資増加が市場を後押し 200
12.6.2 アルゼンチン 202 急速な都市化と工業化が市場を牽引 202
12.6.3 南米その他 204
13 競合状況 207
13.1 概要 207
13.2 主要企業の戦略/勝利への権利 207
13.3 収益分析 210
13.4 市場シェア分析 211
13.5 企業評価および財務指標 213
13.6 ブランド/製品比較分析 214
13.6.1 規模 214
13.6.2 ASCEND 214
13.6.3 AQUASNAP 215
13.6.4 YORK 215
13.7 企業評価マトリクス:主要企業、2023年 215
13.7.1 STARS 215
13.7.2 新興リーダー 215
13.7.3 普及しているプレーヤー 215
13.7.4 参加者 216
13.7.5 企業規模:主要プレーヤー、2023年 217 企業規模 217 地域別 218 中規模別 219 種類別 220 容量別 221 エンドユース産業別 222
13.8 企業評価マトリクス:スタートアップ/中小企業、2023年 223
13.8.1 先進的な企業 223
13.8.2 対応力のある企業 223
13.8.3 ダイナミックな企業 223
13.8.4 スタート地点 223
13.8.5 ベンチマーキングによる競合他社比較:スタートアップ企業/中小企業、2023年 225 主なスタートアップ企業/中小企業の詳細リスト 225 新興企業/中小企業の競合ベンチマーキング 226
13.9 競合シナリオ 227
13.9.1 製品発売 227
13.9.2 取引 228
13.9.3 拡大 229
14 企業プロフィール 231
Trane Technologies plc (Ireland)
Carrier (US)
Johnson Controls Inc. (Ireland)
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan)
Smardt Chiller Group, Inc. (Canada)
Drake Refrigeration Inc. (US)
PolyScience (US)
LG Electronics (South Korea)
Dimplex Thermal Solutions (US)
Thermax Limited (India)
15 付録 285
15.1 ディスカッションガイド 285
15.3 カスタマイズオプション 291
15.4 関連レポート 291
15.5 著者詳細 292
The market for chillers is propelled by the growing industrialization, urbanization along with immediate need of efficient energy usage systems. An upsurge in construction activities worldwide, especially in the developing world, is increasing the use of chillers for managing indoor environmental quality in business buildings and houses. Growing concerns towards energy efficiency have motivated the advances including green refrigerants and enhanced compressors. Business sectors that require temperature control use chillers, including pharmaceutical, food & beverages ,and data centers. Moreover, climate change, government regulations for energy efficacious, and enhancement of intelligent infrastructure investments across Asia-Pacific and Middle East, as well as IoT-era smart cooling technologies are creating demand for this system.
“Based on medium, air-cooled accounted to be the second largest market during the forecast period, in terms of value.”
Air-cooled chillers are the second-largest segment in the chillers market, because of their multiple application, low cost and simply installation. Although compared to water-cooled chillers, they do not need a cooling tower and complex water circulation systems, they are particularly suitable for places where water availability is restricted or water rationing is practiced. These are popular with industries and commercial facilities that require efficient and low cost cooling systems with little demand for maintenance. These chillers can especially be used in climates that are moderate and do not need extra equipment to support chillers. Technological enhancements of air-cooled chillers due to higher regards to energy and sustainability include variation in compressor speed, use of environment-friendly refrigerants, and enhanced control systems that enhance the use of air-cooled chillers. Demand for air-cooled chillers is mainly driven by data centers, healthcare, manufacturing industries where the control of temperature is very important. Moreover, expansion in the intra-urban infrastructure and mainly the accession of advanced developing countries to industrialization have made them popular in business and residential complexes. Trends such as government’s push for the enhancement of energy-efficient cooling systems and a rising infrastructure expenditure also have a positive impact on the market for chillers cementing the second biggest segment in the chillers market.
“Based on type, scroll chillers projected second largest market during the forecast period, in terms of value.”
Scroll chillers comprise the second largest market segment in chillers due to their high efficiency, compactness and versatility of operation. Such chillers incorporate scroll compressor which are reputed to have very high reliability and operational efficiency with low maintenance requirements. Owing to its design, the company’s products are easy to install due to their small size and weight and are suitable for small to mid-sized commercial and industrial applications such as business offices, shops and small scale manufacturing factories. Moreover, the noise level of scroll chillers is low, thus recommendable for installations that cause excessive noise. Another factor that has lead to their use is energy efficiency. Some common technologies of scroll chillers are variable-speed drives, by which the operating costs are decreased according to requirements. Because of this, their size is flexible which means users can simply add more of them as demand for cooling increases. Also, the raise in concern with sustainable chemical and ecological aspects to reduce green effects of refrigerants has stimulated the growth of scroll chillers as many of them conform to other regulatory measures concerning environmental protection. They are cheap to acquire and offer users notably excellent performance due to their positioning in price- performance matrix.
“Based on capacity, 300-700 kW is the fastest growing market during the forecast period, in terms of value.”
The market growth in chillers is witnessed most in the segment of 300-700 kW due to their efficiency, adaptability, and suitability for mid-sized applications. The applications of this chillers include commercial buildings, hospitals, hotels, and industries, which typically require a moderate cooling capacity. Increasing urbanization brings in more and more smart city developments along with mixed-use projects, increasing the demand for compact and efficient cooling solutions. The 300-700 kW chillers serve this purpose by providing a balance between performance and space optimization. Energy efficiency regulations and sustainability goals also contribute to the growth of this segment. This type of chiller generally comprises advanced technologies like variable speed drives and intelligent controls to minimize energy consumption and running cost. They also offer suitability towards renewable sources and environmentally friendly refrigerants as well as conform to world trends of sustainability. Urbanization further drives up demand for district cooling systems, which these chillers easily fit into. Their ability to scale up makes them popular choices for expansion of facilities. Ability to meet varied cooling needs under high energy standards makes 300-700 kW chillers an essential part of the evolution of the HVAC market, propelling it rapidly across the globe.
“Based on end-use industry, food & beverages is the fastest growing market during the forecast period, in terms of value.”
The food & beverages industry projected fastest growth-inducing segment in the chillers market since they highly need to use the products under temperature control to ascertain safety, shelf life, and the quality of the product. Chilling is a very integral part of food & beverages productions. It is used as cooling during manufacturing, storing, and transporting. Increasing consumer demand for processed, frozen, and ready-to-eat foods in urban regions is raising the usage of high-tech chilling technologies. Also, regulatory standards for food safety and hygiene are very stringent; manufacturers want to invest in efficient and reliable cooling systems. Expansion of the cold chain logistics sector across the globe is increasing the demand for chillers. The export of perishable items such as dairy, meat, and seafood by food producers has made the control of precise temperature critical. In addition, growing demand for craft beverages and premium products, such as specialty wines and beers, mandates customized chilling solutions to ensure taste and quality. Asian-Pacific and Latin America's emerging markets, which are rapidly urbanizing and witnessing changes in diet, have been major contributors to growth. The innovation of energy-efficient and eco-friendly chillers is in tune with the industry's objective of cost-effective operation and less environmental impact, thus making this product more readily adopted within the food & beverages industry.
“Based on region, Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing region in the chillers market in 2023, in terms of value.”
Asia-Pacific region is one of the fastest-growing for chillers market because of accelerated urbanization, industrialization and economic growth in the major countries. It comprises China, India, Japan, and other southeast Asian nations. The strong growth in the construction industries for the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors also boosts demand for chillers in HVAC systems. Processes requiring cooling also saw an upward surge as countries like China and India increased the setting up of their manufacturing bases. The other most important driver in the increasing demand for process cooling involves the growth in the food and beverages industry, stimulated by altered consumer preferences and heightened disposable incomes as well as developments in the cold chain logistic segment. Additionally, the Asia-Pacific region contains some of the world's fastest-growing economies, which are spending heavily on infrastructure development such as airports, malls, and data centers, where chillers are necessary to keep the environment controlled. Other initiatives of the government concerning energy efficiency and the uptake of eco-friendly technologies create additional demand for advanced chillers. Advancements in green cooling technologies and a dominant presence of key players across Asia-Pacific continue to ensure it remains an exciting, growth-oriented market for chillers.
In-depth interviews were conducted with Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), marketing directors, other innovation and technology directors, and executives from various key organizations operating in the chillers market, and information was gathered from secondary research to determine and verify the market size of several segments:
• By Company Type: Tier 1 – 40%, Tier 2 – 30%, and Tier 3 – 30%
• By Designation: Directors– 20%, Managers – 10%, and Others – 70%
• By Region: North America – 22%, Europe – 22%, APAC – 45% and RoW- 11%
The key players in this market are DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Ltd. (Japan), Trane Technologies plc (Ireland), Carrier (US), Johnson Controls Inc. (Ireland), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan), Smardt Chiller Group, Inc. (Canada), Drake Refrigeration Inc. (US), PolyScience (US), LG Electronics (South Korea), Dimplex Thermal Solutions (US), and Thermax Limited (India).
Research Coverage
This report segments the chillers market based on medium, chilling medium, type, capacity, end-use industry, and region, and provides estimations for the overall value of the market across various regions. A detailed analysis of key industry players has been conducted to provide insights into their business overviews, products and services, key strategies, new product launches, expansions, and mergers and acquisitions associated with the chillers market.
Key benefits of buying this report
This research report focuses on various levels of analysis, including industry analysis (industry trends), market ranking analysis of top players, and company profiles, which together provide an overall view of the competitive landscape, emerging and high-growth segments of the chillers market, high-growth regions, and market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
• Analysis of key drivers (Growing demand for process cooling in food and healthcare applications, Technological advancements in chillers, Increasing infrastructure development), restraints (High initial capital investment, Complexity of system installation and maintenance), opportunities (Emerging opportunities for manufacturers to produce eco-friendly chillers, Growing demand for energy-efficient and sustainable cooling solutions) and challenges (Regulations pertaining to fluorinated greenhouse gases, High energy consumption).
• Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the chillers market offered by top players in the global chillers market.
• Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming technologies, research & development activities, and new product launches in the chillers market.
• Market Development: Comprehensive information about lucrative emerging markets — the report analyzes the markets for chillers market across regions.
• Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped regions, and recent developments in the global chillers market
• Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, strategies, products, and manufacturing capabilities of leading players in the chillers market
❖ 世界のチラー市場に関するよくある質問(FAQ) ❖
→MarketsandMarkets社は「DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Ltd. (Japan)、Trane Technologies plc (Ireland)、Carrier (US)、Johnson Controls Inc. (Ireland)、Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan)、Smardt Chiller Group, Inc. (Canada)、Drake Refrigeration Inc. (US)、PolyScience (US)、LG Electronics (South Korea)、Dimplex Thermal Solutions (US)、Thermax Limited (India)など ...」をグローバルチラー市場の主要企業として認識しています。