OTC flavor preferences at a glance
OTC flavor preferences by consumption frequency
OTC flavor preferences by region
OTC flavor preferences by gender and age
OTC flavor preferences are linked to health
Opportunities by flavor type: dessert
Opportunities by flavor type: floral/herbal
Opportunities by flavor type: fruity
Opportunities by flavor type: sour
On-trend innovation: Health and Wellness
On-trend innovation: Comfort and Uncertainty
On-trend innovation: Sensory and Indulgence
OTC医薬品の香味市場 |
【英語タイトル】Flavor Appeal in Over-the-Counter Medication ; Flavor preferences and innovation opportunities | |
![]() | ・商品コード:CS1063IS ・発行会社(調査会社):Canadean ・発行日:2016年1月14日 ・ページ数:18 ・レポート言語:英語 ・レポート形式:PDF ・納品方法:Eメール ・調査対象地域:グローバル ・産業分野:製薬 |
Single User | USD995 ⇒換算¥147,260 | 見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム |
Site Price(同一国内共有可) | USD1,990 ⇒換算¥294,520 | 見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム |
Enterprise Price(複数国内共有可) | USD2,985 ⇒換算¥441,780 | 見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム |
※販売価格オプションの説明 ※お支払金額:換算金額(日本円)+消費税 ※納期:即日〜2営業日(3日以上かかる場合は別途表記又はご連絡) ※お支払方法:納品日+5日以内に請求書を発行・送付(請求書発行日より2ヶ月以内に銀行振込、振込先:三菱UFJ銀行/H&Iグローバルリサーチ株式会社、支払期限と方法は調整可能) |
OTC innovation must move beyond health functionality alone to offer sensory benefits including taste and texture. As such, pharmaceutical companies are drawing inspiration from food and drink to broaden the options available to consumers to help overcome “pill fatigue.”
Key Findings
– Flavor preference is linked to perceived healthfulness with those ingredients consumers perceive most positively for health, such as honey and green tea, featuring among the most popular flavor options.
– Floral/herbal flavors dominate the preferences of OTC consumers globally, although North American consumers exert a greater preference for fruity flavors such as berry and grape.
“Flavor Appeal in Over-the-Counter Medication” offers insight into flavor preferences within the OTC category, and explores corresponding opportunities for flavor innovation. It identifies regional- and demographic-specific nuances between preferences that can help inform efforts to target new or existing consumers.
– CONSUMER INSIGHT: Access information from our consumer surveys to evidence the appeal of different flavors
– DRIVERS: Understand the key insights and trends that are growing the market
– INNOVATION: See the best examples of innovation, linked to clearly-identified trends
Reasons To Buy
– Discover the most appealing flavors and flavor types in over-the-counter medication.
– Uncover insight into the key consumer segments that are most likely to be a key focus for innovation.
– Put flavor preferences into context by connecting them to specific consumer trends and needs.
– Gain inspiration for innovation programs and new product development.

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