
【英語タイトル】Dairy Alternatives Market Forecasts to 2030 – Global Analysis By Product (Plant-Based Milks, Plant-Based Yogurts, Plant-Based Cheeses, Plant-Based Ice Creams, Plant-Based Butters and Other Products), Form, Source, Distribution Channel, Application, End User and By Geography

Stratistics MRCが出版した調査資料(SMRC24NOV169)・商品コード:SMRC24NOV169
・発行会社(調査会社):Stratistics MRC
・ページ数:200 Pages
Single User LicenseUSD4,150 ⇒換算¥614,200見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
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❖ レポートの概要 ❖

Stratistics MRCによると、世界の乳製品代替品市場は2024年に284億3,000万ドルを占め、予測期間中の年平均成長率は12.1%で、2030年には457億5,000万ドルに達する見込みです。乳製品代替品は、従来の乳製品を置き換えるために設計された食品および飲料製品です。多くの場合、飽和脂肪やコレステロールが低い一方で、カルシウム、ビタミンD、タンパク質などの必須栄養素を提供します。乳製品代替品は菜食主義者、ベジタリアン、環境に優しい食生活をサポートし、持続可能性と動物福祉を促進します。











乳製品代替市場の主要企業には、Alpro、Oatly、Lactalis、So Delicious、Califia Farms、Ripple Foods、Elmhurst、Malk Organics、Nutpods、Vitasoy、Hain Celestial、Brew Dr. Kombucha、Rude Health、Forager Project、Synthite Industriesなどがあります。

2024年5月、乳製品の世界的リーダーであるラクタリスは、新ブランド「Enjoy! このブランドは、従来の乳製品の味と食感を忠実に模倣した高品質の製品を提供することに重点を置き、菜食主義者と非菜食主義者の両方の消費者を満足させることを目指しています。


– 植物性ミルク
– 植物性ヨーグルト
– 植物性チーズ
– 植物性アイスクリーム
– 植物性バター
– その他の製品

– 液体
– パウダー
– 冷凍
– 濃縮物

– 大豆
– アーモンド
– ココナッツ
– オート麦
– カシューナッツ
– その他の供給源

– スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット
– コンビニエンスストア
– 専門店
– オンライン小売
– その他の流通チャネル

– 飲料
– 調理・製パン材料
– 粉ミルク
– 健康食品
– その他の用途

– ベジタリアン/ビーガン消費者
– 乳糖不耐症の消費者
– 健康志向の消費者
– その他のエンドユーザー

– 北アメリカ
– ヨーロッパ
– アジア太平洋
– 南アメリカ
– 中東/アフリカ

– 地域および国レベルセグメントの市場シェア評価
– 新規参入企業への戦略的提言
– 2022年、2023年、2024年、2026年、2030年の市場データをカバー
– 市場動向(促進要因、制約要因、機会、脅威、課題、投資機会、推奨事項)
– 市場予測に基づく主要ビジネスセグメントにおける戦略的提言
– 主要な共通トレンドをマッピングした競合のランドスケープ
– 詳細な戦略、財務、最近の動向を含む企業プロファイリング
– 最新の技術進歩をマッピングしたサプライチェーン動向


❖ レポートの目次 ❖

1 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2 序文
2.1 概要
2.2 ステークホルダー
2.3 調査範囲
2.4 調査方法
2.4.1 データマイニング
2.4.2 データ分析
2.4.3 データの検証
2.4.4 リサーチアプローチ
2.5 リサーチソース
2.5.1 一次調査ソース
2.5.2 セカンダリーリサーチソース
2.5.3 前提条件
3 市場動向分析
3.1 はじめに
3.2 推進要因
3.3 抑制要因
3.4 機会
3.5 脅威
3.6 アプリケーション分析
3.7 エンドユーザー分析
3.8 新興市場
3.9 Covid-19の影響
4 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
4.1 供給者の交渉力
4.2 買い手の交渉力
4.3 代替品の脅威
4.4 新規参入の脅威
4.5 競争上のライバル関係
5 乳製品代替品の世界市場、製品別
5.1 はじめに
5.2 植物性ミルク
5.3 植物性ヨーグルト
5.4 植物性チーズ
5.5 植物性アイスクリーム
5.6 植物性バター
5.7 その他の製品
6 世界の乳製品代替品市場、形態別
6.1 はじめに
6.2 液体
6.3 粉末
6.4 冷凍
6.5 濃縮物
7 世界の乳製品代替品市場、供給源別
7.1 はじめに
7.2 大豆
7.3 アーモンド
7.4 ココナッツ
7.5 オート麦
7.6 カシューナッツ
7.7 その他の原料
8 世界の乳製品代替品市場、流通チャネル別
8.1 はじめに
8.2 スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット
8.3 コンビニエンスストア
8.4 専門店
8.5 オンライン小売
8.6 その他の流通チャネル
9 乳製品代替品の世界市場、用途別
9.1 はじめに
9.2 飲料
9.3 調理・製パン材料
9.4 粉ミルク
9.5 健康・ウェルネス製品
9.6 その他の用途
10 乳製品代替品の世界市場、エンドユーザー別
10.1 はじめに
10.2 ベジタリアン/ビーガン消費者
10.3 乳糖不耐症の消費者
10.4 健康志向の消費者
10.5 その他のエンドユーザー
11 乳製品代替品の世界市場、地域別
11.1 はじめに
11.2 北アメリカ
11.2.1 アメリカ
11.2.2 カナダ
11.2.3 メキシコ
11.3 ヨーロッパ
11.3.1 ドイツ
11.3.2 イギリス
11.3.3 イタリア
11.3.4 フランス
11.3.5 スペイン
11.3.6 その他のヨーロッパ
11.4 アジア太平洋
11.4.1 日本
11.4.2 中国
11.4.3 インド
11.4.4 オーストラリア
11.4.5 ニュージーランド
11.4.6 韓国
11.4.7 その他のアジア太平洋地域
11.5 南アメリカ
11.5.1 アルゼンチン
11.5.2 ブラジル
11.5.3 チリ
11.5.4 その他の南アメリカ地域
11.6 中東/アフリカ
11.6.1 サウジアラビア
11.6.2 アラブ首長国連邦
11.6.3 カタール
11.6.4 南アフリカ
11.6.5 その他の中東/アフリカ地域
12 主要開発
12.1 契約、パートナーシップ、提携、合弁事業
12.2 買収と合併
12.3 新製品上市
12.4 拡張
12.5 その他の主要戦略
13 企業プロフィール
13.1 Alpro
13.2 Oatly
13.3 Lactalis
13.4 So Delicious
13.5 Califia Farms
13.6 Ripple Foods
13.7 Elmhurst
13.8 Malk Organics
13.9 Nutpods
13.10 Vitasoy
13.11 Hain Celestial
13.12 Brew Dr. Kombucha
13.13 Rude Health
13.14 Forager Project
13.15 Synthite Industries
表1 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、地域別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表2 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表3 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、植物性ミルク別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表4 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、植物ベースのヨーグルト別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表5 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、植物ベースのチーズ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表6 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、植物ベースのアイスクリーム別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表7 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、植物ベースのバター別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表8 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、その他の製品別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表9 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、形態別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表10 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、液体別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表11 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、粉末別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表12 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望:冷凍(2022-2030年)別 ($MN)
表13 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、濃縮物別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表14 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、ソース別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表15 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、大豆別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表16 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、アーモンド別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表17 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、ココナッツ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表18 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、オート麦別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表19 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、カシューナッツ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表20 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、その他の原料別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表21 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、流通チャネル別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表22 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望:スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表23 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、コンビニエンスストア別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表24 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、専門店別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表25 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、オンライン小売業別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表26 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、その他の流通チャネル別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表27 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、用途別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表28 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、飲料別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表29 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、料理・製パン材料別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表30 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、乳児用粉ミルク別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表31 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、健康・ウェルネス製品別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表32 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、その他の用途別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表33 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、エンドユーザー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表34 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、ベジタリアン/ビーガン消費者別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表35 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、乳糖不耐症消費者別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表36 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、健康志向消費者別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表37 乳製品代替品の世界市場展望、その他のエンドユーザー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)

According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Dairy Alternatives Market is accounted for $28.43 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach $45.75 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 12.1% during the forecast period. Dairy alternatives are food and beverage products designed to replace traditional dairy items. They often provide essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and protein while being lower in saturated fat and cholesterol. Dairy alternatives support vegan, vegetarian, and eco-friendly diets, promoting sustainability and animal welfare.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, approximately 8 million people followed a vegetarian diet and 1.58 million people followed a vegan diet in 2022.

Market Dynamics:

Increasing health and wellness trends
As people become more conscious of diet-related health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, they seek alternatives that are lower in saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories. Dairy alternatives, rich in vitamins, minerals, and often fortified with additional nutrients, cater to these demands. This shift is supported by increasing awareness of the benefits of plant-based diets and the desire to avoid additives and hormones found in traditional dairy, propelling market expansion and innovation.

Nutritional concerns
Nutritional concerns in dairy alternatives arise from potential deficiencies in key nutrients such as protein, calcium, and vitamins compared to traditional dairy products. Some plant-based options may have lower protein content or lack essential nutrients unless fortified. These nutritional gaps can deter health-conscious consumers and create skepticism about the benefits of dairy alternatives. Consequently, such concerns may hamper market growth by limiting consumer acceptance and leading to lower sales.

Growing adoption of vegan and vegetarian lifestyles
Since more consumers choose to avoid animal products for health, ethical, and environmental reasons, they seek substitutes for traditional dairy items. This shift drives innovation and expansion in dairy alternatives, as companies develop diverse options like almond, soy, oat, and coconut-based products. Increased consumer awareness and demand fuel market growth, prompting retailers to stock a broader range of alternatives and making these products more accessible. The trend also attracts investments, further supporting market development and innovation.

Consumer skepticism
Consumer skepticism toward dairy alternatives often stems from concerns about taste, texture, and nutritional value compared to traditional dairy products. Some consumers doubt the efficacy of plant-based options in providing essential nutrients or find them less satisfying. This skepticism can limit market growth by hindering widespread adoption and reducing overall demand. Additionally, negative perceptions may lead to slower acceptance and lower sales, impacting the incentives for innovation and investment in the dairy alternatives sector.

Covid-19 Impact
The covid-19 pandemic boosted the dairy alternatives market as consumer’s prioritized health and wellness, leading to increased demand for plant-based products. Supply chain disruptions briefly impacted availability, but the market quickly adapted. Online shopping surged, further driving sales. The pandemic's emphasis on sustainable and immune-supporting foods solidified dairy alternatives as a growing segment, with heightened awareness of dietary choices contributing to long-term market expansion.

The almond segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
The almond segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth. Almond-based dairy alternatives are popular for their mild flavor, creamy texture, and nutritional benefits, including vitamin E and calcium. They encompass a range of products like milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. Favoured for being low in calories and cholesterol-free, almond alternatives cater to health-conscious consumers and those with lactose intolerance. Sustainable farming practices and widespread availability boost their appeal, making them a significant segment in the dairy alternatives market.

The vegetarian/vegan consumers segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The vegetarian/vegan consumers segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR growth during the forecast period. Dairy alternatives provide substitutes for milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream without animal products. These alternatives align with ethical and environmental values by avoiding animal exploitation and reducing carbon footprints. They offer essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, and vitamins while catering to diverse dietary preferences. The growing availability and innovation in flavor and texture make these products a staple in vegan and vegetarian diets, supporting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Region with largest share:
The Asia Pacific dairy alternatives market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by rising lactose intolerance, health consciousness, and plant-based diet adoption. Countries like China, India, and Japan lead in demand due to increasing urbanization and disposable incomes. Soy, almond, and coconut-based products are particularly popular. E-commerce expansion and growing awareness of environmental sustainability further propel the market. Regulatory support and investments in plant-based food start-ups are also key factors boosting growth in the region.

Region with highest CAGR:
The North American dairy alternatives market is expanding rapidly, fuelled by rising health awareness, lactose intolerance, and veganism. The U.S. and Canada lead in consumption, with strong demand for almond, soy, oat, and coconut-based products. Retail giants and e-commerce platforms boost accessibility, while investment in plant-based start-ups drives growth. Regulatory support and increasing availability of fortified options further solidify the market's presence in North America.

Key players in the market
Some of the key players profiled in the Dairy Alternatives Market include Alpro, Oatly, Lactalis, So Delicious, Califia Farms, Ripple Foods, Elmhurst, Malk Organics, Nutpods, Vitasoy, Hain Celestial, Brew Dr. Kombucha, Rude Health, Forager Project and Synthite Industries.

Key Developments:
In May 2024, Lactalis, a global leader in dairy products, has recently entered the plant-based market with its new brand, “Enjoy!”. The brand focuses on delivering high-quality products that closely mimic the taste and texture of conventional dairy, aiming to satisfy both vegan and non-vegan consumers.

In June 2023, Synthite Industries has ventured into the plant-based dairy alternatives and plant-protein sector through a joint venture (JV) with PMEDS and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). This strategic move marks Synthite’s expansion into the growing plant-based food market.

Product Covered:
• Plant-Based Milks
• Plant-Based Yogurts
• Plant-Based Cheeses
• Plant-Based Ice Creams
• Plant-Based Butters
• Other Products

Forms Covered:
• Liquid
• Powder
• Frozen
• Concentrates

Sources Covered:
• Soy
• Almond
• Coconut
• Oat
• Cashew
• Other Sources

Distribution Channels Covered:
• Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
• Convenience Stores
• Specialty Stores
• Online Retail
• Other Distribution Channels

Applications Covered:
• Beverages
• Cooking & Baking Ingredients
• Infant Formula
• Health & Wellness Products
• Other Applications

End Users Covered:
• Vegetarian/Vegan Consumers
• Lactose-Intolerant Consumers
• Health-Conscious Consumers
• Other End Users

Regions Covered:
• North America
• Europe
Rest of Europe
• Asia Pacific
New Zealand
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
• South America
Rest of South America
• Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa

What our report offers:
- Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments
- Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
- Covers Market data for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, and 2030
- Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
- Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
- Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
- Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
- Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements

1 Executive Summary
2 Preface
2.1 Abstract
2.2 Stake Holders
2.3 Research Scope
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1 Data Mining
2.4.2 Data Analysis
2.4.3 Data Validation
2.4.4 Research Approach
2.5 Research Sources
2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
2.5.3 Assumptions
3 Market Trend Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drivers
3.3 Restraints
3.4 Opportunities
3.5 Threats
3.6 Application Analysis
3.7 End User Analysis
3.8 Emerging Markets
3.9 Impact of Covid-19
4 Porters Five Force Analysis
4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
4.3 Threat of substitutes
4.4 Threat of new entrants
4.5 Competitive rivalry
5 Global Dairy Alternatives Market, By Product
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Plant-Based Milks
5.3 Plant-Based Yogurts
5.4 Plant-Based Cheeses
5.5 Plant-Based Ice Creams
5.6 Plant-Based Butters
5.7 Other Products
6 Global Dairy Alternatives Market, By Form
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Liquid
6.3 Powder
6.4 Frozen
6.5 Concentrates
7 Global Dairy Alternatives Market, By Source
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Soy
7.3 Almond
7.4 Coconut
7.5 Oat
7.6 Cashew
7.7 Other Sources
8 Global Dairy Alternatives Market, By Distribution Channel
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
8.3 Convenience Stores
8.4 Specialty Stores
8.5 Online Retail
8.6 Other Distribution Channels
9 Global Dairy Alternatives Market, By Application
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Beverages
9.3 Cooking & Baking Ingredients
9.4 Infant Formula
9.5 Health & Wellness Products
9.6 Other Applications
10 Global Dairy Alternatives Market, By End User
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Vegetarian/Vegan Consumers
10.3 Lactose-Intolerant Consumers
10.4 Health-Conscious Consumers
10.5 Other End Users
11 Global Dairy Alternatives Market, By Geography
11.1 Introduction
11.2 North America
11.2.1 US
11.2.2 Canada
11.2.3 Mexico
11.3 Europe
11.3.1 Germany
11.3.2 UK
11.3.3 Italy
11.3.4 France
11.3.5 Spain
11.3.6 Rest of Europe
11.4 Asia Pacific
11.4.1 Japan
11.4.2 China
11.4.3 India
11.4.4 Australia
11.4.5 New Zealand
11.4.6 South Korea
11.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
11.5 South America
11.5.1 Argentina
11.5.2 Brazil
11.5.3 Chile
11.5.4 Rest of South America
11.6 Middle East & Africa
11.6.1 Saudi Arabia
11.6.2 UAE
11.6.3 Qatar
11.6.4 South Africa
11.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa
12 Key Developments
12.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
12.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
12.3 New Product Launch
12.4 Expansions
12.5 Other Key Strategies
13 Company Profiling
13.1 Alpro
13.2 Oatly
13.3 Lactalis
13.4 So Delicious
13.5 Califia Farms
13.6 Ripple Foods
13.7 Elmhurst
13.8 Malk Organics
13.9 Nutpods
13.10 Vitasoy
13.11 Hain Celestial
13.12 Brew Dr. Kombucha
13.13 Rude Health
13.14 Forager Project
13.15 Synthite Industries
List of Tables
Table 1 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Region (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 2 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Product (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 3 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Plant-Based Milks (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 4 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Plant-Based Yogurts (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 5 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Plant-Based Cheeses (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 6 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Plant-Based Ice Creams (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 7 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Plant-Based Butters (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 8 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Other Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 9 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Form (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 10 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Liquid (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 11 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Powder (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 12 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Frozen (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 13 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Concentrates (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 14 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Source (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 15 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Soy (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 16 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Almond (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 17 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Coconut (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 18 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Oat (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 19 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Cashew (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 20 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Other Sources (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 21 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Distribution Channel (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 22 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Supermarkets/Hypermarkets (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 23 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Convenience Stores (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 24 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Specialty Stores (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 25 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Online Retail (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 26 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Other Distribution Channels (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 27 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Application (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 28 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Beverages (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 29 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Cooking & Baking Ingredients (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 30 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Infant Formula (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 31 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Health & Wellness Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 32 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 33 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By End User (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 34 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Vegetarian/Vegan Consumers (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 35 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Lactose-Intolerant Consumers (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 36 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Health-Conscious Consumers (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 37 Global Dairy Alternatives Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2022-2030) ($MN)
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.

★調査レポート[世界の乳製品代替品市場(~2030年):製品別(植物性ミルク、植物性ヨーグルト、植物性チーズ、植物性アイスクリーム、植物性バター、その他)、形態別、供給源別、流通経路別、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別] (コード:SMRC24NOV169)販売に関する免責事項を必ずご確認ください。
