1 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2 序文
2.1 概要
2.2 ステークホルダー
2.3 調査範囲
2.4 調査方法
2.4.1 データマイニング
2.4.2 データ分析
2.4.3 データの検証
2.4.4 リサーチアプローチ
2.5 リサーチソース
2.5.1 一次調査ソース
2.5.2 セカンダリーリサーチソース
2.5.3 前提条件
3 市場動向分析
3.1 はじめに
3.2 推進要因
3.3 抑制要因
3.4 機会
3.5 脅威
3.6 技術分析
3.7 アプリケーション分析
3.8 エンドユーザー分析
3.9 新興市場
3.10 Covid-19の影響
4 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
4.1 供給者の交渉力
4.2 買い手の交渉力
4.3 代替品の脅威
4.4 新規参入の脅威
4.5 競争上のライバル
5 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場、装置タイプ別
5.1 はじめに
5.2 セファロCBCTシステム
5.3 ハンドヘルドCBCT装置
5.4 歯内治療用CBCTシステム
5.5 AIエンハンスドCBCTシステム
5.6 小型床置き型CBCTユニット
5.7 その他の装置タイプ
6 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場:検出器タイプ別
6.1 導入
6.2 フラットパネルイメージャ(FPI)
6.3 イメージインテンシファイア検出器(IID)
6.4 電荷結合素子(CCD)検出器
6.5 CMOS(相補型金属酸化膜半導体)検出器
7 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場、技術別
7.1 はじめに
7.2 コーンビームイメージング
7.3 マルチスライス
7.4 デュアルエネルギー
7.5 3Dイメージング
7.6 低線量イメージング
7.7 その他の技術
8 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場、用途別
8.1 はじめに
8.2 歯科矯正
8.3 インプラント
8.4 口腔外科および顎顔面外科
8.5 歯内療法学
8.6 歯周病学
8.7 その他の用途
9 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場、エンドユーザー別
9.1 はじめに
9.2 歯科医院
9.3 病院
9.4 研究・学術機関
9.5 歯科研究所
9.6 その他のエンドユーザー
10 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場、地域別
10.1 はじめに
10.2 北米
10.2.1 アメリカ
10.2.2 カナダ
10.2.3 メキシコ
10.3 ヨーロッパ
10.3.1 ドイツ
10.3.2 イギリス
10.3.3 イタリア
10.3.4 フランス
10.3.5 スペイン
10.3.6 その他のヨーロッパ
10.4 アジア太平洋
10.4.1 日本
10.4.2 中国
10.4.3 インド
10.4.4 オーストラリア
10.4.5 ニュージーランド
10.4.6 韓国
10.4.7 その他のアジア太平洋地域
10.5 南米
10.5.1 アルゼンチン
10.5.2 ブラジル
10.5.3 チリ
10.5.4 その他の南米地域
10.6 中東・アフリカ
10.6.1 サウジアラビア
10.6.2 アラブ首長国連邦
10.6.3 カタール
10.6.4 南アフリカ
10.6.5 その他の中東・アフリカ地域
11 主要開発
11.1 契約、パートナーシップ、提携、合弁事業
11.2 買収と合併
11.3 新製品上市
11.4 事業拡大
11.5 その他の主要戦略
12 企業プロファイリング
3D Systems
Dental Imaging Technologies Corporation
Carestream Dental
Owandy Radiology
Noble Biocare
Imaging Sciences International
Suni Medical Imaging
Babylon Dental Care.
表1 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:地域別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表2 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:装置タイプ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表3 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:セファロメトリックCBCTシステム別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表4 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:ハンドヘルドCBCT装置別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表5 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:歯内治療用CBCTシステム別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表6 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:AI強化CBCTシステム別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表7 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:小型床置き型CBCTユニット別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表8 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:その他の装置タイプ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表9 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:検出器タイプ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表10 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:フラットパネルイメージャ(FPI)別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表11 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:イメージインテンシファイアディテクタ(IID)別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表12 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:電荷結合素子(CCD)検出器別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表13 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:相補型金属酸化膜半導体(CMOS)検出器別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表14 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:技術別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表15 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:コーンビームイメージング別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表16 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:マルチスライス別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表17 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:デュアルエネルギー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表18 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:3Dイメージング別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表19 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:低線量イメージング別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表20 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:その他の技術別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表21 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:用途別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表22 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:歯科矯正 (2022-2030年) ($MN)
表23 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:インプラント治療別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表24 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:口腔外科・顎顔面外科別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表25 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:歯内療法 (2022-2030年) ($MN)
表26 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:歯周病科別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表27 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:その他の用途別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表28 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:エンドユーザー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表29 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:歯科医院別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表30 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:病院別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表31 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:研究・学術機関別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表32 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:歯科技工所別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表33 歯科用コーンビームCT(CBCT)の世界市場展望:その他のエンドユーザー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
According to The Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, a joint initiative by multiple organizations working in the European dental health domain, over 50% of Europe's population is projected to experience periodontitis. Approximately 10% is expected to encounter severe disease, as the prevalence is increasing to 70 to 85% of the population over 60- 65.
Market Dynamics:
Increasing prevalence of dental disorders
The increasing prevalence of dental disorders is significantly driving the growth of market. As dental issues such as periodontal disease, malocclusion, and oral cancers become more common, the demand for precise diagnostic tools rises. It’s ability to provide detailed 3D images enhances treatment planning and improves patient outcomes, making it a preferred choice. This trend reflects a broader shift towards advanced imaging technologies to better address complex dental conditions and improve overall oral health care.
Lack of standardization
The lack of standardization in the market poses significant challenges, leading to inconsistencies in image quality, interpretation, and clinical outcomes. Without universally accepted protocols, variations in equipment calibration and imaging techniques can result in diagnostic inaccuracies, potentially compromising patient care. This inconsistency may also hinder the integration of CBCT findings into treatment planning and research, limiting the technology’s effectiveness.
Growing demand for cosmetic dentistry
The growing demand for cosmetic dentistry is significantly boosting the market. As patients increasingly seek aesthetic improvements, such as teeth alignment, and smile makeovers, the need for precise imaging becomes paramount. Its ability to provide detailed 3D representations of dental structures allows for enhanced treatment planning and outcomes in cosmetic procedures. This trend reflects a broader societal focus on oral aesthetics, driving dental professionals to adopt advanced imaging technologies to meet patient expectations effectively.
Radiation exposure
Radiation exposure is a notable concern in the market, potentially deterring patients from undergoing necessary imaging procedures. Although CBCT typically involves lower radiation doses compared to conventional CT scans, repeated exposure can still pose risks, particularly to vulnerable populations such as children and pregnant women. This apprehension may lead to underdiagnosis or delayed treatment of dental conditions, ultimately compromising patient care.
Covid-19 Impact:
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the market by disrupting dental practices and reducing patient visits due to health concerns. Initially, many dental procedures, including imaging, were postponed or canceled, leading to a temporary decline in CBCT usage. However, as safety protocols and tele-dentistry emerged, the demand for accurate diagnostics increased, driving innovation in CBCT technology. The pandemic has also heightened awareness of infection control, prompting advancements in equipment and sterilization processes, which may reshape the market's future.
The cone beam imaging segment is projected to be the largest during the forecast period
The cone beam imaging segment is projected to account for the largest market share during the projection period. This technology utilizes a cone-shaped X-ray beam to capture detailed images in a single rotation, significantly improving diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning. Cone beam imaging enhances the visualization of complex dental anatomy, facilitating procedures such as implant placements, orthodontic assessments, and surgical planning.
The implantology segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The implantology segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the extrapolated period. CBCT provides detailed three-dimensional views of the jawbone, enabling dental professionals to assess bone quality, quantity, and anatomical structures with accuracy. This information is crucial for successful implant planning, reducing complications and improving patient outcomes. As the demand for dental implants rises, the role of CBCT in streamlining the implantology process continues to expand.
Region with largest share:
North America region is projected to account for the largest market share during the forecast period. Enhanced accuracy in treatment planning, particularly for implantology and orthodontics, is propelling adoption among dental practitioners. Additionally, the region's focus on patient-centered care and improved outcomes further boosts demand. Innovations in technology, along with favorable reimbursement policies, are also contributing to the market’s expansion.
Region with highest CAGR:
Asia Pacific is expected to register the highest growth rate over the forecast period due to rise in dental problems. Innovations such as enhanced image quality, reduced radiation exposure, and compact equipment are making CBCT systems more accessible and effective for dental practices. CBCT technology is increasingly being utilized across various dental applications, including implantology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, and forensic dentistry, further propelling market growth.
Key players in the market
Some of the key players in Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) market include 3D Systems, Acteon, Trident, Dental Imaging Technologies Corporation, Carestream Dental, Owandy Radiology, Planmeca, Noble Biocare, Imaging Sciences International, Suni Medical Imaging, Formlabs , EnvisionTEC and Babylon Dental Care.
Key Developments:
In February 2024, Carestream Dental launched the CS 8200 3D Access, an advanced four-in-one CBCT system built on user-friendly imaging technology at AEEDC Dubai.
In May 2023, Babylon Dental Care announced the acquisition of a cutting-edge Cone Beam Computed Tomography machine. This advanced diagnostic tool would improve the precision and efficiency of dental treatment planning.
Device Types Covered:
• Cephalometric CBCT Systems
• Handheld CBCT Devices
• Endodontic CBCT Systems
• AI-Enhanced CBCT Systems
• Compact Floor-Standing CBCT Units
• Other Device Types
Detector Types Covered:
• Flat-Panel Imager (FPI)
• Image Intensifier Detector (IID)
• Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Detectors
• Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Detectors
Technologies Covered:
• Cone Beam Imaging
• Multi-Slice
• Dual Energy
• 3D Imaging
• Low-Dose Imaging
• Other Technologies
Applications Covered:
• Orthodontics
• Implantology
• Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
• Endodontics
• Periodontics
• Other Applications
End Users Covered:
• Dental Clinics
• Hospitals
• Research and Academic Institutions
• Dental Laboratories
• Other End Users
Regions Covered:
• North America
• Europe
Rest of Europe
• Asia Pacific
New Zealand
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
• South America
Rest of South America
• Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
What our report offers:
- Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments
- Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
- Covers Market data for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, and 2030
- Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
- Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
- Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
- Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
- Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements
1 Executive Summary
2 Preface
2.1 Abstract
2.2 Stake Holders
2.3 Research Scope
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1 Data Mining
2.4.2 Data Analysis
2.4.3 Data Validation
2.4.4 Research Approach
2.5 Research Sources
2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
2.5.3 Assumptions
3 Market Trend Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drivers
3.3 Restraints
3.4 Opportunities
3.5 Threats
3.6 Technology Analysis
3.7 Application Analysis
3.8 End User Analysis
3.9 Emerging Markets
3.10 Impact of Covid-19
4 Porters Five Force Analysis
4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
4.3 Threat of substitutes
4.4 Threat of new entrants
4.5 Competitive rivalry
5 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market, By Device Type
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Cephalometric CBCT Systems
5.3 Handheld CBCT Devices
5.4 Endodontic CBCT Systems
5.5 AI-Enhanced CBCT Systems
5.6 Compact Floor-Standing CBCT Units
5.7 Other Device Types
6 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market, By Detector Type
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Flat-Panel Imager (FPI)
6.3 Image Intensifier Detector (IID)
6.4 Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Detectors
6.5 Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Detectors
7 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market, By Technology
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Cone Beam Imaging
7.3 Multi-Slice
7.4 Dual Energy
7.5 3D Imaging
7.6 Low-Dose Imaging
7.7 Other Technologies
8 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market, By Application
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Orthodontics
8.3 Implantology
8.4 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
8.5 Endodontics
8.6 Periodontics
8.7 Other Applications
9 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market, By End User
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Dental Clinics
9.3 Hospitals
9.4 Research and Academic Institutions
9.5 Dental Laboratories
9.6 Other End Users
10 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market, By Geography
10.1 Introduction
10.2 North America
10.2.1 US
10.2.2 Canada
10.2.3 Mexico
10.3 Europe
10.3.1 Germany
10.3.2 UK
10.3.3 Italy
10.3.4 France
10.3.5 Spain
10.3.6 Rest of Europe
10.4 Asia Pacific
10.4.1 Japan
10.4.2 China
10.4.3 India
10.4.4 Australia
10.4.5 New Zealand
10.4.6 South Korea
10.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
10.5 South America
10.5.1 Argentina
10.5.2 Brazil
10.5.3 Chile
10.5.4 Rest of South America
10.6 Middle East & Africa
10.6.1 Saudi Arabia
10.6.2 UAE
10.6.3 Qatar
10.6.4 South Africa
10.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa
11 Key Developments
11.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
11.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
11.3 New Product Launch
11.4 Expansions
11.5 Other Key Strategies
12 Company Profiling
12.1 3D Systems
12.2 Acteon
12.3 Trident
12.4 Dental Imaging Technologies Corporation
12.5 Carestream Dental
12.6 Owandy Radiology
12.7 Planmeca
12.8 Noble Biocare
12.9 Imaging Sciences International
12.10 Suni Medical Imaging
12.11 Formlabs
12.12 EnvisionTEC
12.13 Babylon Dental Care
List of Tables
Table 1 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Region (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 2 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Device Type (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 3 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Cephalometric CBCT Systems (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 4 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Handheld CBCT Devices (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 5 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Endodontic CBCT Systems (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 6 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By AI-Enhanced CBCT Systems (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 7 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Compact Floor-Standing CBCT Units (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 8 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Other Device Types (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 9 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Detector Type (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 10 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Flat-Panel Imager (FPI) (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 11 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Image Intensifier Detector (IID) (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 12 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Detectors (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 13 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Detectors (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 14 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Technology (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 15 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Cone Beam Imaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 16 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Multi-Slice (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 17 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Dual Energy (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 18 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By 3D Imaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 19 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Low-Dose Imaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 20 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Other Technologies (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 21 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Application (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 22 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Orthodontics (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 23 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Implantology (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 24 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 25 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Endodontics (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 26 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Periodontics (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 27 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 28 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By End User (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 29 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Dental Clinics (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 30 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Hospitals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 31 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Research and Academic Institutions (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 32 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Dental Laboratories (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 33 Global Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2022-2030) ($MN)
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.