1 はじめに 24
1.1 調査目的 24
1.2 市場定義 24
1.3 調査範囲 25
1.3.1 対象市場と地域範囲 25
1.3.2 対象範囲と除外範囲 26
1.3.3 対象年 27
1.4 対象通貨 28
1.5 対象単位 28
1.6 制限事項 28
1.7 利害関係者 28
1.8 変更の概要 29
2 調査方法 30
2.1 調査データ 30
2.1.1 二次データ 31 主要な二次情報源の一覧 31 二次情報源からの主要データ 31
2.1.2 一次データ 32 一次インタビュー参加者の一覧 32 一次情報源からの主要データ 33 業界の主要な洞察 34 一次情報の内訳 35
2.2 市場規模の推定方法論 36
2.2.1 ボトムアップ・アプローチ 36 地域分析 37 国レベルの分析 38 需要サイドの想定 38 需要サイドの計算 38
2.2.2 トップダウン・アプローチ 39 供給サイドの想定 41 供給サイドの計算 41
2.3 市場の細分化とデータ・トライアングル 42
2.4 予測 43
2.5 調査の前提条件 43
2.6 リスク分析 43
2.7 調査の限界 43
3 エグゼクティブサマリー 44
4 プレミアムインサイト 50
4.1 電気ブッシング市場における魅力的な機会 50
4.2 アジア太平洋地域における電気ブッシング市場:種類別&国別 51
4.3 電気ブッシング市場:種類別 51
4.4 電気ブッシング市場:絶縁材料別 52
4.5 電気ブッシング市場、電圧別 52
4.6 電気ブッシング市場、用途別 52
4.7 電気ブッシング市場、エンドユーザー別 53
4.8 電気ブッシング市場、地域別 53
5 市場概要 54
5.1 はじめに 54
5.2 市場力学 55
5.2.1 推進要因 55 工業化による信頼性の高い電力への需要の高まり 55 老朽化した送電網インフラの急速な近代化 57 高圧および超高圧送電プロジェクトへの注目度の高まり 58
5.2.2 抑制要因 59 初期費用および先行費用の高額さ 59 低コストの代替手段の存在 60
5.2.3 機会 60 電力網への再生可能エネルギーの統合の増加 60 スマートグリッドインフラの拡大への重点の移行 63 新興経済圏における急速な産業成長 63
5.2.4 課題 64 複雑な製造およびカスタマイズ要件 64 メンテナンスおよび交換に関連する課題 65
5.3 顧客のビジネスに影響を与えるトレンド/破壊的イノベーション 66
5.4 生態系分析 68
5.5 価格分析 70
5.5.1 電気絶縁ブッシングの疾患別価格(2023年) 70
5.5.2 電気ブッシングの平均販売価格動向、地域別、2021年~2023年 71
5.6 投資と資金調達のシナリオ 71
5.7 サプライチェーン分析 72
5.8 技術分析 75
5.8.1 主要技術 75 先進的断熱技術 75 スマート・ブッシング 76
5.8.2 隣接技術 77 付加製造 77
5.9 2025年~2026年の主要な会議およびイベント 78
5.10 関税および規制の概観 80
5.10.1 関税分析(HSコード 854620) 80
5.10.2 規制当局、政府機関、その他の組織 81
5.10.3 規約および規制 84
5.11 貿易分析 85
5.11.1 輸入シナリオ(HSコード854620) 85
5.11.2 輸出シナリオ(HSコード854620) 86
5.12 特許分析 88
5.13 ポーターのファイブフォース分析 92
5.13.1 新規参入者の脅威 93
5.13.2 代替品の脅威 93
5.13.3 サプライヤーの交渉力 93
5.13.4 バイヤーの交渉力 94
5.13.5 競争の激しさ 94
5.14 主要な利害関係者と購買基準 94
5.14.1 購買プロセスにおける主要関係者 94
5.14.2 購買基準 95
5.15 ケーススタディ分析 96
5.15.1 ヨーロッパのユーティリティ企業がBIITブッシングを導入し、高圧システムの運用効率を向上 96
5.15.2 シーメンスのブッシングにより、テクニシェ・ベトリーブ・グラールス・ノルトは安全で持続可能な電力供給を実現し、グリッドの透明性を向上させます。
5.16 ジェネリックAI/AIが電気用ブッシング市場に与える影響
5.17 マクロ経済の見通し
5.17.1 GDPの見通し 99
5.17.2 研究開発費 99
5.17.3 エンドユーザー別投資 100
5.17.4 電力セクターの成長 101
6 用途別電気ブッシング市場 102
6.1 はじめに 103
6.2 変圧器 104
6.2.1 セグメント成長を促進する送電網インフラの拡大 104
6.3 開閉器 105
6.3.1 急速な工業化と都市化がセグメント成長を促進 105
6.4 その他の用途 106
7 エンドユーザー別電気ブッシング市場 108
7.1 はじめに 109
7.2 ユーティリティ 110
7.2.1 再生可能エネルギー源の普及拡大がセグメント成長を後押し 110
7.3 産業用 111
7.3.1 市場成長を促進する自動化とデジタル化への重点化 111
7.4 商業用 112
7.4.1 需要を促進するエネルギー効率の高い持続可能な建物の建設増加 112
7.5 データセンター 113
7.5.1 市場を牽引する途切れない効率的な電力供給システムへのニーズの高まり 113
7.6 再生可能エネルギー 114
7.6.1 自家発電におけるクリーンエネルギー源への依存度の高まりがセグメント成長を促進 114
7.7 その他のエンドユーザー 116
8 絶縁材料別電気ブッシング市場 118
8.1 はじめに 119
8.2 磁器 120
8.2.1 燃料需要に対する送電および配電システムの運用信頼性 120
8.3 ポリマー 121
8.3.1 セグメント成長を促進する柔軟性と軽量性の向上 121
8.4 ガラス 122
8.4.1 耐久性、耐薬品性、誘電性能がセグメント成長を促進 122
9 電気ブッシング市場、種類別 124
9.1 はじめに 125
9.2 含油紙ブッシング 126
9.2.1 コスト効率性とより長い稼働寿命がセグメント成長を加速させる 126
9.3 樹脂含浸紙製ブッシング 127
9.3.1 再生可能エネルギー消費の増加と送電網の近代化が需要を促進する 127
9.4 その他の種類 129
10 電圧別電気絶縁ブッシング市場 131
10.1 はじめに 132
10.2 最大 36KV 133
10.2.1 市場を牽引する都市インフラの近代化への重点化 133
10.3 37~230 KV 134
10.3.1 都市化、工業化、国境を越えたエネルギー取引の増加がセグメント成長を促進 134
10.4 230 KV超 135
10.4.1 セグメント成長を促進する長距離送電の必要性が高まる 135
11 地域別電気ブッシング市場 137
11.1 はじめに 138
11.2 アジア太平洋地域 141
11.2.1 中国 146 需要を加速させる送電網近代化への戦略的注力 146
11.2.2 インド 147 急速な都市化とエネルギー需要が市場成長を後押し 147
11.2.3 日本 148 エネルギー転換と送電網近代化が市場を牽引 148
11.2.4 オーストラリア 150 市場成長を促進する堅牢な電力インフラへのニーズの高まり 150
11.2.5 アジア太平洋地域その他 151
11.3 北米 152
11.3.1 米国 158 市場成長を加速させるクリーンエネルギーへの投資 158
11.3.2 カナダ 159 市場成長を支える先進的な電気ブッシングの展開 159
11.3.3 メキシコ 160 市場を牽引する急速なインフラ開発 160
11.4 ヨーロッパ 162
11.4.1 ドイツ 167 グリーンエネルギーへの投資増加が市場成長を加速 167
11.4.2 イギリス 168 送電網の拡大に焦点が当たることで市場が促進 168
11.4.3 フランス 169 脱炭素化目標を達成するための再生可能エネルギー消費の増加が需要を促進 169
11.4.4 ヨーロッパのその他地域 170
11.5 中東・アフリカ 172
11.5.1 GCC 176 サウジアラビア 177 市場成長を促進するための再生可能エネルギーとインフラ近代化への重点強化 177 アラブ首長国連邦 179 市場を牽引する先進的電気インフラの急速な開発 179 その他GCC諸国 180
11.5.2 南アフリカ 182 再生可能エネルギーの発電量の増加が市場成長を促進 182
11.5.3 中東・アフリカその他 183
11.6 南アメリカ 185
11.6.1 ブラジル 190 需要を促進するための野心的な政策と電力インフラへの投資 190
11.6.2 アルゼンチン 191 市場成長を促進するための自家発電における再生可能エネルギー源への依存度の高まり 191
11.6.3 南米その他 193
12 競合状況 195
12.1 はじめに 195
12.2 収益分析、2019年~2023年 199
12.3 市場シェア分析、2023年 200
12.4 企業評価および財務指標、2024年 203
12.5 製品比較 204
12.6 企業評価マトリクス:主要企業、2023年 205
12.6.1 星 205
12.6.2 新興のリーダー 205
12.6.3 普及しているプレーヤー 205
12.6.4 参加者 205
12.6.5 企業規模:主要プレーヤー、2023年 207 企業規模 207 地域別 208 種類別 209 用途別 210 電圧別 211
12.7 企業評価マトリクス:新興企業/中小企業、2023年 212
12.7.1 進歩的な企業 212
12.7.2 対応力のある企業 212
12.7.3 ダイナミックな企業 212
12.7.4 スタート地点 212
12.7.5 ベンチマークによる競合比較:スタートアップ企業/中小企業、2023年 214 主なスタートアップ企業/中小企業の詳細リスト 214 主なスタートアップ企業/中小企業のベンチマークによる競合比較 215
12.8 競合シナリオ 215
12.8.1 製品発売 216
12.8.2 取引 216
12.8.3 拡大 219
13 企業プロフィール 221
ABB (Switzerland)
Siemens (Germnay)
Trench Group (Germany)
General Electric Company (US)
Schneider Electric (France)
Eaton (Ireland)
14 付録 283
14.1 業界専門家による洞察 283
14.2 ディスカッションガイド 283
14.4 カスタマイズオプション 289
14.5 関連レポート 289
14.6 著者詳細 290
Growth in electrical bushings is predominantly seen worldwide, led by demand in effective transmission and distribution of electricity triggered by rapid urbanization and industrialization. Major investment in renewable energy projects along with the modernization of grid helps escalate demand for high-performance, reliable advanced bushings that may have withstanding voltage capability for more prolonged system performance. Resin-impregnated and synthetic bushings replace the traditional porcelain to reduce energy losses and improve electrical safety. Furthermore, stringent government regulations and environmental mandates drive the industries toward the adoption of more sustainable and high-performance bushing solutions. These drivers along with a growing demand for the upgradation of aging power infrastructure worldwide propel the market growth at an aggressive rate.
“Above 230 segment, by voltage, is expected to hold third largest market share during forecast period”
The Above 230 kV subsegment of the By Voltage segment is the third-largest in the global electrical bushings market, given its importance in high-voltage power transmission applications. This range is most commonly used in large-scale infrastructure projects, including inter-regional and cross-border transmission networks, which are considered essential for stabilizing grids and integrating renewable energy sources. The increasing adoption of ultra-high-voltage direct current (UHVDC) systems, especially in emerging economies in the Asia Pacific and the Middle East, is further fuelling demand. Also, investments in upgrading aging grid infrastructure in developed regions like North America and Europe have fueled growth in this subsegment. In fact, these bushings are irreplaceable for maintaining the reliability of operation, reducing losses in power, and sustaining the long-distance transmission of electricity.
“Switchgear segment, by Application, is expected to hold second-largest market share during forecast period”
The Switchgear subsegment of the By Application segment is the second-largest market share in the global electrical bushings market because switchgear plays a critical role in ensuring that electrical systems are safe and reliable. Electrical bushings in switchgear provide an easy, secure passage for current with seamless insulation, even in high-stress conditions. Demand for advanced and compact switchgear solutions has emerged in urbanization projects, renewable energy integration, and industrial expansions across the globe. The grid modernization initiatives pursued by regions such as Europe and North America along with rapid electrification and industrialization in Asia Pacific will positively impact the adoption of bushings for medium- and high-voltage switchgear. These factors explain why, to ensure operational efficiency and system protection, bushings are indispensable.
“South Amrica is expected to hold the least market share during forecast period.”
South America has the lowest market share in the global electrical bushings market due to various limiting factors. These include a lower level of investment in power infrastructure compared to other regions, and slower adaptation of the latest grid technologies. It is still more focused on basic electrification efforts for rural areas and has only limited budgets for upgrading its transmission and distribution networks with advanced equipment such as electrical bushings. Economic instability and political insecurity in other countries further compound large infrastructure development. Ongoing renewable projects in countries such as Brazil and Chile will continue to keep the overall demand for high-voltage equipment like bushings very modest with limited industrialization and grid modernization progressing at a slower rate than elsewhere in the region.
By Company Type: Tier 1- 30%, Tier 2- 55%, and Tier 3- 15%
By Designation: C-level Executives - 30%, Director Level- 20%, and Others- 50%
By Region: North America – 18%, Europe – 8%, Asia Pacific – 60%, South America – 4%, Middle East & Africa – 10%
Note: Other designations include sales managers, marketing managers, product managers, and product engineers.
The tier of the companies is defined based on their total revenue as of 2023. Tier 1: USD 1 billion and above, Tier 2: From USD 500 million to USD 1 billion, and Tier 3:
Research Coverage:
The report defines, describes, and forecasts the electrical bushings market by type, insulation material, voltage, application, end user, and region. It also offers a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the market. The report comprehensively reviews the major market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges. It also covers various important aspects of the market. A detailed analysis of the key industry players has been done to provide insights into their business overview, solutions, and services; key strategies; Contracts, partnerships, agreements. new product launches, acquisitions, and recent developments associated with the electrical bushings market. Competitive analysis of upcoming startups in the electrical bushings market ecosystem is covered in this report.
Reasons to buy this report:
The report will help the market leaders/new entrants electrical bushings market and the subsegments. This report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their businesses better and to plan suitable go-to-market strategies. The report also helps stakeholders understand the pulse of the market and provides them with information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
• Analysis of key drivers (Growing global reliable power demand, Modernization of aging infrastructure, Increasing adoption of high-voltage and extra high-voltage networks), restraints (High initial costs associated with electrical bushings, Availability of low-cost alternatives) opportunities (Integration of renewable energy into power grids, Increasing adoption of smart grid infrastructure, Industrial growth in emerging economies), and challenges (Complex manufacturing and customization requirements of electrical bushings, Maintenance and replacement challenges associated with electrical bushings) influencing the growth.
• Product Development/ Innovation: Advancements in the use of insulation materials and digital monitoring capabilities and improving energy efficiency are driving the developments in product innovation within the global electrical bushings market. The leading players ABB, Siemens, and Hitachi Energy are focusing on the production of next-generation bushings, such as Resin-Impregnated Paper (RIP) and Resin-Impregnated Synthetic (RIS), promising better thermal performance, lower environmental effects, and safety than the traditional oil-impregnated bushing (OIP). Innovations also include smart bushings with sensors and real-time monitoring systems for predictive maintenance, which are critical to ensuring grid reliability and minimizing downtime. In addition, there is an increasing emphasis on sustainable solutions, and hence designs that are eco-friendly, minimize oil usage, and maximize recyclability. These developments address the changing needs of modern power infrastructure, renewable energy integration, and the global push toward grid modernization, all set to propel the market for healthy growth through technological advancements.
• Market Development: Increasing the extension of T&D networks is currently driving the market for electrical bushings across the world. This development is occurring mostly in the developing economies of Asia Pacific, Africa, and Latin America. The governments and utilities are investing highly in modernization projects related to the grid, renewable energy integration, and cross-border power transmission as a way of increasing grid reliability and answering the increase in demand for electricity. Developed countries like North America and Europe are upgrading ageing infrastructure, replacing old obsolete bushings with modern technologies like RIP and RIS for safety improvements and efficiency. In emerging countries, growth is seen because of rapid urbanization and industrialization and also due to increased electrification initiatives. Use of smart grid technology and also digital substations further creates newer opportunities for bushings along with monitoring systems. Market players expand presence in untapped geographies through strategic collaborations and partnerships and new product launches that make the most of opportunities driven by rising demand for safe and efficient power delivery systems.
• Market Diversification: Market diversification in the global electrical bushings market comes from regional expansion, innovation in technology, and new verticals. Major manufacturers look to tap opportunities through the growing economies of Asia Pacific, Africa, and South America with a focus on emerging markets related to infrastructure development, grid expansions, and renewable projects. Companies are also expanding their product lines by introducing higher level of insulation technologies such as RIP and RIS bushings that are gaining traction as more consumers seek sustainable and efficient energy solutions. In addition, new applications are being found for this technology in rail transportation, offshore wind energy, and industrial power systems, well beyond traditional utilities and substations. Strategic alliances, mergers, and acquisitions further enable companies to enter untapped markets, strengthen supply chains, and leverage regional expertise. This diversification approach helps market players reduce dependency on a single market segment, thus ensuring long-term growth and resilience amidst evolving global energy needs.
• Competitive Assessment: In-depth analysis of market share, growth plans, and service offerings of top companies in the global electrical bushings market, including ABB (Switzerland), Siemens (Germnay), Trench Group (Germany), General Electric Company (US), Schneider Electric (France), Eaton (Ireland), RHM International LLC (US), Hitachi Energy Ltd. (Japan), Hubbell (US), Polycast International (US), among others.
❖ 世界の電気ブッシング市場に関するよくある質問(FAQ) ❖
→MarketsandMarkets社は「ABB (Switzerland)、Siemens (Germnay)、Trench Group (Germany)、General Electric Company (US)、Schneider Electric (France)、Eaton (Ireland)など ...」をグローバル電気ブッシング市場の主要企業として認識しています。