- ニューロサイエンスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):機器・消耗品、ソフトウェア・サービス
Neuroscience Market Report by Component (Instruments and Consumables, Software and Services), Technology (Brain Imaging, Neuro-Microscopy, Electrophysiology, Neuroproteomic Analysis, Animal Behaviour Analysis, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories, Research and Academic Institutes, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY546 2024年4月 - 不妊治療薬のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ゴナドトロピン、アロマターゼ阻害剤、選択的エストロゲン受容体モジュレーター(SERM)、ビグアナイド、その他
Infertility Drugs Market Report by Drug Class (Gonadotropin, Aromatase Inhibitors, Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs), Biguanides, and Others), Route of Administration (Oral, Intravenous, Subcutaneous, Intramuscular), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and Others), End User (Male, Female), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY545 2024年4月 - 医療サイバーセキュリティのグローバル市場(2024~2032):マルウェア、分散型サービス拒否(DDoS)、高度持続的脅威(APT)、スパイウェア、その他
Healthcare Cyber Security Market Report by Type of Threat (Malware, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), Spyware, and Others), Type of Solution (Identity and Access Management, Risk and Compliance Management, Antivirus and Antimalware, DDoS Mitigation, Security Information and Event Management, Intrusion Detection System and Intrusion Prevention System, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Companies, Medical Device Companies, Health Insurance Companies, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY544 2024年4月 - 老人介護サービスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):在宅ケア、成人デイケア、機関ケア
Geriatric Care Services Market Report by Service (Home Care, Adult Day Care, Institutional Care), Payment Source (Public Insurance, Private Insurance, Out-of-pocket, and Others), Application (Respiratory Diseases, Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Neurological Diseases, Kidney Diseases, Cancer, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY543 2024年4月 - 単純ヘルペスウイルス治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):単純ヘルペスウイルス-1感染症、単純ヘルペスウイルス-2感染症、その他
Herpes Simplex Virus Treatment Market Report by Type (Herpes Simples Virus-1 Infection, Herpes Simplex Virus-2 Infection, and Others), Drug Type (Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir, and Others), Route of Administration (Oral, Injectable, Topical), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacy, Drug Stores, Retail Stores, Online Pharmacy), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY542 2024年4月 - コレラワクチンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ホールセルV. Cholerae O1 with Recombinant B-Subunit、Killed Oral O1&O139
Cholera Vaccines Market Report by Vaccine Type (Whole Cell V. Cholerae O1 with Recombinant B-Subunit, Killed Oral O1 and O139), Product (Dukoral, Shanchol, Vaxchora, Euvichol and Euvichol-Plus, and Others), End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Research and Academic Laboratories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY541 2024年4月 - 心臓構造イメージングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):心エコー図、血管造影図
Structural Heart Imaging Market Report by Imaging Modality (Echocardiogram, Angiogram), Procedure Type (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR), Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair (TMVR), Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC), Annuloplasty, Valvuloplasty, and Others), Application (Diagnosis, Surgery), End User (Hospitals, Specialty Clinics, Cardiac Centers, Diagnostic Centers, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Catheterization Laboratories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY540 2024年4月 - 黄斑変性治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):乾性加齢黄斑変性、湿性加齢黄斑変性
Macular Degeneration Treatment Market Report by Type (Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration, Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration), Stage of Disease (Early Stage, Intermediate Stage, Late Stage), Route of Administration (Intravenous Route, Intravitreal Route), End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Center, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY539 2024年4月 - 外科用ハサミのグローバル市場(2024~2032):再利用可能外科用ハサミ、使い捨て外科用ハサミ
Surgical Scissors Market Report by Type (Reusable Surgical Scissors, Disposable Surgical Scissors), Application (Orthopedics, Cardiology, Neurology, Oral and Throat, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY538 2024年4月 - 歯科用3Dプリンティングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):金属、フォトポリマー、セラミック、その他
Dental 3D Printing Market Report by Material (Metals, Photopolymers, Ceramics, and Others), Technology (Vat Photopolymerization, Polyjet Technology, Fused Deposition Modelling, Selective Laser Sintering, and Others), Application (Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Implantology), End User (Dental Laboratories, Dental Hospitals and Clinics, Dental Academic and Research Institutes), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY537 2024年4月 - 母子医療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):出産前サービス、出産サービス、出産後サービス、不妊サービス
Mother and Child Healthcare Market Report by Services (Pre-Natal Services, Birthing Services, Post-Natal Services, Fertility Services), Maternal Age (Under 20 Years, 21 to 30 Years, 31 to 38 Years, 39 and above Years), Location (Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Clinics, In-home Services, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY536 2024年4月 - 女性健康診断のグローバル市場(2024~2032):診断機器、診断検査
Women's Health Diagnostics Market Report by Type (Diagnostic Devices, Diagnostic Tests), Application (Breast Cancer, Infectious Disease Testing, Osteoporosis Testing, Pregnancy and Fertility Testing, Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing, and Others), End User (Hospital and Diagnostics Centers, Home Care), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY535 2024年4月 - 職場ストレス管理のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ストレス評価、ヨガ・瞑想、レジリエンス・トレーニング、進捗管理指標、その他
Workplace Stress Management Market Report by Service (Stress Assessment, Yoga and Meditation, Resilience Training, Progress Tracking Metrics, and Others), Delivery Mode (Individual Counselors, Personal Fitness Trainers, Meditation Specialists, and Others), Activity (Indoor, Outdoor), End User (Small Scale Organizations, Medium Scale Organizations, Large Scale Organizations), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY534 2024年4月 - シングルセルマルチオミクスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):シングルセルゲノミクス、シングルセルプロテオミクス、シングルセルトランスクリプトミクス、シングルセルメタボロミクス
Single Cell Multiomics Market Report by Type (Single Cell Genomics, Single Cell Proteomics, Single Cell Transcriptomics, Single Cell Metabolomics), Product Type (Consumables, Instruments, Software), Technique (Single-Cell Isolation and Dispensing, Single-Cell Analysis), Application (Oncology, Cell Biology, Neurology, and Others), End User (Academic Institutes, Contract Research Organizations, Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY533 2024年4月 - アルファエミッターのグローバル市場(2024~2032):アスタチン、ラジウム、アクチニウム、鉛、ビスマス、その他
Alpha Emitter Market Report by Type of Radionuclide (Astatine, Radium, Actinium, Lead, Bismuth, and Others), Medical Application (Prostate Cancer, Bone Metastasis, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Endocrine Tumors, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Medical Research Institutions, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY532 2024年4月 - ハイドロゲルドレッシングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):非晶質ハイドロゲル、含浸ハイドロゲル、シート状ハイドロゲル
Hydrogel Dressing Market Report by Product (Amorphous Hydrogel, Impregnated Hydrogel, Sheet Hydrogel), Material (Natural, Synthetic, Semi-synthetic), Application (Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Pressure Ulcer, Venous Leg Ulcer, Burn Wounds, and Others), End User (Hospital, Physician's Office, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY531 2024年4月 - 治療用ベッドのグローバル市場(2024~2032):臨床用ベッド、家庭用ベッド、付属品
Therapeutic Beds Market Report by Product (Clinical Beds, Household Beds, Accessories), Application (Acute Care Beds, Critical Care Beds, Long-term Beds), End User (Hospital and Clinics, Reproductive Care Centers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY530 2024年4月 - 心電計(ECG)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):安静時心電計(ECG)、負荷心電計(ECG)、ホルターモニター、その他
Electrocardiograph (ECG) Market Report by Product (Resting Electrocardiograph (ECG), Stress Electrocardiograph (ECG), Holter Monitors, and Others), Lead Type (Single Lead ECG, 2 Lead ECG, 3 Lead ECG, 6 Lead ECG, 12 Lead ECG), End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Home Settings and Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs), and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY529 2024年4月 - ワイヤレスヘルスケアのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス
Wireless Healthcare Market Report by Component (Hardware, Software, Services), Technology (Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN), Wi-Fi, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)), Application (Patient Specific, Provider/Payer Specific), End User (Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Home Care, Pharmaceuticals, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY528 2024年4月 - 止血剤・組織シーリング剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):局所用止血剤、接着剤・組織密封剤
Hemostasis and Tissue Sealing Agents Market Report by Product Type (Topical Hemostats, Adhesive and Tissue Sealant), Material Type (Collagen-based, Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose (ORC) based, Gelatin-based, Polysaccharide-based, and Others), Application (General Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Home Care Settings, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY527 2024年4月 - モノクローナル抗体のグローバル市場(2024~2032):インビボ、インビトロ
Monoclonal Antibodies Market Report by Production Method (In Vivo, In Vitro), Source (Murine, Chimeric, Humanized, Human), Indication (Cancer, Autoimmune Diseases, Inflammatory Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Others), End Use (Hospitals, Research Institutes, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY526 2024年4月 - デジタル患者モニタリング機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ワイヤレスセンサー技術、mHealth、テレヘルス、ウェアラブルデバイス、遠隔患者モニタリング
Digital Patient Monitoring Devices Market Report by Monitoring Type (Wireless Sensor Technology, mHealth, Telehealth, Wearable Devices, Remote Patient Monitoring), Product (Diagnostic Monitoring Devices, Therapeutic Monitoring Devices), End User (Hospitals, Home Settings, Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC)), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY525 2024年4月 - 医療予測分析のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス
Healthcare Predictive Analytics Market Report by Product (Hardware, Software and Services), Deployment Mode (On-premises, Cloud-based), Application (Clinical Data Analytics, Financial Data Analytics, Research Data Analytics, Operations Management, and Others), End User (Healthcare Payer, Healthcare Provider, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY524 2024年4月 - タンパク質発現のグローバル市場(2024~2032):試薬・キット、サービス、その他
Protein Expression Market Report by Product (Reagents and Kits, Service, and Others), Application (Therapeutic, Industrial, Research), End User (Academic Research Institutes, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies, Contract Research Organizations (CROs)), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY523 2024年4月 - 新生児用人工呼吸器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):侵襲性、非侵襲性
Neonatal Ventilator Market Report by Type (Invasive, Non-Invasive), Mobility Type (Intensive Care Ventilators, Portable and Transportable Ventilators, and Others), Mode (Pressure Mode Ventilation, Combined Mode Ventilation, Volume Mode Ventilation, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Clinics), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY522 2024年4月 - ヘルスケアBPOのグローバル市場(2024~2032):人事管理、請求管理、顧客関係管理、運営管理、ケア管理、プロバイダ管理、その他
Healthcare BPO Market Report by Payer Service (Human Resource Management, Claims Management, Customer Relationship Management, Operational and Administrative Management, Care Management, Provider Management, and Others), Provider Service (Patient Enrollment and Strategic Planning, Patient Care Service, Revenue Cycle Management), Pharmaceutical Service (Manufacturing Services, Research and Development Services, Non-clinical Services), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY521 2024年4月 - アフェレシスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):血漿(プラズマフェレシス)、血小板(プラトレットフェレシス)、白血球(ロイカフェレシスまたはロイコフェレシス)、リンパ球(リンパフェレシスまたはリンパフェレシス)、赤血球(エリスロフェレシス)
Apheresis Market Report by Component (Plasma (Plasmapheresis), Platelets (Plateletpheresis), Leukocytes (Leukapheresis or Leukopheresis), Lymphocytes (Lymphopheresis or Lymphapheresis), RBC's (Erythropheresis)), Product (Devices, Disposables and Reagents, Software), Technology (Centrifugation, Membrane Separation, Selective Adsorption), Procedure (Donor/Automated Apheresis, Therapeutic Apheresis), Application (Renal Disorders, Hematological Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Autoimmune Disorders, and Others), End User (Blood Centers, Hospitals, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY520 2024年4月 - 医療におけるバーチャルリアリティ(VR)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス
Virtual Reality (VR) in Healthcare Market Report by Component (Hardware, Software and Services), Technology (Head-Mounted, Gesture-Tracking, Projector and Display Walls), Product (VR Semiconductor Components, VR Devices, VR Sensors, and Others), Application (Pain Management, Medical Training and Education, Surgery, Patient Care Management, Rehabilitation and Therapy Procedures, and Others), End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Research Laboratories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY519 2024年4月 - 外傷用製品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):眼アレルギー、皮膚アレルギー、食物アレルギー、喘息、鼻炎、その他
Trauma Products Market Report by Product (Internal Fixators, External Fixators, and Others), Surgical Site (Upper Extremities, Lower Extremities), End User (Hospitals and Trauma Centers, Ambulatory Surgery Center), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY518 2024年4月 - アレルギー治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):眼アレルギー、皮膚アレルギー、食物アレルギー、喘息、鼻炎、その他
Allergy Treatment Market Report by Type (Eye Allergy, Skin Allergy, Food Allergy, Asthma, Rhinitis, and Others), Treatment (Anti-Allergy Drugs, Immunotherapy), Dosage Form (Oral, Inhalers, Intranasal, and Others), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Retailers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY517 2024年4月 - 微生物同定のグローバル市場(2024~2032):機器・ソフトウェア、消耗品、サービス
Microbial Identification Market Report by Products and Services (Instruments and Software, Consumables, Services), Technology (Mass Spectrometry, PCR, Flow Cytometry, Microscopy, and Others), Method (Phenotypic Methods, Genotypic Methods, Proteomics-Based Methods), Application (Diagnostics, Food and Beverage Testing, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Testing, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY516 2024年4月 - 先進創傷治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):感染管理、滲出液管理、積極的創傷治療、治療機器、その他
Advanced Wound Care Market Report by Product (Infection Management, Exudate Management, Active Wound Care, Therapy Devices, and Others), Application (Chronic Wounds, Acute Wounds), End User (Hospitals, Community Health Service Centers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY515 2024年4月 - 生体内CROのグローバル市場(2024~2032):げっ歯類、非げっ歯類
In-vivo CRO Market Report by Type (Rodent, Non-Rodent), GLP Type (Non-GLP, GLP Toxicology), Indication (Autoimmune/Inflammation Conditions, Pain Management, Oncology, CNS Conditions, Diabetes, Obesity, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY514 2024年4月 - COPD&喘息用デバイスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):吸入器、ネブライザー
COPD and Asthma Devices Market Report by Product (Inhalers, Nebulizers), Indication (Asthma, COPD), Distribution Channel (Retail Pharmacies, Hospitals, Online Pharmacies), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY513 2024年4月 - POC分子診断のグローバル市場(2024~2032):アッセイ&キット、機器&分析装置、ソフトウェア&サービス
Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market Report by Product and Service (Assays and Kits, Instruments and Analyzers, Software and Services), Technology (Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Hybridization, DNA sequencing, Microarray, Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology (INAAT), and Others), Application (Infectious Diseases, Oncology, Hematology, Prenatal Testing, Endocrinology, and Others), End User (Physicians’ Offices, Hospitals and ICUs, Research Institutes, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY512 2024年4月 - 医療におけるモノのインターネット(IoT)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):医療機器、システム・ソフトウェア、サービス
Internet of Things (IOT) in Healthcare Market Report by Component (Medical Devices, System and Software, Services), Connectivity Technology (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy, ZigBee, Near Field Communication (NFC), Cellular, Satellite), Application (Telemedicine, Medication Management, Clinical Operations, Inpatient Monitoring, Connected Imaging, and Others), End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Clinical Research Organizations, Research and Diagnostic Laboratories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY511 2024年4月 - 体外受精機器・消耗品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):機器、付属品・消耗品、試薬・メディア
IVF Devices and Consumables Market Report by Product (Instruments, Accessories and Disposables, Reagents and Media), Technology (Fresh Embryo IVF, Frozen Embryo IVF, Donor Egg IVF), End User (Fertility Clinics, Hospitals, Surgical Centers, Clinical Research Institutes), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY510 2024年4月 - 末梢血管機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):末梢血管ステント、末梢経管血管形成術(PTA)バルーンカテーテル、末梢経管血管形成術(PTA)ガイドワイヤー、アテレクトミーデバイス、塞栓防止デバイス、下大静脈フィルター、その他
Peripheral Vascular Devices Market Report by Device Type (Peripheral Vascular Stents, Peripheral Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) Balloon Catheters, Peripheral Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) Guidewires, Atherectomy Devices, Embolic Protection Devices, Inferior Vena Cava Filters, and Others), End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Specialty Clinics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY509 2024年4月 - 医療における3Dプリンティングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ポリマー、金属、セラミック、有機
3D Printing in Healthcare Market Report by Material (Polymer, Metals, Ceramic, Organic),Technology (Droplet Deposition, Photopolymerization, Laser Beam Melting, Electronic Beam Melting (EBM), Laminated Object Manufacturing, and Others), Application (External Wearable Devices, Clinical Study Devices, Implants, Tissue Engineering), End User (Medical and Surgical Centers, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Academic Institutions), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY508 2024年4月 - 麻酔・呼吸器用デバイスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):麻酔デバイス、呼吸器デバイス、モニタリングデバイス、診断デバイス、消耗品・アクセサリ)
Anesthesia and Respiratory Devices Market Report by Product Type (Anesthesia Devices, Respiratory Devices, Monitoring Devices, Diagnostic Devices, Consumables and Accessories), End User (Hospitals, Clinics, Homecare Settings, Ambulatory Service Centers), Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY507 2024年4月 - 組換えタンパク質のグローバル市場(2024~2032):抗体、ホルモン、成長因子、サイトカイン、その他
Recombinant Protein Market Report by Product (Antibodies, Hormones, Growth Factors, Cytokines, and Others), Application (Drug Discovery and Development, Academic Research, Biotechnology Research, Biopharmaceutical Production, and Others), End User (Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Companies, Biotechnology Companies, Academic and Research Institutes, Contract Research Organization, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY506 2024年4月 - スマートインスリンペンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):第一世代ペン、第二世代ペン
Smart Insulin Pens Market Report by Type (First Generation Pens, Second Generation Pens), Usability (Prefilled, Reusable), Indication (Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes), Connectivity (Bluetooth, USB), End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Home Care Settings), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY505 2024年4月 - 生体吸収性ステントのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ポリマーベース生体吸収性ステント、金属ベース生体吸収性ステント
Bioabsorbable Stents Market Report by Biomaterial (Polymer-based Bioabsorbable Stents, Metal-based Bioabsorbable Stents), Absorption Rate (Slow-Absorption Stents, Fast-Absorption Stents), Application (Coronary Artery Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease), End User (Hospitals, Cardiac Centers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY504 2024年4月 - 超音波装置のグローバル市場(2024~2032):診断用超音波装置、治療用超音波装置
Ultrasound Devices Market Report by Product Type (Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems, Therapeutic Ultrasound Systems), Device Display Type (Color Ultrasound Devices, Black and White (B/W) Ultrasound Devices), Device Portability (Trolley/Cart-Based Ultrasound Devices, Compact/Handheld Ultrasound Devices), Application (Radiology/General Imaging, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Cardiology, Urology, Vascular, and Others), End Use (Hospitals, Imaging Centers, Research Centers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY503 2024年4月 - 中枢神経系(CNS)治療薬のグローバル市場(2024~2032):神経変性疾患、神経血管疾患、中枢神経系外傷、メンタルヘルス、感染症、中枢神経系癌、その他
Central Nervous System (CNS) Therapeutics Market Report by Disease (Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neurovascular Diseases, CNS Trauma, Mental Health, Infectious Diseases, CNS Cancer, and Others), Application (Hospital, Clinic, Homecare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY502 2024年4月 - インフルエンザ診断薬のグローバル市場(2024~2032):検査キット&試薬、機器、その他
Influenza Diagnostics Market Report by Product (Test Kit and Reagents, Instruments, and Others), Test Type (Molecular Diagnostic Tests, Traditional Diagnostic Tests), Type of Flu (Type A Flu, Type B Flu, Type C Flu), End User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY501 2024年4月 - 飼料用マイコトキシン無害化剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):結合剤、生物変換剤
Feed Mycotoxin Detoxifiers Market Report by Type (Binders, Bio-Transformers), Animal Type (Ruminant, Poultry, Swine, and Others), End User (Aquaculture, Feed Manufacturers, Farmers, Home-Mixers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY500 2024年4月 - 着圧ストッキングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ニーハイ、タイハイ
Compression Stockings Market Report by Product Type (Knee High, Thigh High), Demography (Men, Women), Distribution Channel (Offline, Online), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY499 2024年4月 - 血液バンクのグローバル市場(2024~2032):全血、赤血球、血小板、血漿、白血球
Blood Bank Market Report by Product Type (Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells, Platelet, Plasma, White Blood Cells), Bank Type (Private, Public), Function (Collection, Processing, Testing, Storage, Transportation), End User (Hospital, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Pharmaceutical Companies, Clinics and Nursing Homes, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY498 2024年4月 - 前立腺癌治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):化学療法、生物学的療法、ホルモン療法、その他
Prostate Cancer Treatment Market Report by Drug Type (Chemotherapy, Biological Therapy, Hormone Therapy, and Others), Distribution Channel (Hospitals Pharmacies, Drug Stores and Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY497 2024年4月 - 血漿分画のグローバル市場(2024~2032):免疫グロブリン、アルブミン、凝固第VIII因子、凝固第IX因子
Plasma Fractionation Market Report by Product (Immunoglobulins, Albumin, Coagulation factor VIII, Coagulation factor IX), Sector (Private Sector, Public Sector), Application (Neurology, Immunology, Hematology, and Others), End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Clinical Research Laboratories, Academic Institutes), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY496 2024年4月 - リアルワールドエビデンスソリューションのグローバル市場(2024~2032):臨床設定データ、請求データ、患者主導データ、薬局データ、その他
Real-World Evidence Solutions Market Report by Component (Clinical Settings Data, Claims Data, Patient-Powered Data, Pharmacy Data, and Others), Therapeutic Area (Oncology, Immunology, Neurology, Cardiovascular Disease, and Others), End User (Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies, Healthcare Payers, Healthcare Providers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY495 2024年4月 - 膣スリングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):従来型膣スリング、先進型膣スリング
Vaginal Slings Market Report by Type (Conventional Vaginal Slings, Advanced Vaginal Slings), Product Type (Transobturator Slings, Tension-free Vaginal Tape Sling, and Others), Type of Urinary Incontinence (Stress Urinary Incontinence, Urge Urinary Incontinence, Mixed Urinary Incontinence), End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY494 2024年4月 - 筋萎縮性側索硬化症治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):散発性ALS、家族性ALS
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Treatment Market Report by ALS Type (Sporadic ALS, Familial ALS), Drug Type (Marketed Drugs, Emerging Drugs), Diagnosis Type (Electromyogram, MRI, Blood and Urine Tests, Spinal Tap, Muscle Biopsy), Treatment (Medication, Stem Cell Therapy, and Others), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY493 2024年4月 - 抗感染症薬のグローバル市場(2024~2032):抗菌薬、抗真菌薬、抗ウイルス薬
Anti-infectives Market Report by Type (Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral), Route of Administration (Topical, Oral, Intravenous (IV), and Others), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Speciality Pharmacies, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY492 2024年4月 - 歯科矯正のグローバル市場(2024~2032):成人、小児
Orthodontics Market Report by Age Group (Adults, Children), Type (Brackets, Anchorage Appliances, Ligatures, Archwires), End User (Hospitals, Dental Clinics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY491 2024年4月 - デジタルPCRのグローバル市場(2024~2032):デジタルPCR装置、消耗品・試薬、ソフトウェア・サービス
Digital PCR Market Report by Product Type (Digital PCR Equipment, Consumables and Reagents, Software and Services), Technology (Droplet Digital PCR, BEAMing Digital PCR), Application (Clinical Diagnostics, Forensics, Research, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY490 2024年4月 - 手術室機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):麻酔装置、内視鏡、手術室テーブル・照明、電気手術装置、手術用画像装置、患者モニター、その他
Operating Room Equipment Market Report by Product Type (Anesthesia Devices, Endoscopes, Operating Room Tables and Lights, Electrosurgical Devices, Surgical Imaging Devices, Patient Monitors, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY489 2024年4月 - 高齢者・障害者用補助器具のグローバル市場(2024~2032):移動補助器具、生活補助器具、医療用家具、浴室安全器具
Elderly and Disabled Assistive Devices Market Report by Service Type (Mobility Aids Devices, Living Aids Devices, Medical Furniture, Bathroom Safety Devices), End User (Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Homecare), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY488 2024年4月 - 関節再建器具のグローバル市場(2024~2032):人工関節置換術、骨切り術、関節鏡、表面置換術、関節置換術、その他
Joint Reconstruction Devices Market Report by Technique (Joint Replacement, Osteotomy, Arthroscopy, Resurfacing, Arthrodesis, and Others), Joint Type (Knee, Hip, Shoulder, Ankle, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Orthopedic Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs), and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY487 2024年4月 - ECG遠隔測定装置のグローバル市場(2024~2032):イベントモニタリング、MCT(モバイル心臓遠隔測定)、その他
ECG Telemetry Devices Market Report by Product (Event Monitoring and MCT (Mobile Cardiac Telemetry), and Others), Application (Arrhythmias, Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction, Pacemaker Monitoring, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Home Healthcare), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY486 2024年4月 - ワクチン送達装置のグローバル市場(2024~2032):シリンジ、ジェットインジェクター、その他
Vaccine Delivery Devices Market Report by Device (Syringes, Jet Injectors, and Others), Route of Administration (Intramuscular Vaccination, Intradermal Vaccination, Subcutaneous Vaccination, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Clinics, Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY485 2024年4月 - 眼科医療機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):外科、ビジョンケア
Ophthalmic Devices Market Report by Product Type (Surgical, Vision Care), Application (Cataract, Vitreo Retinal Disorders, Glaucoma, Refractor Disorders), End Use (Hospitals and Eye Clinics, Academic and Research Laboratory, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY484 2024年4月 - PET-CTスキャナ装置のグローバル市場(2024~2032):据置型スキャナ、ポータブルスキャナ/モバイルスキャナ
PET-CT Scanner Device Market Report by Type (Stationary Scanners, Portable Scanners/Mobile Scanners), Slice Count (Low Slice Scanner (64 Slices)), Isotope and Detector Type (Flurodeoxyglucose (FDG), 62Cu ATSM, 18 F Sodium Fluoride, FMISO, Gallium, Thallium, and Others), Service Provider (Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers, Research Institutes), Application (Oncology, Neurology, Cardiology, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY483 2024年4月 - ニームエキスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):種子エキス、葉エキス、樹皮エキス
Neem Extract Market Report by Type (Seed Extract, Leaf Extract, Bark Extract), Application (Biofertilizers, Personal Care Products, Pharmaceutical, Animal Feed, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY482 2024年4月 - 動物医療サービスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):手術、診断検査&画像診断、身体健康モニタリング、その他
Veterinary Service Market Report by Service (Surgery, Diagnostic Tests and Imaging, Physical Health Monitoring, and Others), Animal Type (Companion Animal, Farm Animal), End Use (Veterinary Clinic, Veterinary Hospital), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY481 2024年4月 - 局所麻酔薬のグローバル市場(2024~2032):リドカイン、ブピバカイン、ベンゾカイン、ロピバカイン、プリロカイン、クロロプロカイン、その他
Local Anesthesia Drugs Market Report by Drug Type (Lidocaine, Bupivacaine, Benzocaine, Ropivacaine, Prilocaine, Chloroprocaine, and Others), Mode of Administration (Injectables, Surface Anesthetic), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacy, Pharmacy Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY480 2024年4月 - 自動錠剤分包機のグローバル市場(2024~2032):集中型自動分包システム、分散型自動分包システム
Automatic Pill Dispenser Machine Market Report by Type (Centralized Automated Dispensing Systems, Decentralized Automated Dispensing Systems), Application (Hospital Pharmacy, Retail Pharmacy, Home Healthcare), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY479 2024年4月 - モバイルガンマカメラのグローバル市場(2024~2032):シングルヘッドモバイルガンマカメラ、デュアルヘッドモバイルガンマカメラ、トリプルヘッドモバイルガンマカメラ、ハンドヘルドモバイルガンマカメラ
Mobile Gamma Cameras Market Report by Product (Single-head Mobile Gamma Cameras, Dual-head Mobile Gamma Cameras, Triple-head Mobile Gamma Cameras, Handheld Mobile Gamma Camera), Application (Cardiac Imaging, Breast Imaging, Thyroid Scanning, Kidney Scanning, Intraoperative Imaging, Brain Imaging, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Research Centers, Imaging Centers and Clinics), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY478 2024年4月 - 透析のグローバル市場(2024~2032):血液透析、腹膜透析
Dialysis Market Report by Type (Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis), Product and Services (Services, Equipment, Consumables, Dialysis Drugs), End User (In-center Dialysis, Home Dialysis), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY477 2024年4月 - ラボ用機器・消耗品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):機器、消耗品
Laboratory Equipment and Disposables Market Report by Product Type (Equipment, Disposables), End Use (Hospitals, Laboratories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY476 2024年4月 - 幹細胞バンクのグローバル市場(2024~2032):成体幹細胞、ヒト胚性細胞、IPS細胞
Stem Cell Banking Market Report by Product Type (Adult Stem Cells, Human Embryonic Cells, IPS Cells), Service Type (Sample Preservation and Storage, Sample Analysis, Sample Processing, Sample Collection and Transportation), Bank Type (Private, Public), Utilization (Used, Unused), Application (Personalized Banking Applications, Research Applications, Clinical Applications), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY475 2024年4月 - 医療ガスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):純粋ガス、混合ガス
Medical Gases Market Report by Gas Type (Pure Gases, Gas Mixtures), Application (Therapeutic, Diagnostic, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Academic and Research Institutions), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY474 2024年4月 - 不妊検査のグローバル市場(2024~2032):排卵予測キット、不妊モニター、男性不妊検査
Fertility Test Market Report by Product (Ovulation Prediction Kits, Fertility Monitors, Male Fertility Testing Products), Mode of Purchase (OTC-based, Prescription-based), Application (Female Fertility Testing, Male Fertility Testing), End User (Hospitals, Home Care Settings, Fertility Clinics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY473 2024年4月 - 妊娠線治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):外用製品、レーザー、マイクロダーマブレーション、その他
Stretch Marks Treatment Market Report by Treatment (Topical Products, Lasers, Microdermabrasion, and Others), Distribution Channel (Institutional, Retail), End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Home Use, Specialty Dermatology Centers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY472 2024年4月 - 放射線情報システムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):統合放射線情報システム、スタンドアロン放射線情報システム
Radiology Information System Market Report by Type (Integrated Radiology Information Systems, Standalone Radiology Information Systems), Component (Hardware, Software, Services), Deployment Mode (Web-based, Cloud-based, On-premises), End User (Hospitals, Office-Based Physicians, Emergency Healthcare Service Providers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY471 2024年4月 - レーザーキャプチャーマイクロダイセクションのグローバル市場(2024~2032):装置、消耗品、ソフトウェア、サービス
Laser Capture Microdissection Market Report by Product (Instruments, Consumables, Software and Services), System Type (Ultraviolet LCM, Infrared LCM, and Others), Application (Research and Development, Diagnostics, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Academic and Government Research Institutes, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Contract Research Organizations (CROs)), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY470 2024年4月 - 乳房インプラントのグローバル市場(2024~2032):シリコン乳房インプラント、生理食塩水乳房インプラント
Breast Implant Market Report by Product (Silicone Breast Implants, Saline Breast Implants), Shape (Round, Anatomical), Application (Cosmetic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery), End User (Hospitals, Cosmetology Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY469 2024年4月 - エアロゾル送達装置のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ドライパウダー吸入器、定量吸入器、ネブライザー
Aerosol Delivery Devices Market Report by Product (Dry Powder Inhalers, Metered Dose Inhalers, Nebulizers), Application (Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Cystic Fibrosis, Non-Respiratory Diseases), Distribution Channel (Retail Pharmacies, Hospital Pharmacies, Online Stores), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY468 2024年4月 - 乳房病変局在化法のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ワイヤー局在化法、ラジオアイソトープ局在化法、磁気トレーサー局在化法、その他
Breast Lesion Localization Methods Market Report by Type (Wire Localization, Radioisotope Localization, Magnetic Tracers Localization, and Others), Usage (Tumor Identification, Sentinel Lymph Node Identification), End User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Centres, Oncology Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY467 2024年4月 - トランスフェクション試薬・機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):試薬、機器
Transfection Reagents and Equipment Market Report by Product (Reagents, Equipment), Technology (Biochemical Based Transfection, Physical Transfection, Viral-Vector Based Transfection), Application (Biomedical Research, Protein Production, Therapeutic Delivery), End User (Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Academics and Research Institutes), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY466 2024年4月 - 低侵襲手術のグローバル市場(2024~2032):手術装置、腹腔鏡装置、モニタリング・可視化装置
Minimally Invasive Surgery Market Report by Product Type (Surgical Devices, Laparoscopy Devices, Monitoring and Visualization Devices), Application (Bariatric Surgery, Breast Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gynaecological Surgery, Orthopedics and Spine Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, and Others), End-User (Hospitals, Clinics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY465 2024年4月 - 真空オーブンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):200以下、200〜300、300以上
Vacuum Ovens Market Report by Product Type (300), Application (Home Appliances, Commercial Appliances), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY464 2024年4月 - 眼科用レーザのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ダイオードレーザ、フェムトセカンドレーザ、エキシマレーザ、Nd:YAGレーザ、SLTレーザ、その他
Ophthalmic Lasers Market Report by Product (Diode Lasers, Femtosecond Lasers, Excimer Lasers, Nd: YAG Lasers, SLT Lasers, and Others), Indication (Glaucoma, Cataract Removal, Refractive Error Corrections, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Others), End-User (Hospitals, Eye Clinics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY463 2024年4月 - 口内炎治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ゲル、スプレー、マウスウォッシュ、トローチ
Mouth Ulcer Treatment Market Report by Formulation (Gel, Spray, Mouthwash, Lozenges), Drug Class (Corticosteroids, Anesthetics, Analgesics, Antimicrobials, Antihistamines), Indication (Aphthous Stomatitis, Oral Lichen Planus, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY462 2024年4月 - ヘルニア修復のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ヘルニアメッシュ、ヘルニア固定デバイス
Hernia Repair Market Report by Product Type (Hernia Mesh, Hernia Fixation Devices), Surgery Type (Open Tension Repair Surgery, Tension-Free Repair Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery), Hernia Type (Inguinal Hernia, Ventral Hernia, Femoral Hernia, Umbilical Hernia, Hiatal Hernia, and Others), End-User (Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Hospitals and Clinics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY461 2024年4月 - 医療機器試験のグローバル市場(2024~2032):試験サービス、検査サービス、その他
Medical Device Testing Market Report by Service (Testing Services, Inspection Services, and Others), Type (In-House, Outsourced), Testing Type (Biocompatibility Testing, Chemistry Testing, Bio-Burden Determination, Anti-Microbial Activity and Sterility Testing, and Others), Device Class (Class I, Class II, Class III), Device Type (Implantable Medical Devices, Non-Active Medical Devices, In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices, Ophthalmic Medical Devices, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY460 2024年4月 - レジオネラ検査のグローバル市場(2024~2032):水質検査、IVD検査
Legionella Testing Market Report by Application (Water Testing, IVD Testing), End User (Diagnostic Laboratories, Hospital and Clinics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY459 2024年4月 - 電子皮膚のグローバル市場(2024~2032):電子皮膚スーツ、電子パッチ
Electronic Skin Market Report by Product (Electronic Skinsuits, Electronic Patches), Component (Stretchable Circuits, Photovoltaics Systems, Stretchable Conductors, Electroactive Polymers), Sensor (Tactile Sensors, Chemical Sensors, Electrophysiological Sensors, and Others), Application (Health Monitoring Systems, Drug Delivery Systems, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY458 2024年4月 - RNA干渉(RNAi)薬物送達のグローバル市場(2024~2032):感染症、心臓病学、腫瘍学、神経学、眼科学、泌尿器学、代謝性疾患、その他
RNA Interference (RNAi) Drug Delivery Market Report by Application (Infectious Disease, Cardiology, Oncology, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Urology, Metabolic Disorders, and Others), Technology (Nanoparticle Drug Delivery, Pulmonary Drug Delivery, Nucleic Acid Drug Delivery, Aptamer Drug Delivery), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY457 2024年4月 - アルツハイマー病治療薬のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ドネペジル、ガランタミン、リバスチグミン、メマンチン、その他
Alzheimer’s Drugs Market Report by Drug Class (Donepezil, Galantamine, Rivastigmine, Memantine, and Others), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacy, Retail Pharmacy, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY456 2024年4月 - ウェアラブル医療機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):診断機器、治療機器
Wearable Medical Devices Market Report by Device Type (Diagnostic Devices, Therapeutic Devices), Product (Activity Monitors, Smartwatches, Patches, Smart Clothing, Hearing Aids, and Others), Application (Sports and Fitness, Remote Patient Monitoring, Home Healthcare), Distribution Channel (Offline, Online), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY455 2024年4月 - 特発性肺線維症治療のグローバル市場(2024~2032):MAPK阻害剤、チロシン阻害剤、オートタキシン阻害剤
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Treatment Market Report by Drug Class (MAPK Inhibitors, Tyrosine Inhibitors, Autotaxin Inhibitors), End User (Hospitals, Long-term Care Facilities, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY454 2024年4月 - 脊椎インプラント&手術用デバイスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):胸椎固定&腰椎固定デバイス、頸椎固定デバイス、脊椎生物学的製剤、椎骨圧迫、骨折治療デバイス、脊椎除圧デバイス、非固定デバイス、脊椎骨刺激装置
Spinal Implants and Surgery Devices Market Report by Product (Thoracic Fusion and Lumbar Fusion Devices, Cervical Fusion Devices, Spine Biologics, Vertebral Compression, Fracture Treatment Devices, Spinal Decompression Devices, Non-Fusion Devices, Spine Bone Stimulators), Type of Surgery (Open Surgeries, Minimally Invasive Surgeries), End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY453 2024年4月 - 癌分子診断のグローバル市場(2024~2032):乳癌、前立腺癌、大腸癌、子宮頸癌、肝癌、肺癌、血液癌、その他
Oncology Molecular Diagnostics Market Report by Cancer Type (Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Liver Cancer, Lung Cancer, Blood Cancer, and Others), Product (Instruments, Reagents, and Others), Technology (Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), In Situ Hybridization, Chips and Microarrays, Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology (INAAT), Mass Spectrometry, DNA and NGS Sequencing, Transcription Mediated Amplification (TMA), and Others), End-User (Hospitals and Clinics, Reference Laboratories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY452 2024年4月 - 希少疾病用医薬品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):生物学的製剤、非生物学的製剤
Orphan Drugs Market Report by Drug Type (Biological, Non-Biological), Disease Type (Oncology, Hematology, Neurology, Cardiovascular, and Others), Phase (Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV), Top Selling Drugs (Revlimid, Rituxan, Copaxone, Opdivo, Keytruda, Imbruvica, Avonex, Sensipar, Soliris, and Others), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY451 2024年4月 - 補助人工心臓(VAD)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):左補助人工心臓(LVAD)、右補助人工心臓(RVAD)、両補助人工心臓(BiVAD)、その他
Ventricular Assist Devices Market Report by Product (Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD), Right Ventricular Assist Device (RVAD), Biventricular Assist Device (BiVAD), and Others), Flow Type (Pulsatile Flow, Non-Pulsatile or Continuous Flow), Product Type (Implantable Ventricular Assist Devices, Non-implantable Ventricular Assist Devices), Application (Bridge-to-Transplant (BTT) Therapy, Destination Therapy, Bridge to Recovery and Bridge to Candidacy), End User (Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Hospital, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY450 2024年4月 - 遠隔患者モニタリングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):血圧モニタ、グルコースモニタ、心拍数モニタ、パルスオキシメータ、呼吸モニタ、その他
Remote Patient Monitoring Market Report by Device Type (Blood Pressure Monitor, Glucose Monitor, Heart Rate Monitor, Pulse Oximeters, Respiratory Monitor, and Others), Application (Cancer Treatment, Cardiovascular Diseases Treatment and Monitoring, Diabetes Treatment, Sleep Disorder Treatment, Weight Management and Fitness Monitoring, and Others), End-Use (Hospitals and Clinics, Homecare Settings, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY449 2024年4月 - パルスオキシメータのグローバル市場(2024~2032):指先パルスオキシメータ、携帯型パルスオキシメータ、手首装着型パルスオキシメータ、その他
Pulse Oximeters Market Report by Type (Fingertip Pulse Oximeters, Handheld Pulse Oximeters, Wrist-worn Pulse Oximeters, and Others), Sensor Type (Reusable, Disposable), End-Use (Hospitals and Clinics, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Home Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY448 2024年4月 - ラボ用遠心分離機のグローバル市場(2024~2032):装置、付属品
Laboratory Centrifuge Market Report by Product Type (Equipment, Accessories), Model Type (Benchtop Centrifuges, Floor-Standing Centrifuges), Rotor Design (Fixed-Angle Rotors, Swinging-Bucket Rotors, Vertical Rotors, and Others), Intended Use (General Purpose Centrifuges, Clinical Centrifuges, Preclinical Centrifuges), Application (Diagnostics, Microbiology, Cellomics, Genomics, Proteomics, Blood Component Separation, and Others), End-User (Hospitals, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies, Academic and Research Institutions), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY447 2024年4月 - メタボロミクスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):メタボロミクス機器、メタボロミクスバイオインフォマティクスツール&サービス
Metabolomics Market Report by Product (Metabolomics Instruments, Metabolomics Bioinformatics Tools and Services), Indication (Cancer, Cardiovascular Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Inborn Errors of Metabolism, and Others), Application (Biomarker and Drug Discovery, Toxicology, Nutrigenomics, Personalized Medicine, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY446 2024年4月 - 肺マーカーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)、小細胞肺癌(SCLC)
Lung Marker Market Report by Cancer Type (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)), Marker Type (EGFR, EML4-ALK, KRAS, BRAF, and Others), End User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Labs, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY445 2024年4月 - がんモノクローナル抗体のグローバル市場(2024~2032):マウス抗体、キメラ抗体、ヒト化抗体、その他
Cancer Monoclonal Antibodies Market Report by Antibody Type (Murine Antibodies, Chimeric Antibodies, Humanized Antibodies, and Others), Medication Type (Bevacizumab (Avastin), Rituximab (Rituxan), Trastuzumab (Herceptin), Cetuximab (Erbitux), Panitumumab (Vectibix), and Others), Application (Breast Cancer, Blood Cancer, Liver Cancer, Brain Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, and Others), End-User (Hospitals and Clinics, Pharmacies, Research Laboratories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY444 2024年4月 - 消化管ステントのグローバル市場(2024~2032):胆道ステント、十二指腸ステント、大腸ステント、膵臓ステント、食道ステント
Gastrointestinal Stents Market Report by Product Type (Biliary Stents, Duodenal Stents, Colonic Stents, Pancreatic Stents, Esophageal Stents), Technology Type (Anti-Migratory Stents, Drug-Eluting Stents, Radioactive Stents, Anti-Reflux Stents, Shape-Modified Stents, and Others), Material (Plastic Stents, Self-Expanding Metal Stents, Covered Self-Expandable Metallic Stents, Biodegradable or Drug Eluting Stents), End User (Hospitals, Specialty Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centres, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY443 2024年4月 - 人工膵臓デバイスシステム(APDS)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):閾値サスペンドデバイスシステム、CtRシステム、CtTシステム
Artificial Pancreas Device Systems (APDS) Market Report by Device Type (Threshold Suspend Device Systems, Control-to-Range Systems, Control-to-Target Systems), Treatment Type (Bi-hormonal, Insulin Only, Hybrid), End-User (Hospitals, Medical Centres, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY442 2024年4月 - ネブライザーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):空気式ネブライザー、超音波ネブライザー、メッシュネブライザー、その他
Nebulizers Market Report by Product Type (Pneumatic Nebulizers, Ultrasonic Nebulizers, Mesh Nebulizers, and Others), Portability (Portable Nebulizers, Standalone Nebulizers), End-User (Hospitals and Clinics, Long Term Healthcare Centers, Homecare Settings, Outpatient Settings), Application (COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, Asthma, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY441 2024年4月 - 体重管理のグローバル市場(2024~2032):機能性飲料、機能性食品、ダイエットサプリメント
Weight Management Market Report by Diet (Functional Beverages, Functional Food, Dietary Supplements), Equipment (Fitness Equipment, Surgical Equipment), Service (Health Clubs, Consultation Services, Online Weight Loss Services), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY440 2024年4月 - 組織診断のグローバル市場(2024~2032):装置、消耗品
Tissue Diagnostics Market Report by Product Type (Instruments, Consumables), Technology (Immunohistochemistry, In Situ Hybridization, Digital Pathology and Workflow Management, Special Staining), Disease (Breast Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Lymphoma, Prostate Cancer, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Others), End-User (Hospitals, Research Laboratories, Pharmaceutical Companies, Contract Research Organizations, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY439 2024年4月 - 特殊ジェネリック医薬品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):注射剤、経口剤、その他
Specialty Generics Market Report by Route of Administration (Injectables, Oral, and Others), Indication (Oncology, Autoimmune Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Others), Distribution channel (Retail Pharmacies, Specialty Pharmacies, Hospital Pharmacies), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY438 2024年4月 - 整形外科用ブレース&サポーターのグローバル市場(2024~2032):下肢用ブレース&サポーター、脊椎用ブレース&サポーター、上肢用ブレース&サポーター
Orthopedic Braces and Supports Market Report by Product (Lower Extremity Braces and Supports, Spinal Braces and Supports, Upper Extremity Braces and Supports), Type (Soft and Elastic Braces and Supports, Hinged Braces and Supports, Hard and Rigid Braces and Supports), Application (Ligament Injury, Preventive Care, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Osteoarthritis, and Others), End User (Orthopedic Clinics, Hospitals and Surgical Centers, Over-the-Counter (OTC) Platforms, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY437 2024年4月 - 皮膚科診断機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):画像機器、顕微鏡、免疫測定、分子診断、その他
Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market Report by Product Type (Imaging Devices, Microscopes, Immunoassays, Molecular Diagnostics, and Others), End Use (Hospitals, Diagnostic Labs, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY436 2024年4月 - エクササイズバイクのグローバル市場(2024~2032):リカンベントエクササイズバイク、アップライトエクササイズバイク
Exercise Bike Market Report by Product Type (Recumbent Exercise Bike, Upright Exercise Bike), End User (Home Consumers, Gyms/Health Clubs, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY435 2024年4月 - 朝食食品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):小麦、米、オート麦、トウモロコシ、大麦、その他
Breakfast Food Market Report by Source (Wheat, Rice, Oat, Corn, Barley, and Others), Packaging Type (Boxes, Pouches, and Others), Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets and Supermarkets, Independent Retailers, Specialist Retailers, Convenience Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY434 2024年4月 - 食品酵素のグローバル市場(2024~2032):カーボハイドラーゼ、プロテアーゼ、リパーゼ、その他
Food Enzymes Market Report by Type (Carbohydrase, Protease, Lipase, and Others), Source (Microorganisms, Plants, Animals), Formulation (Powder, Liquid, and Others), Application (Beverages, Processed Foods, Dairy Products, Bakery Products, Confectionery Products, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY433 2024年4月 - 天然食品着色料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):クルクミン、カロテノイド、アントシアニン、カルミン、カラメル、銅クロロフィリン、その他
Natural Food Colors Market Report by Product (Curcumin, Carotenoids, Anthocyanins, Carmine, Caramel, Copper Chlorophyllin, and Others), Form (Liquid, Powder, Gel), Application (Processed Food, Meat and Savories, Beverages, Baked Products, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY432 2024年4月 - グルテンフリー製品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ベーカリー製品、スナック・RTE製品、ピザ・パスタ、調味料・ドレッシング、その他
Gluten-Free Products Market Report by Product Type (Bakery Products, Snacks & RTE Products, Pizzas & Pastas, Condiments & Dressings, and Others), Source (Animal Source, Plant Source), Distribution Channel (Conventional Stores, Specialty Stores, Drugstores & Pharmacies), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY431 2024年4月 - ベーカリー原料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):乳化剤、膨脹剤、酵素、ベーキングパウダー&ミックス、油脂&ショートニング、着色料&香料、澱粉、その他
Bakery Ingredients Market Report by Product Type (Emulsifiers, Leavening Agents, Enzymes, Baking Powder & Mixes, Oils, Fats and Shortenings, Colors & Flavors, Starch, and Others), Application (Breads, Cookies & Biscuits, Rolls & Pies, Cakes & Pastries, and Others), End Use Sector (Industrial, Foodservice, Retail), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY430 2024年4月 - 麦芽原料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ドライモルト、リキッドモルト、モルトフラワー、その他
Malt Ingredients Market Report by Type (Dry Malt, Liquid Malt, Malt Flour, and Others), Source (Barley, Wheat, Rye, and Others), Grade (Standard Malt, Specialty Malt), Application (Alcoholic Beverages, Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Food Products, Pharmaceuticals, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY429 2024年4月 - ミートスナックのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ジャーキー、スティック、ソーセージ、その他
Meat Snacks Market Report by Product Type (Jerky, Sticks, Sausages, and Others), Source (Pork, Beef, Poultry, and Others), Flavor (Original, Teriyaki, Peppered, and Others), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY428 2024年4月 - メープルウォーターのグローバル市場(2024~2032):フレーバー、無フレーバー
Maple Water Market Report by Product (Flavored, Unflavored), Packaging Type (Tetra-Packs, Bottles, Pouches, Cans), Sales Channel (Direct Sales, Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY427 2024年4月 - 朝食用シリアルのグローバル市場(2024~2032):調理済みシリアル、ホットシリアル
Breakfast Cereals Market Report by Type (Ready-to-Eat, Hot Cereals), Nature (Conventional, Organic), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Specialty Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY426 2024年4月 - クランチチョコレートのグローバル市場(2024~2032):スーパーマーケット&ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、非食品小売店、その他
Crunchy Chocolate Market Report by Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Non-Grocery Retailers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY425 2024年4月 - 飼料添加物のグローバル市場(2024~2032):合成、天然
Feed Additives Market Report by Source (Synthetic, Natural), Product Type (Amino Acids, Phosphates, Vitamins, Acidifiers, Carotenoids, Enzymes, Mycotoxin Detoxifiers, Flavors and Sweeteners, Antibiotics, Minerals, Antioxidants, Non-Protein Nitrogen, Preservatives, Phytogenics, Probiotics), Livestock (Ruminants, Poultry, Swine, Aquatic Animal, and Others), Form (Dry, Liquid), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY424 2024年4月 - 緑豆市場(2024年-2032年): 産業動向、シェア、規模、成長、機会、予測
Mung Beans Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032 IMARC24MY423 2024年4月 - EPA・DHAのグローバル市場(2024~2032):エイコサペンタエン酸(EPA)、ドコサヘキサエン酸(DHA)
EPA & DHA Market Report by Type (Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)), Source (Fish Oil, Algae Oil, Krill Oil, and Others), Application (Infant Formulae, Dietary Supplements, Fortified Food and Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY422 2024年4月 - 変性澱粉のグローバル市場(2024~2032):トウモロコシ、キャッサバ、小麦、ジャガイモ、その他
Modified Starch Market Report by Raw Material (Corn, Cassava, Wheat, Potato, and Others), Type (Starch Esters and Ethers, Resistant, Cationic, Pre-gelatinized, and Others), Function (Thickeners, Stabilizers, Binders, Emulsifiers, and Others), Application (Food and Beverages, Animal Feed, Paper, Pharmaceuticals, Textiles, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY421 2024年4月 - ニトロ入り飲料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ニトロコーヒー、ニトロティー、ニトロソフトドリンク、その他
Nitro-infused Beverages Market Report by Product (Nitro Coffee, Nitro Tea, Nitro Soft Drinks, and Others), Distribution Channel (Supermarket and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY420 2024年4月 - 大豆デザートのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ケーキ&ペストリー、アイスクリーム、プリン、その他
Soy Desserts Market Report by Product (Cakes and Pastries, Ice Cream, Pudding, and Others), Distribution Channel (Hypermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retailers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY419 2024年4月 - 食品香料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):天然、人工
Food Flavors Market Report by Type (Natural, Artificial), Form (Dry, Liquid), End User (Beverages, Dairy and Frozen Products, Bakery and Confectionery, Savory and Snacks, Animal and Pet Food), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY418 2024年4月 - ヴィーガンアイスクリームのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ココナッツミルク、豆乳、アーモンドミルク、カシューミルク
Vegan Ice Cream Market Report by Source (Coconut Milk, Soy Milk, Almond Milk, Cashew Milk), Flavor (Chocolate, Caramel, Coconut, Vanilla, Coffee, Fruit), Sales Type (Impulse, Take Home, Artisanal), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY417 2024年4月 - 有機スナックのグローバル市場(2024~2032):栄養バー、キャンディバー、塩味スナック、ナッツ、その他
Organic Snacks Market Report by Product Type (Nutrition Bars, Candy Bars, Salty Snacks, Nuts, and Others), Generation (Millennial, Generation X, Baby Boomers), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Specialty Stores, Convenience Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY416 2024年4月 - クルミのグローバル市場(2024~2032):殻付き、殻付き
Walnut Market Report by Type (In-shell, Shelled), Product (Persian or English Walnut, Black Walnut), Nature (Organic, Conventional), Form (Raw, Processed), End Use (Household, Industrial, Personal Care and Cosmetics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY415 2024年4月 - アイリッシュウイスキーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ブレンデッド、シングルモルト、シングルポットスチル、シングルグレーン
Irish Whiskey Market Report by Type (Blended, Single Malt, Single Pot Still, Single Grain), Pricing (Mass, Premium), Sales Channel (On-trade, Off-trade), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY414 2024年4月 - クラフトビールのグローバル市場(2024~2032):エール、ラガー、その他
Craft Beer Market Report by Product Type (Ales, Lagers, and Others), Age Group (21-35 Years Old, 40-54 Years Old, 55 Years and Above), Distribution channel (On-Trade, Off-Trade), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY413 2024年4月 - カルミンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):粉末、液体、結晶
Carmine Market Report by Form (Powder, Liquid, Crystal), Application (Dairy and Frozen Products, Food and Beverages, Cosmetics, Bakery and Confectionery, Meat Products), End User (Food Processing Companies, Beverage Industry, Catering Industry, Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical Industry), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY412 2024年4月 - ビスケットのグローバル市場(2024~2032):クラッカー&セイボリービスケット、スイートビスケット
Biscuits Market Report by Product Type (Crackers and Savory Biscuits, Sweet Biscuits), Ingredient (Wheat, Oats, Millets, and Others), Packaging Type (Pouches/Packets, Jars, Boxes, and Others), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Independent Bakery, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY411 2024年4月 - マンゴーバターのグローバル市場(2024~2032):精製、未精製
Mango Butter Market Report by Type (Refined, Unrefined), Format (Powder, Cream), Application (Cosmetics, Food, Pharmaceutical), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY410 2024年4月 - ピンクヒマラヤソルトのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ヨウ素化、ユニオン化
Pink Himalayan Salt Market Report by Type (Iodized, Unionized), Application (Food and Beverages, Salt Lamps, Bath Salts, Gourmet Salts, and Others), Distribution Channel (Supermarket/Hypermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY409 2024年4月 - タンパク質加水分解物原料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):乳タンパク質加水分解物、植物タンパク質加水分解物、動物タンパク質加水分解物
Protein Hydrolysate Ingredient Market Report by Type (Milk Protein Hydrolysate, Plant Protein Hydrolysate, Animal Protein Hydrolysate), Product Form (Powder, Liquid, Bar), Application (Infant Formula, Sports Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY408 2024年4月 - 乳タンパク質濃縮物のグローバル市場(2024~2032):有機、従来型
Milk Protein Concentrate Market Report by Nature (Organic, Conventional), Form (Powder, Liquid), Concentration (Low, Medium, High), Application (Packaged Products, Nutritional Products, Infant Formula, and Others), Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets and Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY407 2024年4月 - 機能水のグローバル市場(2024~2032):フレーバー機能水、無フレーバー機能水
Functional Water Market Report by Product (Flavored Functional Water, Unflavored Functional Water), Ingredient (Micronutrients, Botanical Extracts, and Others), Type (Vitamins, Proteins, and Others), Packaging Types (PET Bottles, Cans, and Others), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Stores), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY406 2024年4月 - オーガニックスパイスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ターメリック、ジンジャー、クローブ、ペッパー、シナモン、ナツメグ、マスタードシード、その他
Organic Spices Market Report by Product Type (Turmeric, Ginger, Clove, Pepper, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Mustard Seeds, and Others), Form (Powder, Whole, Chopped/Crushed), Application (Commercial, Household), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Online Stores), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY405 2024年4月 - 昆虫飼料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ミールワーム、ハエ幼虫、カイコ、セミ、その他
Insect Feed Market Report by Product Type (Meal Worms, Fly Larvae, Silkworms, Cicadas, and Others), Application (Aquaculture, Pig Nutrition, Poultry Nutrition, Dairy Nutrition, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY404 2024年4月 - オメガ3成分のグローバル市場(2024~2032):アルファリノレン酸(ALA)、ドコサヘキサエン酸(DHA)、エイコサペンタエン酸(EPA)
Omega 3 Ingredients Market Report by Type (Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA), Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)), Source (Marine Source, Plant Source), Application (Supplements and Functional Foods, Pharmaceuticals, Infant Formula, Animal Feed), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY403 2024年4月 - フィンフィッシュのグローバル市場(2024~2032):熱帯フィンフィッシュ、その他
Fin Fish Market Report by Fish Type (Tropical Fin Fish, and Others), Environment (Freshwater, Marine Water, Brackish Water), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY402 2024年4月 - ロバミルクのグローバル市場(2024~2032):液体、粉末
Donkey Milk Market Report by Form (Liquid, Powder), Application (Cosmetics and Personal Care, Food and Beverages), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY401 2024年4月 - オメガ3サプリメントのグローバル市場(2024~2032):魚油、クリルオイル、藻類油、その他
Omega 3 Supplements Market Report by Source (Fish Oil, Krill Oil, Algae Oil, and Others), Form (Tablets, Capsules, Soft Gels, and Others), Functionality (Cardiovascular Health, Brain, Nervous System and Mental Health, Eye Diseases, Diabetes, and Others), Distribution Channel (OTC, Prescribed), End User (Adults, Geriatric, Pregnant Women, Children, Infants), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY400 2024年4月 - 大豆&乳タンパク質成分のグローバル市場(2024~2032):大豆タンパク質成分、乳タンパク質成分
Soy and Milk Protein Ingredients Market Report by Product Type (Soy Protein Ingredients, Milk Protein Ingredients), Application (Food and Beverages, Cosmetics and Personal Care, Animal Feed, Pharmaceuticals), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY399 2024年4月 - ミルクチョコレートのグローバル市場(2024~2032):スーパーマーケット&ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、非食品小売店、その他
Milk Chocolate Market Report by Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Non-Grocery Retailers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY398 2024年4月 - ソルビトールのグローバル市場(2024~2032):化粧品・トイレタリー、食品・飲料、医薬品、歯磨き粉、工業用界面活性剤、その他
Sorbitol Market Report by Application (Cosmetics and Toiletries, Food and Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Toothpaste, Industrial Surfactants, and Others), Type (Liquid Sorbitol, Powder Sorbitol), Feedstock (Corn, Wheat, Cassava, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY397 2024年4月 - 養殖飼料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):コイ、海産エビ、ティラピア、ナマズ、海産魚、サケ、淡水甲殻類、マス、その他
Aquafeed Market Report by Species (Carps, Marine Shrimps, Tilapias, Catfishes, Marine Fishes, Salmons, Freshwater Crustaceans, Trout, and Others), Ingredients (Soybean, Corn, Fish Meal, Fish Oil, Additives, and Others), Additives (Vitamins and Minerals, Antioxidants, Feed Enzymes, and Others), Product Form (Pellets, Extruded, Powdered, Liquid), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY396 2024年4月 - テキーラのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ブランコ、ホヴェン、ミクストゴールド、レポサド、アネホ、エクストラアネホ
Tequila Market Report by Product Type (Blanco, Joven, Mixto Gold, Reposado, Anejo, Extra Anejo), Purity (100% Tequila, 60% Tequila), Price Range (Premium Tequila, Value Tequila, Premium and Super-Premium Tequila, Ultra-Premium Tequila), Distribution Channel (Off-Trade, On-Trade), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY395 2024年4月 - 茶ポリフェノールのグローバル市場(2024~2032):緑茶ポリフェノール、ウーロン茶ポリフェノール、紅茶ポリフェノール、その他
Tea Polyphenols Market Report by Product Type (Green Tea Polyphenols, Oolong Tea Polyphenols, Black Tea Polyphenols, and Others), Application (Functional Beverages, Functional Food, Dietary Supplements, and Others), Distribution Channel (Mass Retailers, Direct Selling, Online Retailers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY394 2024年4月 - ココナッツウォーターのグローバル市場(2024~2032):加糖、無糖
Coconut Water Market Report by Type (Sweetened, Unsweetened), Flavor (Plain, Flavored), Form (Coconut Water, Coconut Water Powder), Packaging (Carton, Bottles, and Others), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Online Retail Stores, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY393 2024年4月 - ホエイプロテイン(粉末&濃縮物)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ホエイプロテイン濃縮物、ホエイプロテインアイソレート、ホエイプロテイン加水分解物
Whey Protein (Powder and Concentrate) Market Report by Type (Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Hydrolysates), Application (Food and Beverages, Nutrition Products and Pharmaceuticals, Feed Applications, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY392 2024年4月 - 坑口装置のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ハンガー、フランジ、マスターバルブ、チョーク、その他
Wellhead Equipment Market Report by Component (Hangers, Flanges, Master Valve, Choke, and Others), Application (Onshore, Offshore), Sector (OEM, Aftermarket), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY391 2024年4月 - 発電所ボイラーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):微粉燃料ボイラー、循環流動層ボイラー、その他
Power Plant Boiler Market Report by Type (Pulverized Fuel Boiler, Circulation Fluidized Bed Boiler, and Others), Technology (Subcritical, Supercritical, Ultra-Supercritical), Fuel Type (Coal, Oil, Gas, and Others), Input Capacity ( 250 MMBtu/Hr), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY390 2024年4月 - 分路リアクトルのグローバル市場(2024~2032):油浸、空芯
Shunt Reactor Market Report by Type (Oil-Immersed, Air-Core), End-User (Electric Utilities, Industrial Verticals), Application (Variable Reactor, Fixed Reactor), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY389 2024年4月 - 電柱のグローバル市場(2024~2032):送電用ポール、配電用ポール
Utility Poles Market Report by Type (Transmission Poles, Distribution Poles), Material (Concrete, Wood, Steel, Composites), Pole Size (Below 40ft, Between 40 and 70ft, Above 70ft), Application (Electricity Transmission and Distribution, Telecommunication, Street Lighting, Heavy Power Lines, Subtransmission Lines, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY388 2024年4月 - 計画LNGのグローバル市場(2024~2032):液化、再ガス化
Planned LNG Market by Technology (Liquefaction, Regasification), End Use Industry (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY387 2024年4月 - ライナーハンガーシステムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):従来型ライナーハンガー、機械式ライナーハンガー、油圧式ライナーハンガー、拡張可能ライナーハンガー、その他
Liner Hanger System Market Report by Type (Conventional Liner Hangers, Mechanical Liner Hangers, Hydraulic Liner Hangers, Expandable Liner Hangers, and Others), Location of Deployment (Onshore, Offshore), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY386 2024年4月 - 圧縮空気エネルギー貯蔵(CAES)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):断熱、断熱、等温
Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Market by Type (Adiabatic, Diabatic, Isothermal), Storage Type (Constant-Volume Storage, Constant-Pressure Storage), Application (Power Station, Distributed Energy System, Automotive Power), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY385 2024年4月 - 海底バッテリーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):バルブ制御鉛蓄電池、氾濫鉛蓄電池、その他
Submarine Battery Market Report by Type (Valve-regulated Lead Acid Batteries, Flooded Lead Acid Batteries, and Others), Application (Civil, Military), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY384 2024年4月 - トランスコアのグローバル市場(2024~2032):シェル、クローズド、ベリー
Transformer Core Market by Core (Shell, Closed, Berry), Product (Power Transformer, Distribution Transformer, Instrument Transformer), Winding (Two Winding, Auto Transformer), Cooling (Dry Type, Self Cooled), Insulation (Gas, Oil, Solid, Air), Application (Industrial, Residential and Commercial, Utility), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY383 2024年4月 - ソーラーポンプのグローバル市場(2024~2032):水中、水面、浮体
Solar Pumps Market Report by Type (Submersible, Surface, Floating), Capacity (Below 4HP, 4-6 HP, 6-8 HP, Above 8 HP), Application (Agriculture, Water Treatment, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY382 2024年4月 - 住宅用蓄電システムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):リチウムイオン電池、鉛蓄電池、その他
Residential Energy Storage System Market by Technology Type (Lithium-ion Batteries, Lead-acid Batteries, and Others), Power Rating (3-6 Kw, 6-10 Kw, More Than 10 Kw), Ownership Type (Customer-owned, Utility-owned, Third-Party Owned), Connectivity Type (On-Grid, Off-Grid), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY381 2024年4月 - 航空転用型ガスタービンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):1MW以下、1〜30MW、30〜70MW、70MW以上
Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Market by Capacity (Upto 1 MW, 1-30 MW, 30-70 MW, Above 70 MW), Technology (Open Cycle, Combined Cycle), Application (Power Plants, Oil and Gas, Process Plants, Aviation, Marine, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY380 2024年4月 - ナノグリッドのグローバル市場(2024~2032):DCナノグリッド、ACナノグリッド
Nanogrid Market by Type (DC Nanogrid, AC Nanogrid), Components (Controller, Gateway, Storage, and Others), Mode of Operation (Island Mode, Grid Connected Mode), Function (Energy Generation, Energy Storage), Energy Source (Solar, Wind, and Others), Application (Residential, Commercial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY379 2024年4月 - 非在来型ガスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):シェールガス、タイトガス、炭層メタン(CBM)、その他
Unconventional Gas Market by Type (Shale Gas, Tight Gas, Coal Bed Methane (CBM), and Others), Application (Industrial, Power Generation, Residential, Commercial, Transportation), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY378 2024年4月 - プログレッシブキャビティポンプのグローバル市場(2024~2032):500GPM以下、501~1,000GPM、1,000GPM以上
Progressing Cavity Pump Market Report by Pumping Capacity (Up to 500 GPM, 501-1,000 GPM, Above 1,000 GPM), Power Rating (Up to 50 HP, 51-150 HP, Above 150 HP), End User (Water and Wastewater Management, Oil and Gas, Food and Beverages, Chemicals and Petrochemicals, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY377 2024年4月 - プロパンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):液体、ガス
Propane Market Report by Form (Liquid, Gas), Grade (HD-5 Propane, HD-10 Propane, Commercial Propane), End Use Industry (Residential, Commercial, Transportation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY376 2024年4月 - ブースターコンプレッサのグローバル市場(2024~2032):空気、水
Booster Compressor Market Report by Cooling Type (Air, Water), Compression Stage (Single Stage, Double Stage, Multistage), Power Source (Electric, Combustion Engine), End User (Oil and Gas, Manufacturing, Industrial Testing, Construction, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY375 2024年4月 - 蒸発式冷却のグローバル市場(2024~2032):直接蒸発式冷却、間接蒸発式冷却、二段階蒸発式冷却
Evaporative Cooling Market Report by Type of Cooling (Direct Evaporative Cooling, Indirect Evaporative Cooling, Two-stage Evaporative Cooling), Distribution Channel (Big-box Retailers, HVAC Contractors and Distributors, and Others), Application (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Confinement Farming, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY374 2024年4月 - 水素エネルギー貯蔵のグローバル市場(2024~2032):液体、固体、ガス
Hydrogen Energy Storage Market Report by Product Type (Liquid, Solid, Gas), Technology (Compression, Liquefaction, Material Based), Application (Stationary Power, Transportation), End User (Industrial, Commercial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY373 2024年4月 - ワイヤラインサービスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):電気ライン、スリックライン
Wireline Services Market Report by Wireline Type (Electric Line, Slickline), Service Type (Completion, Intervention, Logging), Hole Type (Open Hole, Cased Hole), Application (Onshore, Offshore), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY372 2024年4月 - ソーラーファームのグローバル市場(2024~2032):地表吸引型、ユーティリティ規模、分散型発電、マイクログリッド、その他
Solar Farm Market Report by Type (Surface Suction, Utility-scale, Distributed Generation, Microgrids, and Others), End Use Industry (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY371 2024年4月 - グリーン電力のグローバル市場(2024~2032):風力、太陽光、低負荷水力、バイオマス、その他
Green Power Market Report by Power Source (Wind, Solar, Low Impact Hydro, Biomass, and Others), End Use Sector (Transport, Industrial, Non-combusted, Buildings, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY370 2024年4月 - 太陽光発電用ガラスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):反射防止コートガラス、強化ガラス、TCOガラス、その他
Solar Photovoltaic Glass Market Report by Type (Anti-Reflective Coated Glass, Tempered Glass, TCO Glass, and Others), Module (Crystalline Silicon PV Modules, Amorphous Silicon PV Modules, Thin Film PV Modules), End Use Industry (Residential, Non-Residential, Utility), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY369 2024年4月 - マイクロ灌漑システムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):点滴灌漑システム、スプリンクラー灌漑システム
Micro Irrigation Systems Market Report by Type (Drip Irrigation System, Sprinkler Irrigation System), Crop Type (Field Crops, Orchard Crops, Landscape and Turf, and Others), End User (Agricultural, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY368 2024年4月 - LNGバンカリングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):船対船、トラック対船、港対船、ポータブルタンク
LNG Bunkering Market Report by Product Type (Ship-to-Ship, Truck-to-Ship, Port-to-Ship, Portable Tanks), Application (Cargo Fleet, Container Fleet, Tanker Fleet, Ferries, Inland Vessels, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY367 2024年4月 - 水力発電のグローバル市場(2024~2032):大規模水力発電(100MW以上)、小規模水力発電(10MW以下)、その他
Hydropower Market Report by Size (Large Hydropower (Greater Than 100 MW), Small Hydropower (Smaller Than 10 MW), and Others), Application (Industrial, Residential, Commercial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY366 2024年4月 - 風力エネルギーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):タービン、支持構造、電気インフラ、その他
Wind Energy Market Report by Component (Turbine, Support Structure, Electrical Infrastructure, and Others), Rating (≤ 2 MW, >2 ≤ 5 MW, >5 ≤ 8 MW, >8 ≤ 10 MW, >10 ≤ 12 MW, >12 MW), Installation (Offshore, Onshore), Turbine Type (Horizontal Axis, Vertical Axis), Application (Utility, Industrial, Commercial, Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY365 2024年4月 - 電力品質機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):無停電電源装置(UPS)、高調波フィルタ、静的VAR補償器、電力品質メータ、その他
Power Quality Equipment Market Report by Equipment (Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), Harmonic Filters, Static VAR Compensator, Power Quality Meters, Others), Phase (Single Phase, Three Phase), End User (Industrial and Manufacturing, Commercial, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY364 2024年4月 - サージ保護デバイスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ハードワイヤード、プラグイン、ラインコード、電源制御デバイス
Surge Protection Devices Market Report by Product (Hard-wired, Plug-in, Line Cord, Power Control Devices), Type (Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4), Power Rating (0-50 kA, 50.1-100 kA, 100.1-200 kA, 200.1 kA and Above), End User (Commercial Complexes, Data Centre, Industries and Manufacturing Units, Medical, Residential Buildings and Spaces, Telecommunication, Transportation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY363 2024年4月 - 瞬間湯沸かし器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ガス瞬間湯沸かし器、電気瞬間湯沸かし器
Instant Water Heater Market Report by Product Type (Gas Instant Water Heaters, Electric Instant Water Heaters), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Specialty Stores, Convenience Stores, Online Stores), Application (Commercial, Residential, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY362 2024年4月 - 太陽光発電機のグローバル市場(2024~2032):オフグリッド、オングリッド
Solar Generator Market Report by Grid Connectivity (Off-grid, On-grid), End User (Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Military), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY361 2024年4月 - 定量ポンプのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ダイヤフラムポンプ、ピストンポンプ、その他
Metering Pump Market Report by Type (Diaphragm Pumps, Piston Pumps, and Others), Application (Water & Wastewater Treatment, Oil & Gas, Chemical Processes, Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverages, Paper & Pulp, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY360 2024年4月 - エネルギーハーベスティングシステムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):光エネルギーハーベスティング、振動エネルギーハーベスティング、電磁/無線周波数(RF)エネルギーハーベスティング、熱エネルギーハーベスティング、その他
Energy Harvesting System Market Report by Technology (Light Energy Harvesting, Vibration Energy Harvesting, Electromagnetic/Radio Frequency (RF) Energy Harvesting, Thermal Energy Harvesting, and Others), Component (Transducers, Power Management IC (PMIC), Storage Unit), Application (Consumer Electronics, Building and Home Automation, Transportation, Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY359 2024年4月 - 小規模LNGのグローバル市場(2024~2032):液化ターミナル、再ガス化ターミナル
Small-Scale LNG Market Report by Terminal Type (Liquefaction Terminal, Regasification Terminal), Mode of Supply (Truck, Trans-Shipment and Bunkering, Pipeline and Rail, and Others), Storage Tank Type (Pressurized, Atmospheric Tank, Floating Storage Unit (FSU)), Application (Electrical Power Generation, Industrial Feedstock, Transportation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY358 2024年4月 - 熱エネルギー貯蔵のグローバル市場(2024~2032):顕熱貯蔵、潜熱貯蔵、熱化学的熱貯蔵
Thermal Energy Storage Market Report by Storage Type (Sensible Heat Storage, Latent Heat Storage, Thermochemical Heat Storage), Technology (Molten Salt Technology, Electric Thermal Storage Heaters, Solar Energy Storage, Ice-Based Technology, Miscibility Gap Alloy Technology (MGA), and Others), Material Type (Water, Molten Salt, Phase Change Materials (PCM), and Others), Application (Power Generation, District Heating and Cooling, Process Heating and Cooling), End-Use (Residential and Commercial Sector, Utility Industry, and Other Industries), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY357 2024年4月 - マイクロタービンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):熱電併給(CHP)、待機電力
Microturbine Market Report by Application (Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Standby Power), Power Rating (12 kW – 50 kW, 50 kW – 250 kW, 250 kW – 500 kW), End-User (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY355 2024年4月 - クリーンコール技術のグローバル市場(2024~2032):超臨界圧、超々臨界圧、ガス化複合発電(IGCC)、その他
Clean Coal Technologies Market Report by Technology (Supercritical, Ultrasupercritical, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY356 2024年4月 - 合成ガスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):固定床、流動床、エントレインフロー
Syngas Market Report by Gasifier Type (Fixed Bed, Fluidized Bed, Entrained Flow), Feedstock (Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum, Pet-Coke, Biomass and Waste), Technology (Steam Reforming, Partial Oxidation, Combined or Two-Step Reforming, Auto Thermal Reforming, and Others), End-Use (Chemicals, Liquid Fuels, Gaseous Fuels, Power Generation), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY354 2024年4月 - コージェネレーション機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):天然ガス、バイオマス、石炭、その他
Cogeneration Equipment Market Report by Fuel (Natural Gas, Biomass, Coal, and Others), Capacity (Up to 30 MW, 31MW-60 MW, 61 MW-100 MW), Technology (Reciprocating Engine, Steam Turbine, Combined Cycle Gas Turbine, Gas Turbine, and Others), Application (Commercial, Industrial, Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY353 2024年4月 - 電子写真印刷のグローバル市場(2024~2032):モノクロ印刷、カラー印刷
Electrophotographic Printing Market Report by Type (Monochrome Printing, Color Printing), Application (Commercial Printing, Packaging, Advertising, Security, Stationery, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY352 2024年4月 - ウエハレベルパッケージング(WLP)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):3D TSV WLP、2.5D TSV WLP、WLCSP、ナノWLP、その他
Wafer Level Packaging Market Report by Packaging Technology (3D TSV WLP, 2.5D TSV WLP, WLCSP, Nano WLP, and Others), End Use Industry (Aerospace and Defense, Consumer Electronics, IT & Telecommunication, Healthcare, Automotive, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY351 2024年4月 - 変電所自動化のグローバル市場(2024~2032):インテリジェント電子デバイス、通信ネットワーク、SCADAシステム
Substation Automation Market Report by Module Type (Intelligent Electronic Devices, Communication Networks, SCADA Systems), Component (Hardware, Software, Services), Communication Channel (Ethernet, Copper Wire Communication, Power Line Communication, Optical Fiber Communication, and Others), Substation Type (Transmission, Distribution), Installation Type (New Installation, Retrofit Installation), End-Use Industry (Utility, Transportation, Metals & Mining, Oil and Gas, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY350 2024年4月 - フレキシブル電子のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ディスプレイ、薄膜太陽電池(PV)、プリントセンサー、電池、OLED照明、その他
Flexible Electronics Market Report by Application (Displays, Thin-Film Photovoltaics (PV), Printed Sensors, Batteries, OLED Lighting, and Others), Circuit Structure Type (Single-Sided Flexible Circuit, Double-Sided Flexible Circuit, Multilayer Flexible Circuit, Sculptured Flexible Circuit, and Others), Vertical (Consumer Electronics, Energy & Power, Healthcare, Automotive, Military and Defense, Aerospace, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY349 2024年4月 - 量子ドットのグローバル市場(2024~2032):コロイド合成、作製、生体分子自己組織化、ウイルスアセンブリ、電気化学アセンブリ、その他
Quantum Dots Market Report by Processing Techniques (Colloidal Synthesis, Fabrication, Bio-Molecular Self-Assembly, Viral Assembly, Electrochemical Assembly, and Others), Application (Medical Devices, Displays, Solar Cells, Photodetectors Sensors, Lasers, LED Lights, Batteries & Energy Storage Systems, Transistors, and Others), Material (Cadmium Based QD, Cadmium Free QD), End-Use Industry (Healthcare, Optoelectronics, LED Lighting, Solar Modules, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY348 2024年4月 - 回路保護のグローバル市場(2024~2032):過電流保護、静電気放電(ESD)保護、過電圧保護
Circuit Protection Market Report by Type (Overcurrent Protection, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection, Overvoltage Protection), Device (Circuit Breakers, Fuses, ESD Protection Devices, Surge Protection Devices), End-Use (Residential Building Construction, Non-Residential Building Construction, Automotive, Electrical and Electronics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY347 2024年4月