- マイクロコントローラのグローバル市場(2024~2032):8ビット、16ビット、32ビット、64ビット、その他
Microcontroller Market Report by Product Type (8-Bit, 16-Bit, 32-Bit, 64-Bit, and Others), Architecture (8051 Architecture, AVR Architecture, PIC Architecture, ARM Architecture, and Others), Memory (Embedded Memory Microcontroller, External Memory Microcontroller), Application (Automotive, Consumer Devices, Industrial, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY346 2024年4月 - 半導体整流器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):単相、三相
Semiconductor Rectifier Market Report by Product (Single Phase, Three Phase), Type (Low Current Rectifier, Medium Current Rectifier, High Current Rectifier), End Use Industry (Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Power and Utility, IT and Telecom, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY345 2024年4月 - レベルセンサのグローバル市場(2024~2032):接触式レベルセンサ、非接触式レベルセンサ
Level Sensor Market Report by Technology (Contact Level Sensor, Non-Contact Level Sensor), Monitoring Type (Continuous Level Monitoring, Point Level Monitoring), Application (Oil and Gas, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Energy and Power, Mining and Metal Processing, Food and Beverage, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY344 2024年4月 - インテリジェントパワーモジュール(IPM)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):600V以下、601V〜1200V、1200V以上
Intelligent Power Module (IPM) Market Report by Voltage Rating (Upto 600V, 601V-1200V, More than 1200V), Current Rating (Upto 100A, 101A-600A, Above 600A), Circuit Configuration (6-PAC, 7-PAC, and Others), Power Device (IGBT, MOSFET), Application (Consumer Electronics, Servo Drives, Transportation, Renewable Energy, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY343 2024年4月 - スマートオーブンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):単機能、多機能
Smart Oven Market Report by Type (Single Function, Multiple Function), Distribution Channel (Online, Offline), Capacity (20-25 Litres, 26-30 Litres, Above 30 Litres), Structure (Built-in, Countertop), Connectivity (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, and Others), Application (Residential, Commercial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY342 2024年4月 - ファイバレーザのグローバル市場(2024~2032):赤外ファイバレーザ、紫外ファイバレーザ、超高速ファイバレーザ、可視ファイバレーザ
Fiber Laser Market Report by Type (Infrared Fiber Laser, Ultraviolet Fiber Laser, Ultrafast Fiber Laser, Visible Fiber Laser), Application (Cutting, Welding, Marking, Fine and Micro Processing, Medical, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY341 2024年4月 - スマート手袋のグローバル市場(2024~2032):特定健康モニタリングデバイス、フィットネストラッカー、メディア&コネクテッドデバイス、その他
Smart Gloves Market by Usage (Specific Health Monitoring Device, Fitness Tracker, Media and Connected Device, and Others), Industry Vertical (Healthcare, Industrial, Fitness, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY340 2024年4月 - イーサネットアダプタのグローバル市場(2024~2032):外付け、内蔵
Ethernet Adapter Market by Type (External, Internal), Interface Type (PCIe, OCP, USB), Port Configuration (Single, Dual, Quad), Data Rate Per Port (Up To 1 GbE, 10 GbE, 25 GbE, 40 GbE, 50 GbE, 100 GbE, 200 GbE), Applications (Servers, Embedded Systems, Consumer Applications, Routers and Switches, Desktop Systems, and Others), End Use (Residential, Industrial, Commercial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY339 2024年4月 - 低電圧サーキットブレーカのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ミニチュアサーキットブレーカ(MCB)、モールドケースサーキットブレーカ(MCCB)、エアサーキットブレーカ
Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Market Report by Type (Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB), Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB), Air Circuit Breaker), Application (Energy Allocation, Shut-off Circuit, and Others), End User (Residential Commercial, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY338 2024年4月 - 電子機器保護装置(EPD)におけるポリアミドのグローバル市場(2024~2032):PA 6、PA 66、PA 4,6、PA 612、その他
Polyamide in Electronics Protection Devices (EPD) Market by Product (PA 6, PA 66, PA 4,6, PA 612, and Others), Application (MCB, MCCB, Relays, Contactors, Terminal Blocks), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY337 2024年4月 - スマートコネクテッド洗濯機のグローバル市場(2024~2032):トップロード、フロントロード
Smart Connected Washing Machine Market Report by Product (Top Load, Front Load), End User (Commercial, Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY336 2024年4月 - 電磁流量計のグローバル市場(2024~2032):インライン磁気流量計、低流量磁気流量計、挿入型磁気流量計
Electromagnetic Flowmeter Market by Product (In-line Magnetic Flowmeters, Low Flow Magnetic Flowmeters, Insertion Magnetic Flowmeters), Application (Water and Wastewater, Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Power Generation, Metals and Mining, Oil and Gas, Food and Beverages, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY335 2024年4月 - ダイナミック・ランダム・アクセス・メモリ(DRAM)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):同期DRAM、バースト拡張データ、出力拡張データ、出力非同期DRAM、高速ページモード
Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) Market by Type (Synchronous DRAM, Burst Extended Data, Output Extended Data, Output Asynchronous DRAM, Fast Page Mode), Technology (DDR4, DDR3, DDR5/GDDR5, DDR2), End User (IT and Telecommunication, Defense and Aerospace, Media and Entertainment, Medical and Healthcare, Consumer Electronics), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY334 2024年4月 - 手のひら静脈バイオメトリクスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス
Palm Vein Biometrics Market by Component (Hardware, Software and Services), Application (Banking and Financial Sector, Healthcare, Home Security, Commercial Security, Consumer Electronics, Education, Gaming, Transportation, Government), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY333 2024年4月 - 広報ロボットのグローバル市場(2024~2032):テレプレゼンス型広報ロボット、ヒューマノイド型広報ロボット、その他
Public Relation Robots Market by Product (Telepresence public relation robots, Humanoid public relation robots, and Others), End User (Hotels and restaurants, Mobile guidance and information, Media relation robots, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY332 2024年4月 - IE4永久磁石同期モータのグローバル市場(2024~2032):20kW以下、20〜200kW、200kW以上
IE4 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Market Report by Product (200 kW), Application (Material Handling, Liquid Pumps, Fans and Ventilation, Cooling Compressors, Air Compressors and Vacuum Pumps, Blowers, Coolers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY331 2024年4月 - 高エネルギーレーザのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ガスレーザ、化学レーザ、エキシマレーザ、ファイバーレーザ、固体レーザ
High Energy Lasers Market by Type (Gas Lasers, Chemical Lasers, Excimer Lasers, Fiber Lasers, Solid State Lasers), Application (Cutting, Welding and Drilling, Military and Defense, Communications, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY330 2024年4月 - 電子辞書のグローバル市場(2024~2032):学生用辞書、ビジネス・旅行用辞書、業務用電子辞書
Electronic Dictionary Market by Type (Student Dictionaries, Business and Travel Dictionaries, Professional Electronic Dictionaries), Display Type (Touch Display, LCDs, Keyboards and Stylus, Tablets Computers, and Others), Screen Size (Below 2.8 Inch, Between 3-3.5 Inch, Between 4.3-5.2 Inch, Above 5.5 Inch), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY329 2024年4月 - スティックPCのグローバル市場(2024~2032):Intel Atomプロセッサー、Core Mプロセッサー
Stick PC Market by Type (Intel Atom Processor, Core M Processor), Application (Home Use, Commercial Use), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY328 2024年4月 - RAIDコントローラカードのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ハードウェアRAID、ソフトウェアRAID
RAID Controller Card Market Report by Product (Hardware RAID, Software RAID), Type (8 Internal Ports, 16 Internal Ports, and Others), Enterprise Size (SMB Enterprise, Large Enterprise), End User (Internet Industry, Service Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Financial, Government, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY327 2024年4月 - レーダーレベルトランスミッタのグローバル市場(2024~2032):接触型(誘導波レーダー)、非接触型(パルス、FMCW)
Radar Level Transmitter Market by Technology (Contact (Guided Wave Radar), Noncontact (Pulsed and FMCW)), Frequency Range (C and X Band, W Band, K Band), Application (Liquids, Slurries and Interfaces, Solids), End Use Industry (Oil and Gas, Food and Beverages, Water and Wastewater, Chemicals and Petrochemical, Metals and Mining, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY326 2024年4月 - 有機LEDのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ディスプレイ、照明
Organic LED Market by Product Type (Display, Lighting), Technology (Passive-Matrix OLED (PMOLED), Active-Matrix OLED (AMOLED), Transparent OLED, Top-Emitting OLED, White OLED), Application (Television and Monitors, Smartphones, Laptops and Tablets, Automotive, and Others), End Use Sector (Commercial, Residential, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY325 2024年4月 - 固体レーザーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):連続波レーザー、パルス固体レーザー
Solid-State Laser Market by Type (Continuous Wave Lasers, Pulsed Solid State Lasers), Application (Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY324 2024年4月 - ウルトラモバイルデバイスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):プレミアムウルトラモバイルデバイス、ベーシックウルトラモバイルデバイス、ユーティリティウルトラモバイルデバイス
Ultra-Mobile Device Market by Type (Premium Ultra-Mobile Devices, Basic Ultra-Mobile Devices, Utility Ultra-Mobile Devices), Device Type (Tablet, Laptop, Convertibles, Detachable), Application (Healthcare, Consumer Electronics, IT And Telecom, Retail, BFSI, Education, Entertainment, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY323 2024年4月 - 組み込みダイパッケージング技術のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ICパッケージ基板内組込みダイ、リジッド基板内組込みダイ、フレキシブル基板内組込みダイ
Embedded Die Packaging Technology Market by Platform (Embedded Die in IC Package Substrate, Embedded Die in Rigid Board, Embedded Die in Flexible Board), Industry Vertical (Consumer Electronics, IT and Telecommunication, Automotive, Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY322 2024年4月 - 液体分析機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):pH/ORP分析計、導電率・抵抗率分析計、赤外線分析計、酸素分析計、濁度分析計、その他
Liquid Analytical Instrument Market by Instrument (pH/ORP Analyzers, Conductivity and Resistivity Analyzers, Infrared Analyzers, Oxygen Analyzers, Turbidity Analyzers, and Others), Application (Wastewater Management, Liquid Chemistry Monitoring, Drug Discovery, Water Purification, and Others), End User (Food and Beverage, Chemicals, Energy, Healthcare and Biotechnology, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY321 2024年4月 - キルンシェルスキャナのグローバル市場(2024~2032):標準スキャナ、ステレオスキャナ
Kiln Shell Scanner Market Report by Type (Standard Scanner, Stereo Scanner), Applications (On-Line Measurement, Preventative Maintenance), End User (Minerals Industry, Cement Industry, Pulp and Paper Industry), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY320 2024年4月 - 教室用ディスプレイのグローバル市場(2024~2032):教育用プロジェクター、インタラクティブフラットパネル、インタラクティブテーブル、インタラクティブホワイトボード、ワイヤレススレート、その他
Classroom Displays Market by Type (Education Projectors, Interactive Flat Panels, Interactive Tables, Interactive Whiteboards, Wireless Slates, and Others), Application (School, Training Institutions, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY319 2024年4月 - 非常灯スティックのグローバル市場(2024~2032):化学発光式非常灯スティック、電池式非常灯スティック
Emergency Light Stick Market by Product (Chemiluminescent Emergency Light Sticks, Battery-Operated Emergency Light Sticks), Application (Hospital, Cinema, School, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY318 2024年4月 - ガス乾燥機のグローバル市場(2024~2032):スチーム機能付き、スチーム機能なし
Gas Dryer Market by Product Type (With Steam Function, Without Steam Function), Capacity (Less Than 7 Cu.ft., 7 – 8 Cu.ft., More Than 8 Cu.ft.), Price Range (Less Than US$ 300, US$ 300 – US$ 500, US$ 500 – US$ 700, US$ 700 – US$S 900, More Than US$ 900), Distribution Channel (Online, Offline), End Use (Residential, Commercial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY317 2024年4月 - 色検出センサのグローバル市場(2024~2032):色センサ、コントラストセンサ、発光センサ、その他
Colour Detection Sensor Market Report by Type (Colour Sensor, Contrast Sensor, Luminescence Sensor, and Others), End User (Food and Beverage, Medical, Chemical, Textile, Automotive, Factory Automation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY316 2024年4月 - スマート教室用書画カメラのグローバル市場(2024~2032):天井型、ポータブル
Document Camera for Smart Classroom Market by Type (Ceiling, Portable), Application (Online Study, Classroom), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY315 2024年4月 - 光トランシーバのグローバル市場(2024~2032):SFF&SFP、SFP+SFP28、QSFP、QSFP+、QSFP14&QSFP28、CFP、CFP2&CFP4、XFP、CXP、その他
Optical Transceiver Market by Form Factor (SFF and SFP, SFP+ and SFP28, QSFP, QSFP+, QSFP14 and QSFP28, CFP, CFP2, and CFP4, XFP, CXP, and Others), Fiber Type (Single Mode Fiber, Multimode Fiber), Data Rate (Less Than 10 Gbps, 10 Gbps To 40 Gbps, 40 Gbps To 100 Gbps, More Than 100 Gbps), Connector Type (LC Connector, SC Connector, MPO Connector, RJ-45), Application (Data Center, Telecommunication, Enterprises), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY314 2024年4月 - 電圧監視ICのグローバル市場(2024~2032):複数電圧監視、単一電圧監視
Voltage Supervisor ICs Market by Type (Multiple Voltage Monitor, Single Voltage Monitor), Application (Communication, Computing Applications, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY313 2024年4月 - 電子接着剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ペースト、固体、液体
Electronic Adhesives Market Report by Form (Paste, Solid, Liquid), Product Type (Electrically Conductive Adhesives, Thermally Conductive Adhesives, and Others), Resin Type (Epoxy, Silicone, Acrylics, PU, and Others), Application (Consumer Electronics, Computers and Servers, Industrial, Medical, Automotive, Communication, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY312 2024年4月 - ドアホンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):オーディオドアホン、ビデオドアホン
Door Phone Market Report by Product (Audio Door Phones, Video Door Phones), Connectivity (Wired, Wireless), Application (Commercial, Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY311 2024年4月 - スタンドアップパドルボードのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ソリッドSUPボード、インフレータブルSUPボード
Stand-Up Paddleboard Market Report by Product Type (Solid SUP Boards, Inflatable SUP Boards), Length (Less than 10 Feet, 10 Feet–11 Feet, More than 11 Feet), Distribution Channel (Online, Offline), Application (Surf, All-round, Flat-water or Touring, Racing, and Others), End User (Men, Women, Kids), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY310 2024年4月 - 3D ICのグローバル市場(2024~2032):積層3D、モノリシック3D
3D IC Market by Type (Stacked 3D, Monolithic 3D), Component (Through-Silicon Via (TSV), Through Glass Via (TGV), Silicon Interposer), Application (Logic, Imaging and Optoelectronics, Memory, MEMS/Sensors, LED, and Others), End User (Consumer Electronics, Telecommunication, Automotive, Military and Aerospace, Medical Devices, Industrial, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY309 2024年4月 - 平面光波回路(PLC)スプリッタのグローバル市場(2024~2032):1×N PLCスプリッタ、2×N PLCスプリッタ
Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) Splitters Market Report by Type (1×N PLC Splitters, 2×N PLC Splitters), Design Type (Bare Fiber, Blockless, ABS, Fanout, Rack-Mounted, and Others), Application (Telecommunication, FTTX Systems, PON Networks, CATV Networks, LAN, WAN and Metro Networks, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY308 2024年4月 - 携帯電話アクセサリのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ヘッドフォン/イヤフォン、ポータブルスピーカー、充電器、メモリカード、パワーバンク、保護ケース、スクリーンガード、ポップポケット、その他
Mobile Phone Accessories Market Report by Product Type (Headphone/Earphone, Portable Speaker, Charger, Memory Card, Power Bank, Protective Case, Screen Guards, Popsockets, and Others), Price Range (Premium, Mid, Low), Distribution Channel (Online, Offline), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY307 2024年4月 - A/Dコンバータのグローバル市場(2024~2032):パイプラインADC、積分型ADC、逐次近似ADC、ΔΣADC、その他
Analog-to-Digital Converters Market Report by Product Type (Pipelined ADC, Integrating ADC, Successive Approximation ADC, Delta-Sigma ADC, and Others), Resolution (8-Bit, 10-Bit, 12-Bit, 14-Bit, 16-Bit), Application (Consumer Electronics, IT and Telecommunication, Automotive, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY306 2024年4月 - ワイヤレステストのグローバル市場(2024~2032):機器、サービス
Wireless Testing Market Report by Offering (Equipment, Services), Technology (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 2G/3G, 4G/LTE, 5G, and Others), Application (Consumer Electronics, Automotive, IT and Telecommunication, Energy and Power, Medical Devices, Aerospace and Defense, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY305 2024年4月 - UV LEDのグローバル市場(2024~2032):UV-A、UV-B、UV-C
UV LED Market Report by Type (UV-A, UV-B, UV-C), Material (Silicon Carbide (SiC), Gallium Nitride (GaN), Sapphire, and Others), Application (Curing, Disinfection/Purification, Indoor Gardening, Counterfeit Detection, and Others), Industry Vertical (Healthcare and Medical, Agriculture, Residential, Industrial, Commercial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY304 2024年4月 - フレキシブルディスプレイのグローバル市場(2024~2032):OLED、LCD、電子ペーパーディスプレイ(EPD)、その他
Flexible Display Market Report by Display Type (OLED, LCD, Electronic Paper Display (EPD), and Others), Substrate Material (Glass, Plastic, and Others), Application (Smartphones and Tablets, Smart Wearables, Televisions and Digital Signage Systems, Personal Computers and Laptops, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY303 2024年4月 - 安全センサのグローバル市場(2024~2032):安全ライトカーテン、安全レーザースキャナ、安全マット、安全エッジ、その他
Safety Sensors Market Report by Type (Safety Light Curtain, Safety Laser Scanner, Safety Mat, Safety Edge, and Others), Sensor Type (Accelerometers, Biosensors, Image Sensors, Motion Detectors, and Others), End User (Pharmaceutical, Food and Beverage, Automotive, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY302 2024年4月 - データセンターチップのグローバル市場(2024~2032):GPU、ASIC、FPGA、CPU、その他
Data Center Chip Market Report by Chip Type (GPU, ASIC, FPGA, CPU, and Others), Data Center Size (Small and Medium Size, Large Size), Industry Vertical (BFSI, Manufacturing, Government, IT and Telecom, Retail, Transportation, Energy and Utilities, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY301 2024年4月 - ディスプレイのグローバル市場(2024~2032):フラットパネルディスプレイ、フレキシブルパネルディスプレイ、透明パネルディスプレイ
Display Market Report by Display Type (Flat Panel Display, Flexible Panel Display, Transparent Panel Display), Technology (OLED, Quantum Dot, LED, LCD, E-Paper, and Others), Application (Smartphone and Tablet, Smart Wearable, Television and Digital Signage, Pc and Laptop, Vehicle Display, and Others), Industry Vertical (BFSI, Retail, Healthcare, Consumer Electronics, Military and Defense, Automotive, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY300 2024年4月 - スマートフォンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):Android、iOS、その他
Smartphone Market Report by Operating System (Android, iOS, and Others), Display Technology (LCD Technology, OLED Technology), RAM Capacity (Below 4GB, 4GB - 8GB, Over 8GB), Price Range (Ultra-Low-End (Less Than $100), Low-End ($100-<$200), Mid-Range ($200-<$400), Mid- to High-End ($400-<$600), High-End ($600-<$800), Premium ($800-<$1000) and Ultra-Premium ($1000 and Above)), Distribution Channel (OEMs, Online Stores, Retailers), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY299 2024年4月 - 集束イオンビームのグローバル市場(2024~2032):Ga+液体金属、ガス場、プラズマ
Focused Ion Beam Market Report by Ion Source (Ga+ Liquid Metal, Gas Field, Plasma), Application (Failure Analysis, Nanofabrication, Device Modification, Circuit Edit, and Others), End Use (Electronics and Semiconductor, Industrial Science, Bioscience, Material Science, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY298 2024年4月 - 放送機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):アンテナ、スイッチ、ビデオサーバ、エンコーダ、トランスミッタ、リピータ、その他
Broadcast Equipment Market Report by Product (Dish Antennas, Switches, Video Servers, Encoders, Transmitters and Repeaters, and Others), Technology (Analog Broadcasting, Digital Broadcasting), Application (Studio Production, Post Production, Sports Production, News Production), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY297 2024年4月 - 機械安全のグローバル市場(2024~2032):個別部品、組み込み部品
Machine Safety Market Report by Implementation (Individual Components, Embedded Components), Component (Presence Sensing Safety Sensors, Emergency Stop Devices, Safety Interlock Switches, Safety Controller/Modules/Relays, and Others), End Use Industry (Automotive, Electronics and Semiconductors, Food and Beverages, Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals, Metals and Mining, Oil and Gas, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY296 2024年4月 - 5Gチップセットのグローバル市場(2024~2032):特定用途向け集積回路(ASIC)、無線周波数集積回路(RFIC)、ミリ波技術チップ、フィールドプログラマブルゲートアレイ(FPGA)
5G Chipset Market Report by Chipset Type (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC), Millimeter Wave Technology Chips, Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)), Operational Frequency (Sub 6 GHz, Between 26 and 39 Ghz, Above 39 Ghz), End User (Consumer Electronics, Industrial Automation, Automotive and Transportation, Energy and Utilities, Healthcare, Retail, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY295 2024年4月 - ハードウェアウォレットのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ホットウォレット、コールドウォレット
Hardware Wallet Market Report by Type (Hot Wallet, Cold Wallet), Connection Type (Near-field Communication (NFC), Bluetooth, USB), Distribution Channel (Online, Offline), End User (Commercial, Individual), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY294 2024年4月 - LEDドライバのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ドライバIC、ディスクリートコンポーネント、その他
LED Driver Market Report by Component (Driver IC, Discrete Components, and Others), Luminaire Type (Decorative Lamps, Reflectors, Type A Lamp, T Lamp, Integral LED Modules, and Others), Supply Type (Constant Current, Constant Voltage), End User (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY293 2024年4月 - 防爆型モバイル通信機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):スマートフォン・携帯電話、双方向無線機、ハンドヘルドPC、ヘッドセット、タブレット、その他
Explosion Proof Mobile Communication Devices Market Report by Product (Smartphones and Cellphones, Two-way Radios, Handheld PC, Headsets, Tablets, and Others), Material Type (Fire Resistant Composite (FRP), Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC), Glass Reinforced Polyesters (GRP), and Others), Zone (Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 20, Zone 21, Zone 22), End Use Industry (Oil and Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Processing, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Defense, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY292 2024年4月 - パッチケーブルのグローバル市場(2024~2032):銅ケーブル、光ファイバー
Patch Cable Market Report by Product Type (Copper Cable, Fiber Optics), Cable Type (CAT 3, CAT 5, CAT 5E, CAT 6, CAT 6A, CAT 7, Multimode Optical Fiber, and Others), Application (Networking, Non-Networking), End Use (Industrial, Enterprise, IT and Network Security, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY291 2024年4月 - フォトニクスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):LED、レーザー、検出器、センサー・画像デバイス、光通信システム・部品、その他
Photonics Market Report by Type (LED, Lasers, Detectors, Sensors and Imaging Devices, Optical Communication Systems and Components, and Others), Application (Surveying and Detection, Production Technology, Data Communication, Image Capture and Display, Medical Technology, Lighting, and Others), End User (Building Construction, Media, Broadcasting and Telecommunication, Consumer Electronics, Medical, Safety and Defense, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY290 2024年4月 - 高密度相互接続(HDI)PCBのグローバル市場(2024~2032):4-6層HDI PCB、8-10層HDI PCB、10層以上HDI PCB
High-Density Interconnect (HDI) PCB Market Report by Number of HDI Layer (4-6 Layers HDI PCBs, 8-10 Layer HDI PCBs, 10+ Layer HDI PCBs), End Use Industry (Smartphones and Tablets, Computers, Telecom/Datacom, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY289 2024年4月 - HVDC送電システムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):コンバータステーション、送電媒体(ケーブル)
HVDC Transmission Systems Market Report by Component (Converter Stations, Transmission Medium (Cables)), Transmission Type (Submarine HVDC Transmission System, HVDC Overhead Transmission System, HVDC Underground Transmission System), Technology (Capacitor Commutated Converter (CCC), Voltage Source Converter (VSC), Line Commutated Converter (LCC)), Project Type (Point-to-Point, Back-to-Back, Multi-terminal), Application (Bulk Power Transmission, Interconnecting Grids, Infeed Urban Areas), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY288 2024年4月 - 衛星アンテナのグローバル市場(2024~2032):Cバンド、K/KU/KAバンド、Xバンド
Satellite Antenna Market Report by Frequency Band (C Band, K/KU/KA Band, X Band), Technology (SOTM, SOTP), Antenna Type (Flat Panel Antenna, Parabolic Reflector Antenna, Horn Antenna), Platform (Land Fixed, Land Mobile, Airborne, Maritime, Space), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY287 2024年4月 - 電子ペーパーディスプレイのグローバル市場(2024~2032):補助ディスプレイ、電子棚ラベル、電子リーダー、その他
E-Paper Display Market Report by Product (Auxiliary Displays, Electronic Shelf Labels, E-Readers, and Others), Application (Consumer Electronics, Healthcare, Institutional, Media & Entertainment, Transportation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY286 2024年4月 - プリント基板のグローバル市場(2024~2032):片面、両面、多層、HDI
Printed Circuit Board Market Report by Type (Single-Sided, Double-Sided, Multi-Layer, HDI), Substrate (Rigid, Flexible, Rigid-Flex), End Use Industry (Industrial Electronics, Healthcare, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, IT and Telecom, Consumer Electronics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY285 2024年4月 - ウェアラブルカメラのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ヘッドマウント、ボディマウント、イヤーマウント、スマートグラス
Wearable Camera Market Report by Type (Head Mount, Body Mount, Ear Mount and Smart Glass), Product (Cameras, Accessories), Sales Channel (Online, Offline), Application (Sports and Adventure, Security, Healthcare, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY284 2024年4月 - デジタル印刷のグローバル市場(2024~2032):インクジェット、レーザー
Digital Printing Market Report by Type (Inkjet, Laser), Ink Type (Aqueous Ink, UV-Cured Ink, Solvent Ink, Latex Ink, Dye Sublimation Ink), Application (Plastic Film or Foil, Fabric, Glass, Paper/Books, Ceramic, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY283 2024年4月 - シリコン・オン・インシュレータ(SOI)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):300mm、200mm
Silicon on Insulator Market Report by Wafer Size (300 mm, 200 mm), Wafer Type (FD-SOI, RF-SOI, PD-SOI, and Others), Technology (Smart Cut, BESOI, SiMOX, ELTRAN, SoS), Product (RF FEM Products, MEMS Devices, Power Products, Optical Communication, Image Sensing), Application (Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Datacom and Telecom, Industrial, Photonics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY282 2024年4月 - 原子層堆積装置のグローバル市場(2024~2032):金属ALD、酸化アルミニウムALD、プラズマエンハンストALD、触媒ALD、その他
Atomic Layer Deposition Equipment Market Report by Product (Metal ALD, Aluminum Oxide ALD, Plasma Enhanced ALD, Catalytic ALD, and Others), Application (Semiconductors, Solar Devices, Electronics, Medical Equipment, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY281 2024年4月 - 磁気抵抗RAM(MRAM)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):トグルMRAM、スピントランスファートルクMRAM(STT-MRAM)
Magneto Resistive RAM (MRAM) Market Report by Type (Toggle MRAM, Spin-Transfer Torque MRAM (STT-MRAM)), Offering (Stand-alone, Embedded), Application (Consumer Electronics, Robotics, Enterprise Storage, Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY280 2024年4月 - チップ抵抗器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):感圧、感熱、その他
Chip Resistor Market Report by Type (Pressure-Sensitive, Thermosensitive, and Others), Technology (Thick Chip Resistors, Thin Chip Resistors, and Others), End Use (Automotive and Transportation, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, IT and Telecommunication, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY279 2024年4月 - スマートカードのグローバル市場(2024~2032):接触型、非接触型、デュアルインターフェース
Smart Card Market Report by Type (Contact-Based, Contactless, Dual Interface), Component (Memory Based, Microcontroller Based, Magnetic Stripes), Application (Payment Transactions, ID Verification, Access Control), End User (BFSI, Telecommunication, Healthcare, Government, Transportation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY278 2024年4月 - ミックスドシグナルICのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ミックスドシグナルSoC、マイクロコントローラ、データコンバータ
Mixed Signal IC Market Report by Type (Mixed Signal SoC, Microcontroller, Data Converter), End Use (Consumer Electronics, Medical and Healthcare, Telecommunication, Automotive, Military and Defense), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY277 2024年4月 - フィールドプログラマブルゲートアレイ(FPGA)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):SRAMベースFPGA、アンチヒューズベースFPGA、フラッシュベースFPGA
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Market Report by Architecture (SRAM-Based FPGA, Anti-Fuse Based FPGA, Flash-Based FPGA), Configuration (Low-range FPGA, Mid-range FPGA, High-range FPGA), End Use Industry (IT and Telecommunication, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Industrial, Military and Aerospace, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY276 2024年4月 - マルチモードレシーバーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ラインフィット、レトロフィット
Multi-Mode Receiver Market Report by Fit (Line-Fit, Retrofit), Sub-System (ILS Receiver, MLS Receiver, GLS Receiver, VOR and DME Receiver), Platform (Fixed-wing, Rotary-wing), Application (Navigation, Positioning, Landing), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY275 2024年4月 - LEDパネルライトのグローバル市場(2024~2032):レトロフィット、小売&ホスピタリティ、屋外、オフィス、建築、住宅、工業
LED Panel Light Market Report by Application (Retrofit, Retail & Hospitality, Outdoor, Offices, Architectural, Residential, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY274 2024年4月 - LEDフラッドライトのグローバル市場(2024~2032):レトロフィット、小売・ホスピタリティ、屋外、オフィス、建築、住宅、工業
LED Flood Light Market Report by Application (Retrofit, Retail & Hospitality, Outdoor, Offices, Architectural, Residential, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY273 2024年4月 - LEDダウンライトのグローバル市場(2024~2032):レトロフィット、小売・ホスピタリティ、屋外、オフィス、建築、住宅、工業
LED Downlight Market Report by Application (Retrofit, Retail and Hospitality, Outdoor, Offices, Architectural, Residential, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY272 2024年4月 - LED電球のグローバル市場(2024~2032):レトロフィット、小売・ホスピタリティ、屋外、オフィス、建築、住宅、工業
LED Bulb Market Report by Application (Retrofit, Retail and Hospitality, Outdoor, Offices, Architectural, Residential, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY271 2024年4月 - スーパーキャパシタのグローバル市場(2024~2032):電気二重層キャパシタ、擬似キャパシタ、ハイブリッドキャパシタ
Supercapacitor Market Report by Product Type (Electric Double-Layered Capacitors, Pseudocapacitors, Hybrid Capacitors), Module Type (Less than 25V, 25-100V, More than 100V), Material Type (Carbon and Metal Oxide, Conducting Polymer, Composite Materials), End Use Industry (Automotive and Transportation, Consumer Electronics, Power and Energy, Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY270 2024年4月 - 多関節ロボットのグローバル市場(2024~2032):16Kg以下、16Kg〜60Kg、60Kg〜225Kg、225Kg以上
Articulated Robot Market Report by Payload (Upto 16 Kg, 16 to 60 Kg, 60 to 225 Kg, More Than 225 Kg), Function (Handling, Welding, Dispensing, Assembling, and Others), Type (4-Axis or Less, 5-Axis, 6-Axis or More), Component (Controller, Arm, End Effector, Drive, Sensor, and Others), End Use Industry (Automotive, Electrical and Electronics, Chemicals, Rubber and Plastics, Metal and Machinery, Food and Beverages, Precision Engineering and Optics, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY269 2024年4月 - 指紋センサのグローバル市場(2024~2032):エリア・タッチセンサ、スワイプセンサ
Fingerprint Sensor Market Report by Type (Area and Touch Sensors, Swipe Sensors), Technology (Capacitive, Optical, Thermal, and Others), Application (Consumer Electronics, Government and Law Enforcement, Military, Defense and Aerospace, Travel and Immigration, Banking and Finance, Healthcare, Smart Homes, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY268 2024年4月 - ワイヤレス電力伝送のグローバル市場(2024~2032):バッテリー搭載デバイス、バッテリー非搭載デバイス
Wireless Power Transmission Market Report by Type (Devices With Battery, Devices Without Battery), Technology (Near-Field Technology, Far-Field Technology), Implementation (Aftermarket, Integrated), Receiver Application (Smartphones, Tablets, Wearable Electronics, Notebooks, Electric Vehicles, Robots, and Others), End-Use Industry (Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Healthcare, Defense, Power Generation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY267 2024年4月 - 融着接続機のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス
Fusion Splicer Market Report by Offering (Hardware, Software and Services), Product (Single Fiber Fusion Splicer, Ribbon Fiber Fusion Splicer, Special Fiber Fusion Splicer), Alignment Type (Core Alignment, Cladding Alignment), Application (Telecommunication, Cable TV, Enterprises, Aerospace & Defense, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY266 2024年4月 - LEDチューブライトのグローバル市場(2024~2032):T5、T8、T12、その他
LED Tube Light Market Report by Tube Type (T5, T8, T12, and Others), Application (Residential, Office, Industrial, Hospitality, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY265 2024年4月 - 金属製伸縮継手のグローバル市場(2024~2032):側方伸縮継手、軸方向伸縮継手、角度伸縮継手、万能伸縮継手
Metal Expansion Joints Market by Product Type (Lateral Expansion Joints, Axial Expansion Joints, Angular Expansion Joints, Universal Expansion Joints), Application (Containers and Pipelines, Heavy Machineries, Heat Exchangers, and Others), End User (Power Generation Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Heavy Industry, Water Treatment Industry, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY264 2024年4月 - 鉄骨グレーチングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):炭素鋼グレーチング、ステンレス鋼グレーチング、軟鋼グレーチング
Steel Grating Market Report by Material Type (Carbon Steel Grating, Stainless Steel Grating, Mild Steel Grating), Fabrication (Welded Steel Grating, Swage Locked Grating, Press Locked Grating, Riveted Grating, Close Mesh Steel Grating), Surface Type (Serrated Steel Grating, Plain Steel Grating), Application (Walkaways, Stair Threads, Platforms, Security Fence, Drainage Covers, Trench Covers, and Others), End Use Industry (Oil and Gas, Food Processing, Pharmaceuticals, Cement, Chemical, Mining, Marine, Civil Engineering, Wastewater Treatment, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY263 2024年4月 - 建築用ガラスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):特殊ガラス、Low-Eガラス
Construction Glass Market Report by Product Type (Special Glass, Low-E Glass), Chemical Composition (Soda-Lime, Potash-Lime, Potash-Lead), Manufacturing Process (Float Process, Rolled/Sheet Process), Application (Non-Residential, Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY262 2024年4月 - 二つ折りドアのグローバル市場(2024~2032):木製、金属製、ガラス製、ビニール製、ガラス繊維製、その他
Bifold Doors Market Report by Material (Wood, Metal, Glass, Vinyl, Fiberglass, and Others), Application (Interior Doors, Exterior Doors), End User (Residential, Non-residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY261 2024年4月 - 橋梁建設のグローバル市場(2024~2032):梁橋、トラス橋、アーチ橋、吊橋、斜張橋、その他
Bridge Construction Market Report by Type (Beam Bridge, Truss Bridge, Arch Bridge, Suspension Bridge, Cable-stayed Bridge, and Others), Material (Steel, Concrete, Composite Materials), Application (Road and Highway, Railway), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY260 2024年4月 - 3Dコンクリート印刷のグローバル市場(2024~2032):壁、床&屋根、パネル&まぐさ、階段、その他
3D Concrete Printing Market Report by Product Type (Walls, Floors and Roofs, Panels and Lintels, Staircases, and Others), Concrete Type (Ready-mix, High-density, Precast, Shotcrete, and Others), Printing Type (Gantry System, Robotic Arm), End Use (Residential Building, Commercial Building, Infrastructure, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY259 2024年4月 - 火災安全装置のグローバル市場(2024~2032):検知、抑制
Fire Safety Equipment Market Report by Solution (Detection, Suppression), Application (Commercial, Industrial, Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY258 2024年4月 - 商業用フローリングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ソフトカバー、弾力性フローリング、非弾力性フローリング、シームレスフローリング、木材、ラミネート
Commercial Flooring Market Report by Product (Soft Coverings, Resilient Flooring, Non-Resilient Flooring, Seamless Flooring, Wood and Laminates), Application (Commercial Buildings, Healthcare, Education, Leisure and Hospitality, Retail, Public Buildings), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY257 2024年4月 - アルミニウムカーテンウォールのグローバル市場(2024~2032):スティックビルド、セミユニット化、ユニット化
Aluminum Curtain Wall Market Report by Type (Stick-Built, Semi-Unitized, Unitized), Construction Type (Refurbishment, New Construction), Material (Fiberglass and Glass Wool, Mineral Wool, Plastic Foam), Applications (Commercial, Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY256 2024年4月 - 特殊化学品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):農薬、ポリマー添加剤、建設化学品、水処理化学品、油田化学品、食品添加剤、界面活性剤、電子化学品、特殊ポリマー、その他
Specialty Chemicals Market Report by Type (Agrochemicals, Polymer Additives, Construction Chemicals, Water Treatment Chemicals, Oil Field Chemicals, Food Additives, Surfactants, Electronic Chemicals, Specialty Polymers, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY255 2024年4月 - 帯電防止剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):液体、粉末、ペレット、マイクロビー
Antistatic Agents Market Report by Form (Liquid, Powder, Pellets, Microbeads), Product (Ethoxylated Fatty Acid Amines, Glycerol Monostearate, Diethanolamides, and Others), Polymer Type (Polypropylene (PP), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Polyethylene (PE), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), and Others), End Use Industry (Packaging, Electronics, Automotive, Textiles, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY254 2024年4月 - レブリン酸のグローバル市場(2024~2032):酸加水分解、バイオファイン
Levulinic Acid Market Report by Technology (Acid Hydrolysis, Biofine), End-Use Industry (Agriculture Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Food Industry, Cosmetics Industry, and Others), Form (Liquid, Solid), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY253 2024年4月 - マスターバッチのグローバル市場(2024~2032):カラー、ホワイト、ブラック、添加剤、充填剤
Masterbatch Market Report by Type (Color, White, Black, Additive, Filler), Polymer Type (PP, LDPE/LLDPE, HDPE, PVC, PUR, PET, PS, and Others), Application (Packaging, Building & Construction, Consumer Goods, Automotive, Textile, Agriculture, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY252 2024年4月 - 不飽和ポリエステル樹脂のグローバル市場(2024~2032):オルトフタル酸樹脂、イソフタル酸樹脂、ジシクロペンタジエン(DCPD)樹脂、その他
Unsaturated Polyester Resins Market Report by Type (Orthophthalic Resin, Isophthalic Resin, Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) Resin, and Others), End-Use (Building and Construction, Automotive, Marine, Pipes, Ducts and Tanks, Wind Energy, Electrical and Electronics, and Others), Form (Liquid Form, Powder Form), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY251 2024年4月 - アセチレンガスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):炭化カルシウム、炭化水素熱分解
Acetylene Gas Market Report by Production Method (Calcium Carbide, Hydrocarbon Pyrolysis), Application (Chemical Synthesis, Welding and Cutting, Metal Fabrication, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY250 2024年4月 - 抗菌ガラスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):銀、銅、その他
Antibacterial Glass Market Report by Active Ingredient Type (Silver, Copper, and Others), Glass Type (Soluble, Porous, Coated, and Others), Application (Hospital Wards, Food and Beverage Products, Military Equipments, Household Products, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY249 2024年4月 - ステアリン酸カルシウムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):プラスチック・ゴム産業、建設産業、パーソナルケア産業、医薬品産業、パルプ・製紙産業、食品・飲料産業、その他
Calcium Stearate Market Report by End Use Industry (Plastic and Rubber Industry, Construction Industry, Personal Care Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Pulp and Paper Industry, Food and Beverage Industry, and Others), Grade (Technical Grade, Pharma Grade, Food Grade), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY248 2024年4月 - 形状記憶合金のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ニッケルチタン、銅ベース合金、鉄マンガンシリコン、その
Shape Memory Alloys Market Report by Alloy Type (Nickel-Titanium, Copper-Based Alloys, Iron-Manganese-Silicon, and Others), End-Use Industry (Biomedical, Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Consumer Electronics & Home Appliances, and Others), Functionality Type (Super-elasticity (or Pseudoelasticity), Constrained Recovery, Free Recovery, and Others), Application (Laser, Motors and Actuators, Transducers, Structural Material, Sensors, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY247 2024年4月 - レゾルシノールのグローバル市場(2024~2032):タイヤ・ゴム製品、木材接着剤・バインダー、UV製品・染料、難燃剤、その他
Resorcinol Market Report by Application (Tire and Rubber Products, Wood Adhesives and Binders, UV Products and Dyes, Flame Retardants, and Others), Production Method (Benzene Disulfonation, Hydroperoxidation of Meta-Diisopropylbenzene, Hydrolysis of Meta-Phenylenediamine), End-Use Industry (Automotive, Building and Construction, Healthcare, Electrical and Electronics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY246 2024年4月 - 研磨剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ボンド研磨剤、コーティング研磨剤、超砥粒、その他
Abrasives Market Report by Product Type (Bonded Abrasives, Coated Abrasives, Super-abrasives, and Others), End-Use (Machinery, Metal Fabrication, Automotive, Electronics, Construction, and Others), Material Type (Natural Abrasives, Synthetic Abrasives), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY245 2024年4月 - ゴム加工用化学品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):分解防止剤、促進剤、難燃剤、加工助剤、その他
Rubber Processing Chemicals Market Report by Type (Antidegradants, Accelerators, Flame Retardants, Processing Aids, and Others), Application (Tire, Non-Tire), End-Use (Tire and Related Products, Automotive Components, Medical Products, Footwear Products, Industrial Rubber Products, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY244 2024年4月 - キトサンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):工業用、食品用、医薬品用
Chitosan Market Report by Grade (Industrial Grade, Food Grade, Pharmaceutical Grade), Source (Shrimp, Crab, Squid, Krill, and Others), Application (Water Treatment, Food & Beverages, Cosmetics, Medical & Pharmaceuticals, Agrochemicals, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY243 2024年4月 - アセチルセルロースのグローバル市場(2024~2032):たばこフィルター、LCD、糸、コーティング、プラスチック、フィルム
Cellulose Acetate Market Report by Application (Cigarette Filters, LCD, Yarn, Coating, Plastics and Films), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY242 2024年4月 - ポリオールのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ポリエーテルポリオール、ポリエステルポリオール
Polyols Market Report by Type (Polyether Polyols, Polyester Polyols), Application (Flexible Polyurethane Foams, Rigid Polyurethane Foams, CASE (Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants & Elastomers), and Others), Industry (Carpet Backing, Packaging, Furniture, Automotive, Building & Construction, Electronics, Footwear, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY241 2024年4月 - ウェットスーツのグローバル市場(2024~2032):フード付きウェットスーツ、フルウェットスーツ、コンバーチブルウェットスーツ、ノースリーブウェットスーツ、ショート/スプリングウェットスーツ、その他
Wetsuit Market Report by Product Type (Hooded Wetsuits, Full Wetsuits, Convertible Wetsuits, Sleeveless Wetsuits, Shortly/Spring Wetsuits, and Others), Thickness (1mm-2mm, 2mm-3mm, 3mm-4mm, 4mm-5mm, > 5mm), End User (Male, Female, Kids), Application (Surfing, Scuba Diving, Triathlon, and Others), Distribution Channel (Sport Variety Stores, Third Party Online Channels, Direct to Customer Channels, Franchised Stores, Modern Trade Channels), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY240 2024年4月 - 分散剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):懸濁液、溶液、コロイド、粉末、その他
Dispersing Agents Market Report by Product Type (Suspension, Solution, Colloid, Powder, and Others), Application (Construction, Automotive, Detergents, Oil and Gas, Paints and Coatings, Pulp and Paper, and Others), Weight (Low Molecular Weight Dispersants, High Molecular Weight Dispersants, Advanced High Molecular Weight Dispersants, Oligomeric Dispersants), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY239 2024年4月 - ブロノポールのグローバル市場(2024~2032):凝集剤、殺生物剤・殺菌剤、PH調整剤・安定剤、阻害剤、消泡剤、そ
Bronopol Market Report by Type (Coagulants and Flocculants, Biocides and Disinfectants, PH Adjusters and Stabilizers, Inhibitors, Defoaming Agents, and Others), Form (Liquid, Solid), Application (Water Treatment, Formulators, Oil and Gas, Paper and Pulp, Paints, Coating and Adhesives, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY238 2024年4月 - ピリジンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ピリジンN-オキシド、アルファピコリン、ガンマピコリン、ベータピコリン、2-メチル-5-エチルピリジン(MEP)、その他
Pyridine Market Report by Product Type (Pyridine N-Oxide, Alpha Picoline, Gamma Picoline, Beta Picoline, 2-Methyl-5-Ethylpyridine (MEP), and Others), Synthesis (Chemically Synthesized Pyridine, Coal Tar Extracted Pyridine), End-Use Industry (Agrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Food, and Others), Application (Solvent, Pesticides, Rubber, Medicines, Paints and Dyes, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY237 2024年4月 - ベンゼンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):エチルベンゼン、クメン、シクロヘキサン、ニトロベンゼン、直鎖アルキルベンゼン、無水マレイン酸、その他
Benzene Market Report by Derivative (Ethylbenzene, Cumene, Cyclohexane, Nitrobenzene, Linear Alkylbenzene, Maleic Anhydride, and Others), Manufacturing Process (Pyrolysis Steam Cracking of Naphtha, Catalytic Reforming of Naphtha, Toluene Hydrodealkylation, Toluene Disproportionation, From Biomass), Application (Plastics, Resins, Synthetic Fibers, Rubber Lubricants, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY236 2024年4月 - 石材フローリングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):御影石、大理石、石灰岩、砂岩、スレート、その他
Stone Flooring Market Report by Raw Material (Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Slate, and Others), Flooring Type (Natural, Artificial), Colour (White and Black, Beige and Grey, Green, and Others), Finished Product (Tiles, Slabs), Application (Residential, Non-Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY235 2024年4月 - 発電機用バッテリーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):鉛蓄電池、ニッカド電池
Genset Battery Market Report by Product Type (Lead-Acid Batteries, NiCd Batteries), Distribution Channel (Offline, Online), End-User (Industrial, Commercial, Residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY234 2024年4月 - パラキシレン(PX)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):高純度テレフタル酸(PTA)、テレフタル酸ジメチル(DMT)、その他
Paraxylene (PX) Market Report by Application (Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA), Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT), and Others), End Use Industry (Plastics, Textile, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY233 2024年4月 - 石油・ガス分離のグローバル市場(2024~2032):重力分離、遠心分離、その他
Oil and Gas Separation Market Report by Technology Type (Gravitational Separation, Centrifugal Separation, and Others), Vessel Type (Horizontal, Vertical, Spherical), Product Type (Two-Phase Separators, Three-Phase Separators, Scrubbers, and Others), Application (Onshore, Offshore, Refinery, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY232 2024年4月 - キセノンガスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):パッケージ、商社、オンサイト
Xenon Gas Market Report by Distribution Channel (Packaged, Merchant, On-Site), End-User (Imaging and Lighting, Automotive and Transportation, Aviation and Aerospace, Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY231 2024年4月 - 木材プラスチック複合材料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ポリエチレン、ポリ塩化ビニル、ポリプロピレン、その他
Wood-Plastic Composites Market Report by Type (Polyethylene, Polyvinylchloride, Polypropylene, and Others), Application (Building and Construction, Automotive, Industrial and Consumer Goods, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY230 2024年4月 - 水溶性フィルムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):PVA/PVOH、キシラン
Water Soluble Film Market Report by Material (PVA/PVOH, Xylan), Application (Detergent Packaging, Agrochemical Packaging, Water Treatment Chemical Packaging, Pharmaceutical Packaging, and Others), End-Use Industry (Textile, Agriculture, Consumer Goods, Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY229 2024年4月 - 鉱業廃棄物管理のグローバル市場(2024~2032):地上、地下
Mining Waste Management Market Report by Mining Type (Surface, Underground), Mineral/Metal (Coal, Iron, Gold, Aluminium, Copper, Nickel, and Others), Waste Type (Waste Rock, Tailings, Mine Water, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY228 2024年4月 - 防汚塗料・コーティング剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):銅ベース、自己研磨コポリマー、シリコーンエラストマー、その他
Antifouling Paints and Coatings Market Report by Type (Copper-Based, Self-Polishing Copolymer, Silicone Elastomers, and Others), Application (Shipping Vessels, Drilling Rigs & Production Platforms, Fishing Boats, Yachts & Other Boats, Mooring Lines, Inland Waterways), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY227 2024年4月 - 鉄筋のグローバル市場(2024~2032):異形、軟質
Steel Rebar Market Report by Product Type (Deformed, Mild), Process (Basic Oxygen Steelmaking, Electric Arc Furnace), Finishing Type (Epoxy, Coated, Black), End Use (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY226 2024年4月 - 浴室付属品のグローバル市場(2024~2032):蛇口、シャワー、その他
Bathroom Fittings Market Report by Product Type (Faucets, Showers, and Others), End-User (Residential, Commercial, Institutional), Distribution Channel (Offline, Online), Organized and Unorganized (Unorganized, Organized), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY225 2024年4月 - シリコーンコーティングのグローバル市場(2024~2032):シリコーン添加剤、シリコーン撥水剤、シリコーンポリマー、100%シリコーン
Silicone Coating Market Report by Product (Silicone Additives, Silicone Water Repellents, Silicone Polymers, 100% Silicone), Technology (Solvent-Based, Solventless, Water-Based, Powder-Based), Application (Building and Construction, Consumer Goods, Automotive and Transportation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY224 2024年4月 - ゴム添加剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):活性剤、促進剤、加硫抑制剤、可塑剤、その他
Rubber Additives Market Report by Type (Activators, Accelerators, Vulcanization Inhibitors, Plasticizers, and Others), Rubber Type (Natural Rubber, Synthetic Rubber), Application (Tire, Conveyor Belts, Electric Cables, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY223 2024年4月 - PMMA微小球のグローバル市場(2024~2032):銀コートPMMA微小球、PMMA微小球(非コート)
PMMA Microspheres Market Report by Type (Silver-Coated PMMA Microspheres, PMMA Microspheres (Uncoated)), Application (Light Diffusing Agent, Matting Agent, Cosmetic Additive, Ceramic Porogen, Modified Plastic Additive, Paints and Inks Additive, and Others), End User (Lifesciences and Medical, Personal Care and Cosmetics, Electronics, Paints and Coatings, Plastics, Ceramics and Composites, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY222 2024年4月 - 酒石酸のグローバル市場(2024~2032):食品・飲料、非食品用
Tartaric Acid Market Report by End-Use (Food and Beverages, Non-Food Applications), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY221 2024年4月 - ポリエチレンフラノエート(PEF)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ボトル、フィルム、繊維
Polyethylene Furanoate (PEF) Market by Application (Bottles, Films, Fibers), End User (Construction, Packaging, Agriculture, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY220 2024年4月 - レイズドアクセスフロアのグローバル市場(2024~2032):スチールカプセル化、硫酸カルシウムボード、アルミニウムボード、チップボードカプセル化
Raised Access Floor Market Report by Type (Steel Encapsulated, Calcium Sulphate Board, Aluminum Board, Chipboard Encapsulated), Application (Data Center, Commercial Office Space, Nonprofit Management, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY219 2024年4月 - 硫酸コバルトのグローバル市場(2024~2032):粉末、溶液
Cobalt Sulphate Market Report by Form (Powder, Solution), Application (Alloys, Magnets, Hard Materials, Catalyst, Inks and Dyes, Batteries, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY218 2024年4月 - ネオプレン生地のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ポリクロロプレンゴム、サーキュラーニット
Neoprene Fabric Market by Type (Polychloroprene Rubber, Circular Knit), End Use (Outerwear, Ready-To-Wear, Swim Wear, Wet Suit and Rash Guard, Footwear, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY217 2024年4月 - 低GWP冷媒のグローバル市場(2024~2032):無機、炭化水素、フルオロカーボン、フルオロオレフィン(HFC、HFO
Low GWP Refrigerant Market Report by Type (Inorganics, Hydrocarbons, Fluorocarbons and Fluoro-olefins (HFCs and HFOs)), Application (Commercial Refrigeration, Industrial Refrigeration, Domestic Refrigeration, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY216 2024年4月 - デンプン系バイオプラスチックのグローバル市場(2024~2032):デンプン&PLAブレンド、デンプン&PHAブレンド、その
Starch-based Bioplastics Market by Type (Starch Blended with PLA, Starch Blended with PHA, and Others), Technology (Injection Molding, Blow Molding, Extrusion, and Others), Application (Rigid Packaging, Flexible Packaging, Textile, Consumer Goods, Agriculture, Automotive, Building and Construction, Electronics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY215 2024年4月 - パーフルオロアルコキシアルカン(PFA)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ペレット、パウダー、水性分散液
Perfluoroalkoxy Alkane (PFA) Market by Product Type (Pellets, Powder, Aqueous Dispersion), Application (Oil and Gas, Chemical Processing Industry, Fiber Optics, Semiconductor, Cookware and Bakeware Coatings, Electrical Insulation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY214 2024年4月 - 塩素化パラフィンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):中鎖、短鎖、長鎖
Chlorinated Paraffins Market Report by Product Type (Medium Chain, Short Chain, Long Chain), Application (Metal Working Fluids, Lubricating Additives, Plastics, Rubber, Paints, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY213 2024年4月 - 防弾ガラスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):アクリル、従来型合わせガラス、ポリカーボネート、ガラス被覆ポリカーボネート、防弾断熱ガラス、その他
Bulletproof Glass Market Report by Type (Acrylic, Traditional Laminated Glass, Polycarbonate, Glass-Clad Polycarbonate, Ballistic Insulated Glass, and Others), End Use (Automotive, Military, Banking and Finance, Building and Construction, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY212 2024年4月 - 直鎖アルキルベンゼン(LAB)のグローバル市場(2024~2032):直鎖アルキルベンゼンスルホン酸塩(LAS)、非界面活性剤
Linear Alkylbenzene (LAB) Market Report by Application (Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates (LAS), Non-Surfactant), End User (Laundry Detergents, Light-Duty Dishwashing Liquids, Industrial Cleaners, Household Cleaners, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY211 2024年4月 - 特殊接着剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):シアノアクリレート、ポリビニルアセテート、ポリウレタン、アクリル
Specialty Adhesives Market by Product (Cyanoacrylates, Polyvinyl Acetate, Polyurethanes, Acrylic), End Use Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Construction, Marine, Medical, Military, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY210 2024年4月 - ハイエンド合成スエードのグローバル市場(2024~2032):片面革、両面革
High End Synthetic Suede Market by Type (Single-Sided Leather, Double-Sided Leather), Product (Woven, Non-Woven), Application (Automotive, Fashion, Furniture, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY209 2024年4月 - 鉢植え用培養土・ミックスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):万能鉢植え用培養土・ミックス、種まき用ミックス、有機ミックス、植物専用ミックス
Potting Soil and Mixes Market by Soil Type (All-Purpose Potting Soil and Mixes, Seed-Starting Mix, Organic Mix, Plant-Specific Mix), Application Type (Indoor Gardening, Lawn and Landscape, Certified Organic Users), Sales Channel (Offline Sales, Online Sales), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY208 2024年4月 - ハイブリッド繊維のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ガラス/カーボン、カーボン/UHMWPE、ガラス/アラミド、カーボン/アラミド、その他
Hybrid Fabrics Market by Fiber Type (Glass/Carbon, Carbon/UHMWPE, Glass/Aramid, Carbon/Aramid, and Others), Form (Composite, Non-composite), End Use Industry (Automotive and Aerospace, Industrial, Marine and Defense, Sports Equipment, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY207 2024年4月 - ナノセラミック粉末のグローバル市場(2024~2032):酸化物粉末、炭化物粉末、窒化物粉末、ホウ素粉末、その他
Nanoceramic Powder Market by Type (Oxide Powders, Carbide Powders, Nitride Powders, Boron Powders, and Others), End Use Industry (Electrical and Electronics, Industrial, Transportation, Medical, Chemical, Defense, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY206 2024年4月 - 重機械用シリコーンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):エラストマー、流動シリコーン、その他
Silicone in Heavy Machinery Market by Product Type (Elastomer, Fluid Silicone, and Others), Application (Transformer, Switchgears), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY205 2024年4月 - 連続繊維複合材料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):熱硬化性複合樹脂、熱可塑性複合樹脂
Continuous Fiber Composites Market by Resin Type (Thermoset Composite Resins, Thermoplastic Composite Resins), Product Type (Woven Fabric, Non-Crimp Fabric, Unidirectional Tape, and Others), Reinforcement Type (Glass Fiber Composites, Carbon Fiber Composites, and Others), Industry Vertical (Aerospace, Automotive, Power and Energy, Sports and Leisure, Consumer Electronics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY204 2024年4月 - ガラスセラミックスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):リチウム・アルミニウム・ケイ酸塩(LAS)、亜鉛・アルミニウム・ケイ素酸化物(ZAS)、マグネシウム・アルミニウム・ケイ素酸化物(MAS)、その他
Glass Ceramics Market Report by Composition (Lithium-Aluminium-Silicate (LAS), Zinc-Aluminium-Silicon Oxides (ZAS), Magnesium-Aluminium-Silicon Oxides (MAS), and Others), Application (Building and Construction, Electrical and Electronics, Healthcare, Aerospace, Optical, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY203 2024年4月 - 非粘着性コーティング剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):フッ素樹脂、セラミック、シリコーン、その他
Non-Stick Coatings Market by Type (Fluoropolymer, Ceramic, Silicone, and Others), Application (Cookware, Food Processing, Fabrics and Carpets, Medical, Electrical and Electronics, Industrial Machinery, Automotive, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY202 2024年4月 - 産業用乾燥機のグローバル市場(2024~2032):直接式、間接式、その他
Industrial Dryers Market by Product Type (Direct, Indirect, and Others), Type (Rotary, Fluidized Bed, Spray, and Others), Application (Food, Pharmaceutical, Fertilizer, Chemical, Cement, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY201 2024年4月 - アセトンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):メタクリル酸メチル(MMA)、ビスフェノールA(BPA)、溶剤、その他
Acetone Market by Application (Methyl Methacrylate (MMA), Bisphenol A (BPA), Solvents, and Others), Grade (Specialty Grade, Technical Grade), Distribution Channel (Manufacturer to Distributor, Manufacturer to End-User), End Use Industry (Cosmetics and Personal Care, Electronics, Automotive, Pharmaceutical, Paints, Coatings and Adhesives, Textile Industry, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY200 2024年4月 - 工業用蒸発器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):シェル&チューブ、プレート
Industrial Evaporators Market by Type (Shell and Tube, Plate), Functionality (Falling Film, Rising Film, Forced Circulation, Agitated Film, Mechanical Vapor, Recompression), End User (Pharmaceutical, Pulp and Paper, Chemical and Petrochemical, Electronics and Semiconductor, Automotive, Food and Beverages), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY199 2024年4月 - フェノール樹脂のグローバル市場(2024~2032):ノボラック、レゾール
Phenolic Resins Market by Product Type (Novolac, Resol), Application (Molding, Adhesive, Insulation, Laminates, Coatings, Paper Impregnation, and Others), End Use Industry (Automotive and Transportation, Consumer Electronics, Building and Construction, Oil and Gas, Furniture, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY198 2024年4月 - スチレンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ポリスチレン、アクリロニトリル・ブタジエン・スチレン、スチレン・アクリロニトリル、スチレン・ブタジエンゴム、その他
Styrene Market by Product Type (Polystyrene, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Styrene Acrylonitrile, Styrene-Butadiene Rubber, and Others), End User (Packaging, Construction, Consumer Goods, Automotive, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY197 2024年4月 - 消防ホースのグローバル市場(2024~2032):0.8MPa、1.0MPa、1.3MPa、1.6MPa、その他
Fire Hose Market Report by Type (0.8MPa, 1.0MPa, 1.3MPa, 1.6MPa, and Others), Application (Municipal Fire Service, Industrial Fire Service, Commercial Fire Service, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY196 2024年4月 - SBC&その誘導体のグローバル市場(2024~2032):スチレン-イソプレン-スチレン(SIS)、スチレン-ブタジエン-スチレン(SBS)、スチレン-エチレン-ブタジエン-スチレン(SEBS)、SEPS、その他
SBC and Its Derivatives Market by Product Type (Styrene-Isoprene-Styrene (SIS), Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS), Styrene-Ethylene-Butadiene-Styrene (SEBS), SEPS and Other H-SBC), Application (Footwear, Adhesives, Sealants and Coatings, Roofing and Paving, Advanced Materials, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY195 2024年4月 - ホウ酸のグローバル市場(2024~2032):99%以下、99%以上
Boric Acid Market Report by Purity (<99%, ≥99%), Application (Flame Retardants, Ceramics & Fiberglass, Wood Preservatives, Nutritional Supplements, Pest Control, and Others), Distribution Channel (Wholesale, E-Commerce, Retail Stores, Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Independent Stores, and Others), End User (Pharmaceuticals, Agricultural, Chemical Processing, Building & Construction, Nuclear, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY194 2024年4月 - トリメチルヒドロキノンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):工業用、飼料用、医薬品用
Trimethylhydroquinone Market by Type (Industrial Grade, Feed Grade, Pharmaceutical Grade), Application (Synthesis of Vitamin E, Drug Production, Dyes, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY193 2024年4月 - ポリエチレンイミンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):分岐型、直鎖型
Polyethyleneimine Market by Type (Branched, Linear), Application (Adhesives and Sealants, Detergents, Water Treatment Chemicals, Paper, Cosmetics, Coatings, Inks and Dyes, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY192 2024年4月 - ネフェリンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ネフェリン閃長岩、ネフェリンモンゾナイト、ネフェリナイト
Nepheline Market Report by Product Type (Nepheline Syenite, Nepheline Monzonite, Nephelinites), Application (Ceramic Product, Glass Product, Refractories, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY191 2024年4月 - 特殊フィルムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ポリエステル、ナイロン、ポリアクリルアミド、フッ素樹脂、ポリイミド、ポリオレフィン、その他
Specialty Films Market Report by Resin (Polyester, Nylon, Polyacrylamide, Fluoropolymer, Polyimide, Polyolefin, and Others), Function (Barrier, Conduction and Insulation, Microporous, Safety and Security, and Others), End Use Industry (Packaging, Personal Care, Electrical and Electronics, Transportation, Construction, Medical), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY190 2024年4月 - スパンデックス繊維のグローバル市場(2024~2032):2ウェイ、4ウェイ
Spandex Fiber Market Report by Fabric Type (Two-Way, Four-Way), Production Method (Solution Dry Spinning, Solution Wet Spinning, and Others), Application (Apparel and Clothing, Home Furnishing, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY189 2024年4月 - 除湿機のグローバル市場(2024~2032):化学吸湿式除湿機、ヒートポンプ式除湿機、換気式除湿機
Dehumidifier Market Report by Product (Chemical Absorbent Dehumidifier, Heat Pump Dehumidifier, Ventilating Dehumidifier), Technology (Cold Condensation, Sorption, Warm Condensation, and Others), Distribution Channel (Offline, Online), End Use (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY188 2024年4月 - 銅箔のグローバル市場(2024~2032):圧延銅箔、電解銅箔
Copper Foil Market Report by Product Type (Rolled Copper Foil, Electrodeposited Copper Foil), Application (Printed Circuit Boards, Batteries, Electromagnetic Shielding, and Others), End Use Industry (Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Building and Construction, Electrical and Electronics, Industrial Equipment, Medical, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY187 2024年4月 - ベリリウムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):合金、金属、セラミックス、その他
Beryllium Market Report by Product Type (Alloys, Metals, Ceramics, and Others), End Use Industry (Industrial Components, Automotive, Healthcare, Aerospace and Defense, Oil and Gas and Other Energy, Electronics and Telecommunication, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY186 2024年4月 - コンフォーマルコーティング剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):アクリル、シリコーン、エポキシ、ウレタン、パリレン、その他
Conformal Coatings Market Report by Type (Acrylic, Silicone, Epoxy, Urethane, Parylene, and Others), Technologies (Solvent-based, UV-cured, Water-based), Operation Method (Dip Coating, Spray Coating, Brush Coating, Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)), End Use (Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Medical, Aerospace and Defense, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY185 2024年4月 - ポリマーナノコンポジットのグローバル市場(2024~2032):カーボンナノチューブ、ナノクレイ、ナノファイバー、ナノ酸化物、その他
Polymer Nanocomposites Market Report by Nanomaterial Type (Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoclays, Nanofibers, Nano-oxides, and Others), Polymer Type (Thermoplastics, Thermosetting), Application (Automotive, Construction, Electrical and Electronics, Packaging, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY184 2024年4月 - 耐擦傷性ガラスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):サファイアガラス、化学強化ガラス
Scratch Resistant Glass Market Report by Product Type (Sapphire Glass, Chemically Strengthened Glass), Material (Silica, Hydrofluoric Acid, Aluminum Oxide, and Others), Application (Smartphones and Tablets, Automotive, Electronics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY183 2024年4月 - 防爆機器のグローバル市場(2024~2032):防爆、防爆隔離、防爆隔離
Explosion Proof Equipment Market Report by Protection Method (Explosion Prevention, Explosion Containment, Explosion Segregation), Applicable System (Cable Glands, Junction Boxes and Enclosures, Lifting and Material Handling System, Lighting System, Automation System, Surveillance and Monitoring System, Signaling Devices, and Others), Industry Vertical (Oil and Gas, Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing, Marine, Mining, Food Processing, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY182 2024年4月 - ラノリンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):無水ラノリン、含水ラノリン
Lanolin Market Report by Type (Anhydrous Lanolin, Hydrous Lanolin), Derivative (Lanolin Alcohol, Cholesterin, Isopropyl Lanolate, Laneth and Lanogene, Quaternium 33 and PEG-75, Lanolin Fatty Acid and Lanosterols, and Others), Composition (Natural Composition, Chemical Composition), Application (Personal Care and Cosmetics, Baby Care Products, Pharmaceuticals, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY181 2024年4月 - 透明セラミックスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):単結晶透明セラミックス、多結晶透明セラミックス、その他
Transparent Ceramics Market Report by Type (Monocrystalline Transparent Ceramics, Polycrystalline Transparent Ceramics, and Others), Material (Sapphire, Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG), Spinel, Aluminum Oxynitride, and Others), Application (Optics and Optoelectronics, Aerospace, Defense and Security, Mechanical/Chemical, Sensors and Instrumentation, Healthcare, Consumer Goods, Energy, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY180 2024年4月 - ワンウェイバルブのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ステンレススチール、真鍮、炭素鋼、その他
One-Way Valve Market Report by Material Type (Stainless Steel, Brass, Carbon Steel, and Others), Application (Oil and Gas, Power, Chemicals, Water and Wastewater, Pharmaceutical, and Others), Sales Type (New Sales, Aftermarket), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY179 2024年4月 - ジェットミルのグローバル市場(2024~2032):流動層ジェットミル、スパイラルジェットミル、その他
Jet Mill Market Report by Type (Fluidized Bed Jet Mill, Spiral Jet Mill, and Others), Capacity (Less than 200 kg/h, 201 to 1000 kg/h, More than 1000 kg/h), End Use Industry (Chemical Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Mineral Industry, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY178 2024年4月 - ジシクロペンタジエンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):DCPD UPR、DCPD樹脂、DCPD高純度
Dicyclopentadiene Market Report by Type (DCPD UPR Grade, DCPD Resin Grade, DCPD High Purity), Application (Unsaturated Polyester Resin, Hydrocarbon Resins, Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Elastomers, Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC) and Cyclin Olefin Polymer (COP), Poly-DCPD, and Others), End User (Building and Construction, Automotive, Marine, Electrical and Electronic, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY177 2024年4月 - 繊維機械のグローバル市場(2024~2032):紡績機械、織機、編機、織機、その他
Textile Machinery Market Report by Machine Type (Spinning Machines, Weaving Machines, Knitting Machines, Texturing Machines, and Others), Distribution Channel (Direct, Indirect), Application (Garments and Apparels, Household and Home Textiles, Protective Textiles, Medical, Automotive, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY176 2024年4月 - PVDF樹脂のグローバル市場(2024~2032):PVDF顆粒、PVDF粉末
PVDF Resin Market Report by Type (PVDF Granule, PVDF Powder), Type of Crystalline Phase (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta), Application (Coating, Injection and Extrusion Products, Lithium-ion Battery Binders, Photovoltaic Film, Water Treatment Membranes, Filament), End Use Industry (Chemical Processing, Electrical and Electronics, Construction, New Energies, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY175 2024年4月 - ナフテン酸のグローバル市場(2024~2032):精製ナフテン酸、高純度ナフテン酸
Naphthenic Acid Market Report by Type (Refined Naphthenic Acid, High-purity Naphthenic Acid), Application (Paint and Ink Driers, Wood Preservatives, Fuel and Lubricant Additives, Rubber Additives, and Others), Sales Channel (Direct Channel, Distributor), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY174 2024年4月 - ハフニウムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):金属ハフニウム、酸化ハフニウム、炭化ハフニウム、その他
Hafnium Market Report by Type (Hafnium Metal, Hafnium Oxide, Hafnium Carbide, and Others), Application (Super Alloy, Optical Coating, Nuclear, Plasma Cutting, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY173 2024年4月 - 圧力容器用複合材料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):エポキシ樹脂、ガラス繊維、炭素繊維
Pressure Vessel Composite Materials Market Report by Material (Epoxy Resin, Glass Fiber, Carbon Fiber), Application (CNG Vehicle, Hydrogen Vehicle, Gas Storage), End User (Automotive, Aircraft and Military, Aerospace, Marine, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY172 2024年4月 - ロックワッシャーのグローバル市場(2024~2032):分割ロックワッシャー、歯ロックワッシャー、その他
Lock Washer Market Report by Product (Split Lock Washer, Tooth Lock Washer, and Others), Material (Brass, Bronze, Zinc, Aluminum, Copper, Stainless Steel, and Others), Application (Automotive, Aerospace, Machinery and Equipment, Construction, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY171 2024年4月 - FRPパイプのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ガラス強化ポリエステル、ガラス強化ビニルエステル、ガラス強化エポキシ
FRP Pipe Market Report by Type (Glass-Reinforced Polyester, Glass-Reinforced Vinyl Ester, Glass-Reinforced Epoxy), Manufacturing Process (Centrifugal Casting, Filament Winding, Pultrusion, and Others), Application (Water and Wastewater, Chemical and Industrial, Oil and Gas, Power Generation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY170 2024年4月 - UV硬化型接着剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):シリコーン、アクリル、ポリウレタン、エポキシ、その他
UV-Curable Adhesives Market Report by Resin Type (Silicone, Acrylic, Polyurethane, Epoxy, and Other Resin Types), Substrate (Ceramic, Glass, Composites, Metal, Plastics, Rubber and Elastomers, and Others), End User (Medical, Electrical and Electronics, Transportation, Packaging, Furniture, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY169 2024年4月 - 触媒のグローバル市場(2024~2032):不均一系触媒、均一系触媒
Catalyst Market Report by Type (Heterogeneous Catalyst, Homogeneous Catalyst), Process (Recycling, Regeneration, Rejuvenation), Raw Material (Chemical Compounds, Metals, Zeolites, and Others), Application (Chemical Synthesis, Petroleum Refining, Polymers and Petrochemicals, Environmental), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY168 2024年4月 - 天然食品保存料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):塩、砂糖、油、蜂蜜、クエン酸、酢、その他
Natural Food Preservatives Market Report by Type (Salt, Sugar, Oil, Honey, Citric Acid, Vinegar, and Others), Function (Antimicrobial, Antioxidants, and Others), Application (Sea Food, Meat and Poultry, Bakery, Dairy, Snacks, Beverages, Fruits and Vegetables, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY167 2024年4月 - セラミック射出成形のグローバル市場(2024~2032):アルミナ、ジルコニア、その他
Ceramic Injection Molding Market Report by Material (Alumina, Zirconia, and Others), Industry Vertical (Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Healthcare, Electrical and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY166 2024年4月 - 真空断熱パネルのグローバル市場(2024~2032):フラットパネル、特殊形状パネル
Vacuum Insulation Panel Market Report by Type (Flat Panel, Special Shape Panel), Raw Material (Plastics, Metal), Core Material (Silica, Fiberglass, and Others), Application (Construction, Cooling and Freezing Devices, Logistics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY165 2024年4月 - フレキシブルパイプのグローバル市場(2024~2032):高密度ポリエチレン、ポリアミド、ポリフッ化ビニリデン、その他
Flexible Pipe Market Report by Raw Material (High-density polyethylene, Polyamide, Polyvinylidene fluoride, and Others), Application (Onshore, Offshore), End Use Industry (Oil and Gas, Water Treatment Plants, Chemical and Petrochemicals, Mining, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverages, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY164 2024年4月 - アンモニアのグローバル市場(2024~2032):液体、粉末、ガス
Ammonia Market Report by Physical Form (Liquid, Powder, Gas), Application (MAP and DAP, Urea, Nitric Acid, Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Nitrate, and Others), End Use Industry (Agrochemical, Industrial Chemical, Mining, Pharmaceutical, Textiles, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY163 2024年4月 - 活性炭繊維のグローバル市場(2024~2032):合成、天然
Activated Carbon Fiber Market Report by Raw Material (Synthetic, Natural), Application (Water Treatment, Food and Beverage Processing, Pharmaceutical and Medical, Automotive, Air Purification, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY162 2024年4月 - バイオプラスチックのグローバル市場(2024~2032):生分解性、非生分解性
Bioplastics Market Report by Product (Biodegradable, Non-Biodegradable), Application (Flexible Packaging, Rigid Packaging, Agriculture and Horticulture, Consumer Goods, Textile, Automotive and Transportation, and Others), Distribution Channel (Online, Offline), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY161 2024年4月 - スマートガラスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):サーモクロミック、フォトクロミック、エレクトロクロミック、浮遊粒子デバイス(SPD)、ポリマー分散液晶(PDLC)、その他
Smart Glass Market Report by Technology (Thermochromic, Photochromic, Electrochromic, Suspended Particle Device (SPD), Polymer Disperse Liquid Crystal (PDLC), and Others), Control Mode (Dimmers, Switches, Remote Control, and Others), Application (Architectural, Transportation, Consumer Electronics, Power Generation), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY160 2024年4月 - 再生可能メタノールのグローバル市場(2024~2032):農業廃棄物、林業残渣、都市固形廃棄物、二酸化炭素排出、その他
Renewable Methanol Market Report by Feedstock (Agricultural Waste, Forestry Residues, Municipal Solid Waste, Co2 Emissions, and Others), Application (Formaldehyde, Dimethyl Ether (DME) and Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE), Gasoline, Solvents, and Others), End Use Industry (Chemicals, Transportation, Power Generation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY159 2024年4月 - POE(ポイントオブエントリー)水処理システムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):逆浸透システム、軟水器、殺菌方式、ろ過方式、蒸留システム、その他
Point-of-Entry Water Treatment Systems Market Report by Technology (Reverse Osmosis Systems, Water Softeners, Disinfection Methods, Filtration Methods, Distillation Systems, and Others), Device (Faucet-Mounted Filters, Table-Top Pitchers, Countertop Units, Under-the-Sink Filters, and Others), Application (Residential, Non-residential), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY158 2024年4月 - 反射防止コーティング剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):真空蒸着、電子ビーム蒸着、スパッタリング、その他
Anti-reflective Coatings Market Report by Technology (Vacuum Deposition, Electronic Beam Evaporation, Sputtering, and Others), Layer Type (Single Layered, Multi Layered), Application (Eyewear, Electronics, Solar Panels, Automobile, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY157 2024年4月 - 尿素ホルムアルデヒドのグローバル市場(2024~2032):尿素ホルムアルデヒド粉末、尿素ホルムアルデヒド溶液
Urea Formaldehyde Market Report by Type (Urea Formaldehyde Powder, Urea Formaldehyde Solution), Application (Particle Board, Medium Density Fibreboard, Plywood, Adhesives and Coatings, Molding Compounds, and Others), End Use Industry (Furniture, Building and Construction, Transportation, Electrical and Electronics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY156 2024年4月 - バイオセラミックスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):アルミナ、ジルコニア、その他
Bioceramics Market Report by Material (Alumina, Zirconia, and Others), Biocompatibility (Bio-inert, Bio-active, Bio-resorbable), Application (Dental Care, Orthopedics, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY155 2024年4月 - 工業用フィルムのグローバル市場(2024~2032):直鎖状低密度ポリエチレン(LLDPE)・低密度ポリエチレン(LDPE)、高密度ポリエチレン(HDPE)、ポリエチレンテレフタレート(PET)、ポリプロピレン(PP)、ポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)、ポリアミド、その他
Industrial Films Market Report by Type (Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) and Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE), High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Polypropylene (PP), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polyamide, and Others), End Use Industry (Agriculture, Industrial Packaging, Building and Construction, Healthcare, Transportation, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY154 2024年4月 - チタン合金のグローバル市場(2024~2032):α合金・α近傍合金、αβ合金、β合金
Titanium Alloy Market Report by Microstructure (Alpha and Near-alpha Alloy, Alpha-beta Alloy, Beta Alloy), End Use Industry (Aerospace, Automotive and Shipbuilding, Chemical, Power and Desalination, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY153 2024年4月 - アドバンストセラミックスのグローバル市場(2024~2032):アルミナ、チタン酸塩、ジルコニア、炭化ケイ素、その他
Advanced Ceramics Market Report by Material Type (Alumina, Titanate, Zirconia, Silicon Carbide, and Others), Class Type (Monolithic Ceramics, Ceramic Coatings, Ceramic Matrix Composites, and Others), End Use Industry (Electrical and Electronics, Medical, Transportation, Defense and Security, Chemical, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY152 2024年4月 - デジタルインクのグローバル市場(2024~2032):デジタルテキスタイルインク、UVインク、溶剤インク、水性インク、その他
Digital Ink Market Report by Type (Digital Textile Ink, UV Ink, Solvent Ink, Water-Based Ink, and Others), Technology Type (Electrography, Ink-Jet), Formulation (Solvent-based, Water-based, UV-cured, and Others), Substrate (Textile, Plastics, Ceramic and Glass, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY151 2024年4月 - 1-デセンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):ポリアルファオレフィン、オキソアルコール、直鎖アルキルベンゼン、直鎖メルカプタン、塩素化アルファオレフィン、その他
1-Decene Market Report by Derivative (Polyalphaolefins, Oxo Alcohols, Linear Alkyl Benzene, Linear Mercaptans, Chlorinated Alpha Olefins, and Others), Grade (Bio-Based, Synthetic), Application (Surfactants, Plasticizers, Synthetic Lubricants, Polyethylene, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY150 2024年4月 - リトポンのグローバル市場(2024~2032):リトポン28%、リトポン30%、リトポン60%
Lithopone Market Report by Product (Lithopone 28%, Lithopone 30%, Lithopone 60%), Application (Paints and Coatings, Plastics, Printing Inks, Paper and Pulps, Rubber, Leather, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY149 2024年4月 - 抗菌添加剤のグローバル市場(2024~2032):無機抗菌添加剤、有機抗菌添加剤
Antimicrobial Additives Market Report by Product Type (Inorganic Antimicrobial Additives, Organic Antimicrobial Additives), Application (Plastic, Paints and Coatings, Pulp and Paper, and Others), End Use Vertical (Construction, Automotive, Healthcare, Food and Beverage, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY148 2024年4月 - 顔料のグローバル市場(2024~2032):有機顔料、無機顔料、特殊顔料
Pigments Market Report by Product Type (Organic Pigments, Inorganic Pigments, Specialty Pigments), Color Index (Reds, Orange, Yellows, Blue, Green, Brown, and Others), Application (Paints and Coatings, Plastics, Printing Inks, Construction Materials, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 IMARC24MY147 2024年4月