1 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2 序文
2.1 概要
2.2 ステークホルダー
2.3 調査範囲
2.4 調査方法
2.4.1 データマイニング
2.4.2 データ分析
2.4.3 データの検証
2.4.4 リサーチアプローチ
2.5 リサーチソース
2.5.1 一次調査ソース
2.5.2 セカンダリーリサーチソース
2.5.3 前提条件
3 市場動向分析
3.1 はじめに
3.2 推進要因
3.3 抑制要因
3.4 機会
3.5 脅威
3.6 製品分析
3.7 新興市場
3.8 コビッド19の影響
4 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
4.1 供給者の交渉力
4.2 買い手の交渉力
4.3 代替品の脅威
4.4 新規参入の脅威
4.5 競争上のライバル関係
5 世界の包装食品市場、製品種類別
5.1 はじめに
5.2 乳製品
5.2.1 牛乳
5.2.2 ヨーグルト
5.2.3 チーズ
5.2.4 バター
5.2.5 アイスクリーム
5.2.6 その他の乳製品
5.3 菓子
5.3.1 チョコレート
5.3.2 砂糖菓子
5.3.3 ガム チューインガム 無糖ガム
5.3.4 その他の菓子
5.4 飲料
5.4.1 炭酸飲料
5.4.2 すぐに飲めるお茶とコーヒー
5.4.3 果汁飲料
5.4.4 スポーツ・エネルギー飲料
5.4.5 ペットボトル飲料水
5.4.6 その他の飲料 アルコール飲料 植物性飲料
5.5 ベーカリー製品
5.5.1 パン
5.5.2 ケーキとペストリー
5.5.3 クッキーとビスケット
5.5.4 その他のベーカリー製品
5.6 スナック
5.6.1 甘いスナック チョコレートバー キャンディー その他のスウィート・スナック
5.6.2 セイボリースナック ポテトチップス 押出しスナック ナッツと種子 その他のスナック菓子
5.6.3 肉スナック ジャーキー サラミ その他の肉スナック
5.7 肉、鶏肉、魚介類
5.7.1 加工肉
5.7.2 鶏肉製品
5.7.3 水産物
5.8 朝食用シリアル
5.8.1 すぐに食べられるシリアル
5.8.2 インスタントオートミール
5.8.3 その他の朝食用シリアル
5.9 調理済み食品
5.9.1 冷凍ミール
5.9.2 缶詰
5.9.3 ドライミール
5.10 その他の製品タイプ
5.10.1 スープとソース
5.10.2 ベビーフード
5.10.3 ペットフード
5.10.4 冷凍食品
5.10.5 調味料
5.10.6 スプレッド
5.10.7 ディップとドレッシング
6 包装食品の世界市場、包装種類別
6.1 はじめに
6.2 プラスチック包装
6.2.1 ボトル
6.2.2 容器
6.2.3 フィルム
6.2.4 トレー
6.2.5 チューブ
6.2.6 その他のプラスチック包装
6.3 テトラパックと無菌包装
6.4 金属包装
6.4.1 缶
6.4.2 ボトル
6.4.3 フォイル
6.5 ガラス包装
6.5.1 瓶
6.5.2 瓶
6.6 紙・板紙包装
6.6.1 折りたたみカートン
6.6.2 段ボール箱
6.6.3 液体板紙カートン
6.6.4 紙袋
6.6.5 その他の紙・板紙包装
6.7 その他の包装タイプ
6.7.1 ポーチ
6.7.2 小袋
6.7.3 レトルト包装
6.7.4 バリア包装
7 世界の包装食品市場、流通チャネル別
7.1 はじめに
7.2 スーパーマーケットとハイパーマーケット
7.3 コンビニエンスストア
7.4 オンライン小売店
7.5 自動販売機
7.6 フードサービス
7.6.1 レストラン
7.6.2 カフェ
8 世界の包装食品市場、地域別
8.1 はじめに
8.2 北アメリカ
8.2.1 アメリカ
8.2.2 カナダ
8.2.3 メキシコ
8.3 ヨーロッパ
8.3.1 ドイツ
8.3.2 イギリス
8.3.3 イタリア
8.3.4 フランス
8.3.5 スペイン
8.3.6 その他のヨーロッパ
8.4 アジア太平洋
8.4.1 日本
8.4.2 中国
8.4.3 インド
8.4.4 オーストラリア
8.4.5 ニュージーランド
8.4.6 韓国
8.4.7 その他のアジア太平洋地域
8.5 南アメリカ
8.5.1 アルゼンチン
8.5.2 ブラジル
8.5.3 チリ
8.5.4 その他の南アメリカ地域
8.6 中東/アフリカ
8.6.1 サウジアラビア
8.6.2 アラブ首長国連邦
8.6.3 カタール
8.6.4 南アフリカ
8.6.5 その他の中東/アフリカ地域
9 主要開発
9.1 契約、パートナーシップ、コラボレーション、合弁事業
9.2 買収と合併
9.3 新製品上市
9.4 拡張
9.5 その他の主要戦略
10 企業プロフィール
10.1 Nestlé S.A.
10.2 PepsiCo, Inc.
10.3 The Coca-Cola Company
10.4 Mondelez International, Inc.
10.5 The Kraft Heinz Company
10.6 General Mills, Inc.
10.7 Kellogg Company
10.8 Mars, Incorporated
10.9 Danone S.A.
10.10 Unilever PLC
10.11 Tyson Foods, Inc.
10.12 ConAgra Brands, Inc.
10.13 Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. de C.V.
10.14 Associated British Foods plc
10.15 The J.M. Smucker Company
10.16 The Hershey Company
10.17 Ferrero Group
10.18 ITC Limited
表1 包装食品の世界市場展望、地域別(2022〜2030年)(MNドル)
表2 包装食品の世界市場展望、製品種類別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表3 包装食品の世界市場展望、乳製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表4 包装食品の世界市場展望、乳製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表5 包装食品の世界市場展望、ヨーグルト別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表6 包装食品の世界市場展望、チーズ別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表7 包装食品の世界市場展望、バター別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表8 包装食品の世界市場展望、アイスクリーム別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表9 包装食品の世界市場展望、その他の乳製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表10 包装食品の世界市場展望、菓子類別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表11 包装食品の世界市場展望、チョコレート別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表12 包装食品の世界市場展望、砂糖菓子別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表13 包装食品の世界市場展望、ガム別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表14 包装食品の世界市場展望、その他の菓子別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表15 包装食品の世界市場展望:飲料別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表16 包装食品の世界市場展望:炭酸飲料別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表17 包装食品の世界市場展望:レディー・トゥ・ドリンクのお茶とコーヒー別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表18 包装食品の世界市場展望:フルーツジュース別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表19 包装食品の世界市場展望:スポーツドリンクとエネルギードリンク別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表20 包装食品の世界市場展望、ボトル入り飲料水別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表21 包装食品の世界市場展望、その他の飲料別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表22 包装食品の世界市場展望:ベーカリー製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表23 包装食品の世界市場展望、パン別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表24 包装食品の世界市場展望、ケーキとペストリー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表25 包装食品の世界市場展望、クッキーとビスケット別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表26 包装食品の世界市場展望、その他のベーカリー製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表27 包装食品の世界市場展望、スナック菓子別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表28 包装食品の世界市場展望、スウィートスナック別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表29 包装食品の世界市場展望、セイボリースナック別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表30 包装食品の世界市場展望、肉スナック別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表31 包装食品の世界市場展望:肉、鶏肉、シーフード別(2022-2030) ($MN)
表32 包装食品の世界市場展望、食肉加工品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表33 包装食品の世界市場展望:鶏肉製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表34 包装食品の世界市場展望、魚介類製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表35 包装食品の世界市場展望:朝食用シリアル製品別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表36 包装食品の世界市場展望、調理済みシリアル別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表37 包装食品の世界市場展望、インスタントオートミール別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表38 包装食品の世界市場展望、その他の朝食用シリアル別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表39 包装食品の世界市場展望:調理済みミール別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表40 包装食品の世界市場展望、冷凍ミール別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表41 包装食品の世界市場展望:缶詰ミール別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表42 包装食品の世界市場展望、ドライミール別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表43 包装食品の世界市場展望、その他の製品種類別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表44 包装食品の世界市場展望:包装種類別(2022〜2030年) ($MN)
表45 包装食品の世界市場展望:プラスチック包装別(2022〜2030年) ($MN)
表46 包装食品の世界市場展望:ボトル別(2022〜2030年) ($MN)
表47 包装食品の世界市場展望:容器別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表48 包装食品の世界市場展望:フィルム別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表49 包装食品の世界市場展望:トレー別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表50 包装食品の世界市場展望:チューブ別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表51 包装食品の世界市場展望:その他のプラスチック包装別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表52 包装食品の世界市場展望:テトラパックと無菌包装別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表 53 包装食品の世界市場展望、金属包装別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表54 包装食品の世界市場展望、缶詰別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表55 包装食品の世界市場展望:ボトル別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表56 包装食品の世界市場展望:フォイル別(2022〜2030年) ($MN)
表57 包装食品の世界市場展望、ガラス包装別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表58 包装食品の世界市場展望:ボトル別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表59 包装食品の世界市場展望:瓶(2022-2030年)別 ($MN)
表60 包装食品の世界市場展望:紙と板紙包装別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表61 包装食品の世界市場展望:折りたたみカートン別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表62 包装食品の世界市場展望:段ボール箱別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表63 包装食品の世界市場展望、液体板紙カートン別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表64 包装食品の世界市場展望、紙袋別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表65 包装食品の世界市場展望、その他の紙・板紙包装別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表 66 包装食品の世界市場展望、その他の包装種類別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表 67 包装食品の世界市場展望:ポーチ(2022-2030年)別 ($MN)
表68 包装食品の世界市場展望:小袋(2022-2030年)別 ($MN)
表69 包装食品の世界市場展望:レトルト包装別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表70 包装食品の世界市場展望:バリア包装別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表71 包装食品の世界市場展望:流通チャネル別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表72 包装食品の世界市場展望、導入経路別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表73 包装食品の世界市場展望:スーパーマーケットとハイパーマーケット別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表74 包装食品の世界市場展望:コンビニエンスストア別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表75 包装食品の世界市場展望:オンライン小売店別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表76 包装食品の世界市場展望:自動販売機別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表77 包装食品の世界市場展望、フードサービス別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表78 包装食品の世界市場展望:レストラン別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表79 包装食品の世界市場展望、カフェ別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
According to Eurostat, in 2020, the food and beverage manufacturing industry accounted for 14.8% of the total manufacturing turnover in the European Union.
Market Dynamics:
Rapid urbanization
Rapid urbanization is a key driver for the packaged food market. As populations shift to urban areas, lifestyles become faster-paced, leading to increased demand for convenient, ready-to-eat food options. Urban consumers often have higher disposable incomes and less time for meal preparation, making packaged foods an attractive choice. Urbanization also brings improved retail infrastructure and cold chain logistics, facilitating the distribution of a wider variety of packaged food products. This trend is particularly significant in developing countries, where urbanization is occurring at a rapid pace.
Growing health concerns
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the health implications of processed foods, often high in sugar, salt, and artificial additives. This awareness is leading to a shift towards fresher, less processed options. Health-conscious consumers are scrutinizing labels and seeking products with natural ingredients, lower calorie counts, and added nutritional benefits. This trend is pushing manufacturers to reformulate products and develop healthier alternatives, which can be costly and challenging.
Rise of online shopping platforms
The rise of online shopping platforms presents a significant opportunity for the packaged food market. E-commerce allows food manufacturers to reach a broader consumer base, bypassing traditional retail constraints. Online platforms enable detailed product information, customer reviews, and personalized recommendations, enhancing the shopping experience. The convenience of home delivery appeals to busy consumers, particularly in urban areas. For packaged food companies, e-commerce offers opportunities for direct-to-consumer sales, data collection on consumer preferences, and the ability to quickly test and launch new products.
Presence of counterfeit packaged food products
Counterfeit products not only lead to revenue losses for legitimate manufacturers but also pose serious health risks to consumers. These fake products often use substandard ingredients and may not adhere to safety and hygiene standards. The proliferation of e-commerce has made it easier for counterfeiters to reach consumers, complicating detection and enforcement effort. This threat can damage brand reputation and erode consumer trust in packaged foods.
Covid-19 Impact:
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the packaged food market. Initial panic buying led to surges in demand for shelf-stable and frozen foods. Long-term shifts included increased home cooking and focus on health and immunity-boosting products. Supply chain disruptions affected production and distribution. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of e-commerce for grocery shopping, potentially reshaping future distribution channels for packaged foods.
The supermarkets and hypermarkets segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
The supermarkets and hypermarkets segment is expected to maintain their dominance in the packaged food market due to their wide product assortment, competitive pricing, and convenience. These retail formats offer consumers a one-stop shopping experience, with a vast array of packaged food options under one roof. They also provide opportunities for product discovery and impulse purchases. Supermarkets and hypermarkets often have strong relationships with food manufacturers, enabling them to offer exclusive products and promotions. Their established supply chains and storage facilities allow for the efficient distribution of packaged foods, including perishable items.
The ready-to-eat meals segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The ready-to-eat meals segment is experiencing rapid growth due to changing lifestyles and increasing demand for convenience. These products cater to busy consumers seeking quick, easy meal solutions without compromising on taste or quality. Technological advancements in food processing and packaging have improved the shelf life and nutritional value of ready-to-eat meals, making them more appealing to health-conscious consumers. The segment is also benefiting from innovations in flavors and cuisines, offering a wider variety of options.
Region with largest share:
North America's dominance in the packaged food market is attributed to several factors. The region has a well-established food processing industry, advanced retail infrastructure, and high consumer spending power. American consumers have a long-standing familiarity with packaged foods, driven by busy lifestyles and a culture of convenience. The region is also at the forefront of food innovation, with companies constantly introducing new products to meet evolving consumer preferences, including health-conscious and premium options. Strong marketing and branding efforts, coupled with efficient distribution networks, further solidify North America's leading position in the global packaged food market.
Region with highest CAGR:
The Asia Pacific region is experiencing the highest growth in the packaged food market owing to rapid urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and changing dietary habits, which are driving demand for convenient, packaged food options. The region's large and growing population provides a vast consumer base. The increasing westernization of diets, particularly in urban areas, is boosting consumption of packaged snacks and ready-to-eat meals. Improved retail infrastructure and cold chain logistics are expanding the reach of packaged foods. Additionally, local and international food companies are investing heavily in product development and marketing to cater to diverse regional tastes and preferences.
Key players in the market
Some of the key players in Packaged Food market include Nestlé S.A., PepsiCo, Inc., The Coca-Cola Company, Mondelez International, Inc., The Kraft Heinz Company, General Mills, Inc., Kellogg Company, Mars, Incorporated, Danone S.A., Unilever PLC, Tyson Foods, Inc., ConAgra Brands, Inc., Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. de C.V., Associated British Foods plc, The J.M. Smucker Company, The Hershey Company, Ferrero Group, and ITC Limited.
Key Developments:
In January 2024, Tyson Foods, Inc. has opened a new $355 million food production facility in Bowling Green, Kentucky, to support an expansion of its bacon production capabilities. The 400,000-square-foot plant is expected to produce two million pounds a week of premium quality Jimmy Dean® and Wright® Brand bacon retail products and bacon used in foodservice, representing over $1 billion in sales. The facility will create nearly 450 new jobs and is designed with advanced automation and safety measures. Tyson Foods is aiming to capitalize on the growing market for bacon and lead innovation in the category.
In November 2023, Tyson Foods has officially opened a new $300 million fully-cooked food production facility in Danville, Virginia, delivering on its strategy of accelerating long-term growth, operating as efficiently as possible and investing in its poultry business. It is one of the company’s most-automated plants to date, marking the deployment of innovation pilots and prototypes at scale.
In January 2022, Mondelēz International, Inc. announced that it has completed the acquisition of Chipita Global S.A., a high-growth leader in the Central and Eastern European croissants and baked snacks category. The acquisition marks an exciting milestone in the Company’s strategic plan, focused on accelerating growth in core snacking adjacencies, while continuing to expand its footprint in key markets.
Product Types Covered:
• Dairy Products
• Confectionery
• Beverages
• Bakery Products
• Snacks
• Meat, Poultry and Seafood
• Breakfast Cereals
• Ready-to-Eat Meals
• Other Product Types
Packaging Types Covered:
• Plastic Packaging
• Tetra Pak and Aseptic Packaging
• Metal Packaging
• Glass Packaging
• Paper and Paperboard Packaging
• Other Packaging Types
Distribution Channels Covered:
• Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
• Convenience Stores
• Online Retail Stores
• Vending Machines
• Food Service
Regions Covered:
• North America
• Europe
Rest of Europe
• Asia Pacific
New Zealand
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
• South America
Rest of South America
• Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
What our report offers:
- Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments
- Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
- Covers Market data for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, and 2030
- Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
- Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
- Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
- Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
- Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements
1 Executive Summary
2 Preface
2.1 Abstract
2.2 Stake Holders
2.3 Research Scope
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1 Data Mining
2.4.2 Data Analysis
2.4.3 Data Validation
2.4.4 Research Approach
2.5 Research Sources
2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
2.5.3 Assumptions
3 Market Trend Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drivers
3.3 Restraints
3.4 Opportunities
3.5 Threats
3.6 Product Analysis
3.7 Emerging Markets
3.8 Impact of Covid-19
4 Porters Five Force Analysis
4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
4.3 Threat of substitutes
4.4 Threat of new entrants
4.5 Competitive rivalry
5 Global Packaged Food Market, By Product Type
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Dairy Products
5.2.1 Milk
5.2.2 Yogurt
5.2.3 Cheese
5.2.4 Butter
5.2.5 Ice Cream
5.2.6 Other Dairy Products
5.3 Confectionery
5.3.1 Chocolate
5.3.2 Sugar Confectionery
5.3.3 Gum Chewing Gum Sugar-free Gum
5.3.4 Other Confectionery
5.4 Beverages
5.4.1 Carbonated Soft Drinks
5.4.2 Ready-to-Drink Tea and Coffee
5.4.3 Fruit Juices
5.4.4 Sports and Energy Drinks
5.4.5 Bottled Water
5.4.6 Other Beverages Alcoholic Beverages Plant-based Beverages
5.5 Bakery Products
5.5.1 Bread
5.5.2 Cakes and Pastries
5.5.3 Cookies and Biscuits
5.5.4 Other Bakery Products
5.6 Snacks
5.6.1 Sweet Snacks Chocolate Bars Candy Other Sweet Snacks
5.6.2 Savory Snacks Potato Chips Extruded Snacks Nuts and Seeds Other Savory Snacks
5.6.3 Meat Snacks Jerky Salami Other Meat Snacks
5.7 Meat, Poultry and Seafood
5.7.1 Processed Meat
5.7.2 Poultry Products
5.7.3 Seafood Products
5.8 Breakfast Cereals
5.8.1 Ready-to-Eat Cereals
5.8.2 Instant Oatmeal
5.8.3 Other Breakfast Cereals
5.9 Ready-to-Eat Meals
5.9.1 Frozen Meals
5.9.2 Canned Meals
5.9.3 Dry Meals
5.10 Other Product Types
5.10.1 Soups and Sauces
5.10.2 Baby Food
5.10.3 Pet Food
5.10.4 Frozen Foods
5.10.5 Condiments
5.10.6 Spreads
5.10.7 Dips and Dressings
6 Global Packaged Food Market, By Packaging Type
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Plastic Packaging
6.2.1 Bottles
6.2.2 Containers
6.2.3 Films
6.2.4 Trays
6.2.5 Tubes
6.2.6 Other Plastic Packaging
6.3 Tetra Pak and Aseptic Packaging
6.4 Metal Packaging
6.4.1 Cans
6.4.2 Bottles
6.4.3 Foils
6.5 Glass Packaging
6.5.1 Bottles
6.5.2 Jars
6.6 Paper and Paperboard Packaging
6.6.1 Folding Cartons
6.6.2 Corrugated Boxes
6.6.3 Liquid Paperboard Cartons
6.6.4 Paper Bags
6.6.5 Other Paper and Paperboard Packaging
6.7 Other Packaging Types
6.7.1 Pouches
6.7.2 Sachets
6.7.3 Retort Packaging
6.7.4 Barrier Packaging
7 Global Packaged Food Market, By Distribution Channel
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
7.3 Convenience Stores
7.4 Online Retail Stores
7.5 Vending Machines
7.6 Food Service
7.6.1 Restaurants
7.6.2 Cafes
8 Global Packaged Food Market, By Geography
8.1 Introduction
8.2 North America
8.2.1 US
8.2.2 Canada
8.2.3 Mexico
8.3 Europe
8.3.1 Germany
8.3.2 UK
8.3.3 Italy
8.3.4 France
8.3.5 Spain
8.3.6 Rest of Europe
8.4 Asia Pacific
8.4.1 Japan
8.4.2 China
8.4.3 India
8.4.4 Australia
8.4.5 New Zealand
8.4.6 South Korea
8.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
8.5 South America
8.5.1 Argentina
8.5.2 Brazil
8.5.3 Chile
8.5.4 Rest of South America
8.6 Middle East & Africa
8.6.1 Saudi Arabia
8.6.2 UAE
8.6.3 Qatar
8.6.4 South Africa
8.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa
9 Key Developments
9.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
9.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
9.3 New Product Launch
9.4 Expansions
9.5 Other Key Strategies
10 Company Profiling
10.1 Nestlé S.A.
10.2 PepsiCo, Inc.
10.3 The Coca-Cola Company
10.4 Mondelez International, Inc.
10.5 The Kraft Heinz Company
10.6 General Mills, Inc.
10.7 Kellogg Company
10.8 Mars, Incorporated
10.9 Danone S.A.
10.10 Unilever PLC
10.11 Tyson Foods, Inc.
10.12 ConAgra Brands, Inc.
10.13 Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. de C.V.
10.14 Associated British Foods plc
10.15 The J.M. Smucker Company
10.16 The Hershey Company
10.17 Ferrero Group
10.18 ITC Limited
List of Tables
Table 1 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Region (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 2 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Product Type (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 3 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Dairy Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 4 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Milk (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 5 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Yogurt (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 6 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Cheese (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 7 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Butter (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 8 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Ice Cream (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 9 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Dairy Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 10 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Confectionery (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 11 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Chocolate (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 12 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Sugar Confectionery (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 13 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Gum (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 14 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Confectionery (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 15 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Beverages (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 16 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Carbonated Soft Drinks (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 17 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Ready-to-Drink Tea and Coffee (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 18 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Fruit Juices (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 19 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Sports and Energy Drinks (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 20 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Bottled Water (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 21 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Beverages (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 22 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Bakery Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 23 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Bread (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 24 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Cakes and Pastries (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 25 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Cookies and Biscuits (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 26 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Bakery Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 27 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Snacks (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 28 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Sweet Snacks (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 29 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Savory Snacks (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 30 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Meat Snacks (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 31 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Meat, Poultry and Seafood (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 32 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Processed Meat (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 33 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Poultry Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 34 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Seafood Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 35 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Breakfast Cereals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 36 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Ready-to-Eat Cereals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 37 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Instant Oatmeal (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 38 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Breakfast Cereals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 39 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Ready-to-Eat Meals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 40 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Frozen Meals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 41 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Canned Meals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 42 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Dry Meals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 43 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Product Types (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 44 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Packaging Type (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 45 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Plastic Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 46 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Bottles (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 47 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Containers (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 48 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Films (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 49 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Trays (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 50 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Tubes (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 51 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Plastic Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 52 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Tetra Pak and Aseptic Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 53 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Metal Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 54 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Cans (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 55 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Bottles (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 56 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Foils (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 57 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Glass Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 58 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Bottles (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 59 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Jars (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 60 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Paper and Paperboard Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 61 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Folding Cartons (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 62 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Corrugated Boxes (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 63 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Liquid Paperboard Cartons (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 64 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Paper Bags (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 65 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Paper and Paperboard Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 66 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Other Packaging Types (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 67 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Pouches (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 68 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Sachets (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 69 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Retort Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 70 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Barrier Packaging (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 71 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Distribution Channel (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 72 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Introduction (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 73 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Supermarkets and Hypermarkets (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 74 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Convenience Stores (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 75 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Online Retail Stores (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 76 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Vending Machines (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 77 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Food Service (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 78 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Restaurants (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 79 Global Packaged Food Market Outlook, By Cafes (2022-2030) ($MN)
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.