
【英語タイトル】Professional Service Robots Market Forecasts to 2030 – Global Analysis By Type (Medical Robots, Field Robots, Defence and Security Robots, Inspection and Maintenance Robot, Entertainment Robots, Domestic Robots and Other Types), Form Factor (Land-based, Water-based and Wearable Robots), Technology, End User and by Geography

Stratistics MRCが出版した調査資料(SMRC24NOV192)・商品コード:SMRC24NOV192
・発行会社(調査会社):Stratistics MRC
・ページ数:200 Pages
Single User LicenseUSD4,150 ⇒換算¥622,500見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
Corporate LicenseUSD7,500 ⇒換算¥1,125,000見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
❖ レポートの概要 ❖

Stratistics MRCによると、世界のプロフェッショナルサービスロボット市場は2024年に638億2000万ドルを占め、予測期間中の年平均成長率は39.0%で、2030年には4603億3000万ドルに達する見込みです。プロフェッショナルサービスロボットは、経済の多くの分野で幅広い専門的な業務を支援するために作られた洗練された装置です。これらのロボットは、センサー、機械学習、人工知能などの最先端技術を搭載しているため、困難な作業を正確かつ効率的に遂行することができます。さらに、製造業、物流、医療、農業などさまざまな産業で、生産量の増加、安全性の保証、運用コストの節約に活用されています。











プロフェッショナルサービスロボット市場の主なプレーヤーには、Robert Bosch GmbH, Stryker Corporation, Honda Motor Co. Ltd., ABB Ltd., Denso Robotics, Fanuc Corporation, Cyberdyne Inc., Boston Dynamics, Aethon Inc., iRobot Corporation, Yaskawa Electric Corporation, Softbank Robotics Group, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Blue River Technology, Intuitive Surgical Inc., Knightscope Inc. Omron Adept Technologies.などがあります。


2024年4月、ホンダモーターヨーロッパ社と世界最大のITインフラサービスプロバイダーであるキンドリルは、複数年にわたるマネージドインフラサービスの更新契約を発表しました。定評あるパートナーシップに基づき、Kyndrylは引き続きホンダの集中型ITインフラを管理し、Kyndrylのオープン統合プラットフォームであるKyndryl BridgeとAIOpsを使用して同社のメインフレーム資産を近代化します。

2024年3月、ABBはアメリカテキサス州南部に大規模なグリーン水素施設を開発するプロジェクトで、Green Hydrogen International(GHI)と協業します。覚書の一環として、ABBの自動化、電動化、デジタル技術は、GHIの水素都市プロジェクトでの展開に向けて評価される予定です。

– 医療用ロボット
– フィールドロボット
– セキュリティロボット
– 検査・保守ロボット
– エンターテインメントロボット
– 家庭用ロボット
– その他のタイプ

– 陸上型
– 水上ロボット
– ウェアラブルロボット

– センシング・知覚技術
– アクチュエーション技術
– 動力源技術
– ソフトウェアと人工知能技術
– 人間とロボットの相互作用技術
– その他の技術

– 建設
– 農業
– 物流
– ヘルスケア
– 教育
– 工業および商業
– 軍事・防衛
– エンターテイメント
– その他のエンドユーザー

– 北アメリカ
– ヨーロッパ
– アジア太平洋
– 南アメリカ
– 中東/アフリカ

– 地域および国レベルセグメントの市場シェア評価
– 新規参入企業への戦略的提言
– 2022年、2023年、2024年、2026年、2030年の市場データをカバー
– 市場動向(促進要因、制約要因、機会、脅威、課題、投資機会、推奨事項)
– 市場予測に基づく主要ビジネスセグメントにおける戦略的提言
– 主要な共通トレンドをマッピングした競合のランドスケープ
– 詳細な戦略、財務、最近の動向を含む企業プロファイリング
– 最新の技術進歩をマッピングしたサプライチェーン動向


❖ レポートの目次 ❖

1 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2 序文
2.1 概要
2.2 ステークホルダー
2.3 調査範囲
2.4 調査方法
2.4.1 データマイニング
2.4.2 データ分析
2.4.3 データの検証
2.4.4 リサーチアプローチ
2.5 リサーチソース
2.5.1 一次調査ソース
2.5.2 セカンダリーリサーチソース
2.5.3 前提条件
3 市場動向分析
3.1 はじめに
3.2 推進要因
3.3 抑制要因
3.4 機会
3.5 脅威
3.6 技術分析
3.7 エンドユーザー分析
3.8 新興市場
3.9 Covid-19の影響
4 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
4.1 供給者の交渉力
4.2 買い手の交渉力
4.3 代替品の脅威
4.4 新規参入の脅威
4.5 競争上のライバル関係
5 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場、種類別
5.1 はじめに
5.2 医療用ロボット
5.3 フィールドロボット
5.4 セキュリティロボット
5.5 検査・メンテナンスロボット
5.6 エンターテインメントロボット
5.7 家庭用ロボット
5.8 その他のタイプ
6 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場:フォームファクター別
6.1 はじめに
6.2 陸上型
6.3 水上型
6.4 ウェアラブルロボット
7 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場:技術別
7.1 はじめに
7.2 センシング・知覚技術
7.3 アクチュエーション技術
7.4 動力源技術
7.5 ソフトウェアと人工知能技術
7.6 人間とロボットのインタラクション技術
7.7 その他の技術
8 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場、エンドユーザー別
8.1 はじめに
8.2 建設
8.3 農業
8.4 物流
8.5 医療
8.6 教育
8.7 工業および商業
8.8 軍事・防衛
8.9 エンターテインメント
8.10 その他のエンドユーザー
9 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場、地域別
9.1 はじめに
9.2 北アメリカ
9.2.1 アメリカ
9.2.2 カナダ
9.2.3 メキシコ
9.3 ヨーロッパ
9.3.1 ドイツ
9.3.2 イギリス
9.3.3 イタリア
9.3.4 フランス
9.3.5 スペイン
9.3.6 その他のヨーロッパ
9.4 アジア太平洋
9.4.1 日本
9.4.2 中国
9.4.3 インド
9.4.4 オーストラリア
9.4.5 ニュージーランド
9.4.6 韓国
9.4.7 その他のアジア太平洋地域
9.5 南アメリカ
9.5.1 アルゼンチン
9.5.2 ブラジル
9.5.3 チリ
9.5.4 その他の南アメリカ地域
9.6 中東/アフリカ
9.6.1 サウジアラビア
9.6.2 アラブ首長国連邦
9.6.3 カタール
9.6.4 南アフリカ
9.6.5 その他の中東/アフリカ地域
10 主要開発
10.1 契約、パートナーシップ、提携、合弁事業
10.2 買収と合併
10.3 新製品上市
10.4 拡張
10.5 その他の主要戦略
11 企業プロフィール
11.1 Robert Bosch GmbH
11.2 Stryker Corporation
11.3 Honda Motor Co. Ltd.
11.4 ABB Ltd.
11.5 Denso Robotics
11.6 Fanuc Corporation
11.7 Cyberdyne Inc.
11.8 Boston Dynamics
11.9 Aethon Inc.
11.10 iRobot Corporation
11.11 Yaskawa Electric Corporation
11.12 Softbank Robotics Group
11.13 Northrop Grumman Corporation
11.14 Blue River Technology
11.15 Intuitive Surgical Inc.
11.16 Knightscope Inc.
11.17 Omron Adept Technologies
表1 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望、地域別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表2 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:種類別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表3 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:医療用ロボット別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表4 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:フィールドロボット別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表5 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:セキュリティロボット別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表6 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:点検・メンテナンスロボット別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表7 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:エンターテインメントロボット別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表8 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:家庭用ロボット別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表9 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:その他の種類別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表10 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:フォームファクター別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表11 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:陸上型別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表12 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:水性ベース別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表13 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:ウェアラブルロボット別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表14 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:技術別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表15 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:センシング・知覚技術別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表16 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:作動技術別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表17 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:動力源技術別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表18 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:ソフトウェア・人工知能技術別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表19 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:人間とロボットの相互作用技術別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表20 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:その他の技術別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表21 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:エンドユーザー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表22 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:建設業別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表23 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:農業別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表24 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:物流別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表25 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:ヘルスケア別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表26 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:教育別(2022〜2030年) ($MN)
表27 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:産業・商業別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表28 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:軍事・防衛別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表29 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:エンターテインメント別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表30 プロフェッショナルサービスロボットの世界市場展望:その他のエンドユーザー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)

According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Professional Service Robots Market is accounted for $63.82 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach $460.33 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 39.0% during the forecast period. Professional service robots are sophisticated devices made to help with a wide range of professional duties in many sectors of the economy. These robots can carry out difficult tasks with accuracy and efficiency because they are outfitted with cutting-edge technology, such as sensors, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Moreover, they are utilized to increase output, guarantee safety, and save operating expenses in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and agriculture.

According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), professional service robots are increasingly being adopted across various industries due to their ability to enhance efficiency, improve safety, and reduce operational costs.

Market Dynamics:

Growing need for healthcare
Professional service robots are being adopted by the healthcare industry at a rapid pace because of their high level of precision in performing a wide range of tasks. Minimally invasive procedures are made possible by surgical robots, which shorten recovery times and enhance patient outcomes. Furthermore, robots are utilized to perform duties like medication delivery, disinfection, and patient monitoring, which relieve the workload of medical staff members and frees them up to concentrate on providing direct patient care.

High starting prices
Professional service robot development and implementation require a significant financial commitment. Sophisticated hardware and software are necessary for advanced robotics systems, and they can be costly. It can be too expensive for many small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to buy and deploy these robots at first. Additionally, it can also be difficult for smaller businesses to adopt this technology due to the additional costs involved in installation, customization, and integration into current workflows.

Developments in machine learning and AI
Continuous developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning are giving professional service robots new capabilities. Robots can now learn from data, adapt to changing environments, and carry out difficult tasks on their own thanks to these technologies. Robots with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities can increase productivity in a variety of sectors, such as manufacturing, retail, and agriculture, by streamlining processes and making better decisions. Moreover, professional service robot capabilities and uses will advance along with artificial intelligence, creating new avenues for efficiency and innovation.

Challenges of technological complexity and integration
While technical developments spur innovation in professional service robots, they also present integration and complexity-related challenges. Robotics integration with current workflows and infrastructure can be a time-consuming and technically complex process to develop and implement. Businesses may experience incompatibilities between various robotic systems or between robots and older equipment, necessitating expensive upgrades or modifications. Additionally, technical complexity can raise implementation costs and prevent broad adoption, especially for smaller businesses with tighter budgets.

Covid-19 Impact:
The market for professional service robots has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has changed industry dynamics and accelerated adoption in vital sectors. Robots have become indispensable in healthcare environments, helping with patient care, disinfection, and remote monitoring in light of the need for social distancing and decreased human contact. Robots have helped meet the growing demand for contactless delivery and warehouse automation in sectors like logistics and e-commerce. However, market expansion has generally slowed due to supply chain disruptions and economic uncertainty, especially in industries with lower capital expenditure levels.

The Medical Robots segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
Due to their vital role in healthcare, the medical robot segment usually holds the largest share in the professional service robot market. These robots offer accuracy and efficiency that greatly improve medical procedures, and they are made to help with surgeries, rehabilitation, diagnostics, and patient care. Moreover, they are highly accurate at complex tasks like minimally invasive surgeries, which shorten recovery periods and enhance patient outcomes. As healthcare facilities look to use cutting-edge technology to meet the rising demands of patient care and operational efficiency, the market for medical robots is only going to get bigger.

The Software and Artificial Intelligence Technology segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The segment in the professional service robot market with the highest CAGR is software and artificial intelligence technology. This section covers developments in artificial intelligence (AI) frameworks, machine learning, and software algorithms specifically designed for robots. These advancements allow for increased autonomy, decision-making power, and environmental adaptability. Robots with advanced AI and software capabilities are in high demand as more industries embrace automation solutions. Additionally, these technological advancements make it possible for robots to carry out a wide range of tasks with increased accuracy and efficiency, which promotes their integration into a variety of professional services like customer service, logistics, and healthcare.

Region with largest share:
The professional service robot market is dominated by the Asia-Pacific region. Rapid industrialization, raising automation adoption in the manufacturing and service sectors, and large investments in robotics and AI technologies by nations like China, Japan, and South Korea are the main causes of this dominance. Benefiting from supportive government initiatives and strong infrastructure, these countries are leading the way in the development and application of service robots in sectors like healthcare, retail, and logistics. Furthermore, the market for professional service robots is driven by the region's robust manufacturing base and increasing need for economical and effective solutions, securing Asia-Pacific's position as the industry leader.

Region with highest CAGR:
With the highest CAGR, the professional service robot market is expanding significantly in the European region. Increased automation in sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics—where service robots are used to expedite procedures and boost output—is the driving force behind this growth. Robotics adoption is accelerating in nations like Germany, France, and the UK owing to programs that support Industry 4.0 and digital transformation. Moreover, the demand for robots that can reliably and precisely complete complex tasks is further fueled by the region's emphasis on efficiency and sustainability.

Key players in the market
Some of the key players in Professional Service Robots market include Robert Bosch GmbH, Stryker Corporation, Honda Motor Co. Ltd., ABB Ltd., Denso Robotics, Fanuc Corporation, Cyberdyne Inc., Boston Dynamics, Aethon Inc., iRobot Corporation, Yaskawa Electric Corporation, Softbank Robotics Group, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Blue River Technology, Intuitive Surgical Inc., Knightscope Inc. and Omron Adept Technologies.

Key Developments:
In July 2024, Bosch Global Software Technologies (BGSW) and GMR Group have entered a Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) arrangement to implement the smart metering program for the cities of Agra, Varanasi, and Prayagraj in India. GMR Group combines its expertise in infrastructure management with BGSW’s value in designing and building state-of-the-art smart metering system architecture.

In April 2024, Honda Motor Europe Ltd. and Kyndryl, the world’s largest IT infrastructure services provider, announced a multiyear managed infrastructure services renewal agreement. Building on a well-established partnership, Kyndryl will continue to manage Honda’s centralized IT infrastructure and modernize the company’s mainframe estate with Kyndryl Bridge, Kyndryl’s open integration platform, and AIOps.

In March 2024, ABB is collaborating with Green Hydrogen International (GHI) on a project to develop a major green hydrogen facility in south Texas, United States. As part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ABB’s automation, electrification and digital technology will be assessed for deployment at GHI’s Hydrogen City project.

Types Covered:
• Medical Robots
• Field Robots
• Security Robots
• Inspection and Maintenance Robot
• Entertainment Robots
• Domestic Robots
• Other Types

Form Factors Covered:
• Land-based
• Water-based
• Wearable Robots

Technologies Covered:
• Sensing and Perception Technology
• Actuation Technology
• Power Source Technology
• Software and Artificial Intelligence Technology
• Human-Robot Interaction Technology
• Other Technologies

End Users Covered:
• Construction
• Agriculture
• Logistics
• Healthcare
• Education
• Industrial and Commercial
• Military and Defense
• Entertainment
• Other End Users

Regions Covered:
• North America
• Europe
Rest of Europe
• Asia Pacific
New Zealand
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
• South America
Rest of South America
• Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa

What our report offers:
- Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments
- Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
- Covers Market data for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, and 2030
- Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
- Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
- Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
- Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
- Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements

1 Executive Summary
2 Preface
2.1 Abstract
2.2 Stake Holders
2.3 Research Scope
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1 Data Mining
2.4.2 Data Analysis
2.4.3 Data Validation
2.4.4 Research Approach
2.5 Research Sources
2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
2.5.3 Assumptions
3 Market Trend Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drivers
3.3 Restraints
3.4 Opportunities
3.5 Threats
3.6 Technology Analysis
3.7 End User Analysis
3.8 Emerging Markets
3.9 Impact of Covid-19
4 Porters Five Force Analysis
4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
4.3 Threat of substitutes
4.4 Threat of new entrants
4.5 Competitive rivalry
5 Global Professional Service Robots Market, By Type
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Medical Robots
5.3 Field Robots
5.4 Security Robots
5.5 Inspection and Maintenance Robot
5.6 Entertainment Robots
5.7 Domestic Robots
5.8 Other Types
6 Global Professional Service Robots Market, By Form Factor
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Land-based
6.3 Water-based
6.4 Wearable Robots
7 Global Professional Service Robots Market, By Technology
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Sensing and Perception Technology
7.3 Actuation Technology
7.4 Power Source Technology
7.5 Software and Artificial Intelligence Technology
7.6 Human-Robot Interaction Technology
7.7 Other Technologies
8 Global Professional Service Robots Market, By End User
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Construction
8.3 Agriculture
8.4 Logistics
8.5 Healthcare
8.6 Education
8.7 Industrial and Commercial
8.8 Military and Defense
8.9 Entertainment
8.10 Other End Users
9 Global Professional Service Robots Market, By Geography
9.1 Introduction
9.2 North America
9.2.1 US
9.2.2 Canada
9.2.3 Mexico
9.3 Europe
9.3.1 Germany
9.3.2 UK
9.3.3 Italy
9.3.4 France
9.3.5 Spain
9.3.6 Rest of Europe
9.4 Asia Pacific
9.4.1 Japan
9.4.2 China
9.4.3 India
9.4.4 Australia
9.4.5 New Zealand
9.4.6 South Korea
9.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
9.5 South America
9.5.1 Argentina
9.5.2 Brazil
9.5.3 Chile
9.5.4 Rest of South America
9.6 Middle East & Africa
9.6.1 Saudi Arabia
9.6.2 UAE
9.6.3 Qatar
9.6.4 South Africa
9.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa
10 Key Developments
10.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
10.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
10.3 New Product Launch
10.4 Expansions
10.5 Other Key Strategies
11 Company Profiling
11.1 Robert Bosch GmbH
11.2 Stryker Corporation
11.3 Honda Motor Co. Ltd.
11.4 ABB Ltd.
11.5 Denso Robotics
11.6 Fanuc Corporation
11.7 Cyberdyne Inc.
11.8 Boston Dynamics
11.9 Aethon Inc.
11.10 iRobot Corporation
11.11 Yaskawa Electric Corporation
11.12 Softbank Robotics Group
11.13 Northrop Grumman Corporation
11.14 Blue River Technology
11.15 Intuitive Surgical Inc.
11.16 Knightscope Inc.
11.17 Omron Adept Technologies
List of Tables
Table 1 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Region (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 2 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Type (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 3 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Medical Robots (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 4 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Field Robots (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 5 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Security Robots (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 6 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Inspection and Maintenance Robot (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 7 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Entertainment Robots (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 8 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Domestic Robots (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 9 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Other Types (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 10 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Form Factor (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 11 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Land-based (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 12 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Water-based (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 13 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Wearable Robots (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 14 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Technology (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 15 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Sensing and Perception Technology (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 16 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Actuation Technology (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 17 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Power Source Technology (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 18 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Software and Artificial Intelligence Technology (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 19 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Human-Robot Interaction Technology (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 20 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Other Technologies (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 21 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By End User (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 22 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Construction (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 23 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Agriculture (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 24 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Logistics (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 25 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 26 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Education (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 27 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Industrial and Commercial (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 28 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Military and Defense (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 29 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Entertainment (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 30 Global Professional Service Robots Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2022-2030) ($MN)
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.

★調査レポート[世界のプロフェッショナルサービスロボット市場(~2030年):種類別(医療ロボット、フィールドロボット、防衛&セキュリティロボット、検査&メンテナンスロボット、エンターテインメントロボット、家庭用ロボット、その他)、フォームファクター別(陸上ロボット、水上ロボット、ウェアラブルロボット)、技術別、エンドユーザー別、地域別] (コード:SMRC24NOV192)販売に関する免責事項を必ずご確認ください。
