
【英語タイトル】Scleral Lens Market Forecasts to 2030 – Global Analysis By Product (Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Scleral Lenses, Custom Scleral Lenses, Gas Permeable Scleral Lenses, Hybrid Scleral Lenses and Other Products), Material, Distribution Channel, Application, End User and By Geography

Stratistics MRCが出版した調査資料(SMRC24NOV127)・商品コード:SMRC24NOV127
・発行会社(調査会社):Stratistics MRC
・ページ数:200 Pages
Single User LicenseUSD4,150 ⇒換算¥622,500見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
Corporate LicenseUSD7,500 ⇒換算¥1,125,000見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
❖ レポートの概要 ❖

Stratistics MRCによると、強膜レンズの世界市場は2024年に3億1258万ドルを占め、2030年には7億5061万ドルに達する見込みで、予測期間中の年平均成長率は12.4%です。強膜レンズは、角膜表面全体を覆い、強膜(眼球の白い部分)の上に載るように設計された大口径のコンタクトレンズです。強膜レンズは、角膜を保護し安定させる流体のクッションを提供し、不規則な角膜、重度のドライアイ、またはその他の角膜疾患を持つ人の視力と快適性を向上させます。そのデザインは円錐角膜のような状態の管理に役立ち、視力矯正と快適性の向上にも使用できます。
Dry Eye Directoryが発表したデータによると、2020年には約1,640万人のアメリカ人がドライアイに苦しんでおり、これは総人口の約6.8%に相当します。











強膜レンズ市場の主要企業には、Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Bausch + Lomb, CooperVision, Menicon Co., Ltd., EssilorLuxottica, UltraVision CLPL, Euclid Systems Corporation, Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc., Blanchard Contact Lenses, Inc., Rising Star Optical, Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems, Visionary Optics, Gelflex ,SynergEyes.などがあります。

2024年5月、ボシュロム社は、角膜変性症や特定の術後状態などの高度な眼疾患を持つ患者を含む、様々な角膜形状やサイズに適合するように設計された非置換型のカスタム強膜コンタクトレンズ技術であるZenlens ECHOのアメリカでの発売を発表しました。


– 硬性ガス透過性(RGP)強膜レンズ
– カスタム強膜レンズ
– ガス透過性強膜レンズ
– ハイブリッド強膜レンズ
– その他の製品

– シリコーンハイドロゲル
– 従来のハイドロゲル
– PMMA(ポリメチルメタクリレート)
– フルオロシリコーンアクリレート
– その他の材料

– 病院
– 眼科クリニック
– 検眼オフィス
– 小売薬局
– その他の流通チャネル

– 円錐角膜
– ドライアイ症候群
– 術後アプリケーション
– 不整角膜
– その他の用途

– 小児
– 成人
– 老人

– 北アメリカ
– ヨーロッパ
– アジア太平洋
– 南アメリカ
– 中東/アフリカ

– 地域および国レベルセグメントの市場シェア評価
– 新規参入企業への戦略的提言
– 2022年、2023年、2024年、2026年、2030年の市場データをカバー
– 市場動向(促進要因、制約要因、機会、脅威、課題、投資機会、推奨事項)
– 市場予測に基づく主要ビジネスセグメントにおける戦略的提言
– 主要な共通トレンドをマッピングした競合のランドスケープ
– 詳細な戦略、財務、最近の動向を含む企業プロファイリング
– 最新の技術進歩をマッピングしたサプライチェーン動向


❖ レポートの目次 ❖

1 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2 序文
2.1 概要
2.2 ステークホルダー
2.3 調査範囲
2.4 調査方法
2.4.1 データマイニング
2.4.2 データ分析
2.4.3 データの検証
2.4.4 リサーチアプローチ
2.5 リサーチソース
2.5.1 一次調査ソース
2.5.2 セカンダリーリサーチソース
2.5.3 前提条件
3 市場動向分析
3.1 はじめに
3.2 推進要因
3.3 抑制要因
3.4 機会
3.5 脅威
3.6 製品分析
3.7 アプリケーション分析
3.8 エンドユーザー分析
3.9 新興市場
3.10 Covid-19の影響
4 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
4.1 供給者の交渉力
4.2 買い手の交渉力
4.3 代替品の脅威
4.4 新規参入の脅威
4.5 競争上のライバル関係
5 強膜レンズの世界市場、製品別
5.1 はじめに
5.2 硬性ガス透過性(RGP)強膜レンズ
5.3 カスタム強膜レンズ
5.4 ガス透過性強膜レンズ
5.5 ハイブリッド強膜レンズ
5.6 その他の製品
6 強膜レンズの世界市場、素材別
6.1 はじめに
6.2 シリコーンハイドロゲル
6.3 従来のハイドロゲル
6.4 PMMA(ポリメチルメタクリレート)
6.5 フルオロシリコーンアクリレート
6.6 その他の材料
7 強膜レンズの世界市場、流通チャネル別
7.1 導入
7.2 病院
7.3 眼科クリニック
7.4 検眼オフィス
7.5 小売薬局
7.6 その他の流通チャネル
8 強膜レンズの世界市場、用途別
8.1 はじめに
8.2 円錐角膜
8.3 ドライアイ症候群
8.4 手術後の用途
8.5 不規則な角膜
8.6 その他の用途
9 強膜レンズの世界市場、エンドユーザー別
9.1 はじめに
9.2 小児用
9.3 成人
9.4 老人
10 強膜レンズの世界市場:地域別
10.1 はじめに
10.2 北アメリカ
10.2.1 アメリカ
10.2.2 カナダ
10.2.3 メキシコ
10.3 ヨーロッパ
10.3.1 ドイツ
10.3.2 イギリス
10.3.3 イタリア
10.3.4 フランス
10.3.5 スペイン
10.3.6 その他のヨーロッパ
10.4 アジア太平洋
10.4.1 日本
10.4.2 中国
10.4.3 インド
10.4.4 オーストラリア
10.4.5 ニュージーランド
10.4.6 韓国
10.4.7 その他のアジア太平洋地域
10.5 南アメリカ
10.5.1 アルゼンチン
10.5.2 ブラジル
10.5.3 チリ
10.5.4 その他の南アメリカ地域
10.6 中東/アフリカ
10.6.1 サウジアラビア
10.6.2 アラブ首長国連邦
10.6.3 カタール
10.6.4 南アフリカ
10.6.5 その他の中東/アフリカ地域
11 主要開発
11.1 契約、パートナーシップ、提携、合弁事業
11.2 買収と合併
11.3 新製品上市
11.4 事業拡大
11.5 その他の主要戦略
12 企業プロフィール
12.1 Johnson & Johnson Vision Care
12.2 Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
12.3 Bausch + Lomb
12.4 CooperVision
12.5 Menicon Co., Ltd.
12.6 EssilorLuxottica
12.7 UltraVision CLPL
12.8 Euclid Systems Corporation
12.9 Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc.
12.10 Blanchard Contact Lenses, Inc.
12.11 Rising Star Optical
12.12 Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems
12.13 Visionary Optics
12.14 Gelflex
12.15 SynergEyes
表1強膜レンズの世界市場展望、地域別(2022-2030年) ($MN)
表2 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、製品別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表3 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、硬質ガス透過性(RGP)強膜レンズ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表4 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、カスタム強膜レンズ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表5 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、ガス透過性強膜レンズ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表6 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、ハイブリッド強膜レンズ別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表7 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、その他の製品別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表8 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、素材別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表9 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、シリコーンハイドロゲル別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表10 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、従来のハイドロゲル別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表11 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、PMMA(ポリメチルメタクリレート)別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表12 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、フルオロシリコーンアクリレート別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表13 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、その他の材料別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表14 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、流通チャネル別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表15 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、病院別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表16 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、眼科クリニック別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表17 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、検眼オフィス別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表18 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、小売薬局別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表19 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、その他の流通チャネル別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表20 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、用途別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表21 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、円錐角膜別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表22 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、ドライアイ症候群別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表23 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、術後用途別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表24 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、不規則角膜別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表25 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、その他の用途別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表26 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、エンドユーザー別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表27 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、小児科別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表28 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、成人別 (2022-2030) ($MN)
表29 強膜レンズの世界市場展望、老人別 (2022-2030) ($MN)

According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Scleral Lens Market is accounted for $312.58 million in 2024 and is expected to reach $750.61 million by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 12.4% during the forecast period. A scleral lens is a large-diameter contact lens designed to cover the entire corneal surface and rest on the sclera (the white part of the eye). Scleral lenses vault over the cornea, providing a cushion of fluid that can protect and stabilize the cornea, improving vision and comfort for individuals with irregular corneas, severe dry eye, or other corneal conditions. Their design helps in managing conditions such as keratoconus and can also be used for enhanced vision correction and comfort.

According to data published by Dry Eye Directory, in 2020, around 16.4 million Americans were suffering from dry eye, representing around 6.8% of the total population.

Market Dynamics:

Rising prevalence of corneal disorders
The rising prevalence of corneal disorders, such as keratoconus and corneal dystrophies increases demand for specialized vision correction solutions that traditional lenses cannot adequately address. Scleral lenses provide superior comfort and vision improvement by covering the cornea and creating a protective layer of fluid. This heightened need for effective management of corneal disorders drives market expansion, as both patients and eye care professionals seek advanced solutions to enhance visual acuity and quality of life for those affected.

Complex fitting process
The complex fitting process for scleral lenses involves precise measurements and adjustments to ensure a proper fit, as the lenses cover the entire cornea and rest on the sclera. This complexity arises from the need for custom sizing and alignment to prevent discomfort and ensure optimal performance. The detailed fitting procedure requires specialized equipment and expertise, which can be time-consuming and costly. This complexity can limit market growth by deterring potential users and eye care professionals due to the increased time, cost, and need for specialized training.

Increase in aging population
Older adults commonly experience age-related eye conditions such as dry eye, presbyopia, and keratoconus. As the corneal surface changes with age, scleral lenses provide a comfortable and effective solution by offering superior vision correction and a protective barrier for sensitive eyes. The aging demographic's rising demand for advanced vision care solutions, coupled with a growing focus on maintaining quality of life, drives market expansion. Additionally, older adults are more likely to seek specialized eye care, further fueling the growth of scleral lenses.

Limited insurance coverage
Limited insurance coverage for scleral lenses occurs because many insurance plans categorize them as elective or specialty items, often excluding them from standard coverage. This restriction results in higher out-of-pocket costs for patients, making scleral lenses less accessible for those without sufficient financial resources. The high expense can deter potential users and limit market growth, as many individuals may opt for more affordable alternatives. Consequently, the limited insurance coverage hampers widespread adoption and slows the overall expansion of the scleral lens market.

Covid-19 Impact
Covid-19 impacted the scleral lens market by temporarily reducing elective eye care visits and lens fittings due to lockdowns and social distancing measures. However, increased screen time and a heightened focus on eye health during the pandemic boosted awareness of eye-related issues, including those addressed by scleral lenses. The market saw a rebound as restrictions eased, with growing interest in long-term eye comfort solutions and telehealth consultations contributing to recovery and growth.

The dry eye syndrome segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
The dry eye syndrome segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth. Scleral lenses are highly effective for managing dry eye syndrome as they create a protective barrier over the cornea, trapping a layer of lubricating fluid between the lens and the eye. This cushioning helps to alleviate symptoms by maintaining moisture and reducing irritation. Unlike traditional contact lenses, scleral lenses do not touch the cornea, which minimizes discomfort and enhances stability. Their design provides significant relief for individuals with severe dry eye, improving overall comfort and visual clarity.

The adult segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The adult segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR growth during the forecast period. Scleral lenses are increasingly used in adults for addressing various vision and comfort issues. They are particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions like keratoconus, irregular corneas, or severe dry eye, providing enhanced visual acuity and eye comfort. Scleral lenses offer stability and consistent vision correction by covering the entire cornea and resting on the sclera, which can be crucial for adults seeking reliable, long-term solutions for complex eye conditions or for those who experience discomfort with traditional lenses.

Region with largest share:
The scleral lens market in the Asia-Pacific region is experiencing notable growth due to rising awareness about eye health and increasing prevalence of corneal disorders. Advancements in lens technology and customization are driving market expansion, particularly in countries like China, India, and Japan, where demand for specialized eye care is growing. The region benefits from a large and aging population, heightened by the increasing adoption of advanced medical devices. The market is supported by expanding healthcare infrastructure and a growing number of trained eye care professionals, contributing to the widespread availability and adoption of scleral lenses.

Region with highest CAGR:
In North America, the scleral lens market is expanding rapidly due to high awareness and adoption of advanced eye care solutions. The prevalence of corneal conditions and dry eye is driving demand for scleral lenses in the region. The region benefits from well-established healthcare infrastructure and a large number of skilled eye care professionals, leading to increased accessibility and customization of scleral lenses. Growing acceptance among patients seeking long-term vision correction solutions and improved quality of life further supports market growth in North America.

Key players in the market
Some of the key players profiled in the Scleral Lens Market include Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Bausch + Lomb, CooperVision, Menicon Co., Ltd., EssilorLuxottica, UltraVision CLPL, Euclid Systems Corporation, Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc., Blanchard Contact Lenses, Inc., Rising Star Optical, Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems, Visionary Optics, Gelflex and SynergEyes.

Key Developments:
In May 2024, Bausch + Lomb Corporation announced the U.S. launch of Zenlens ECHO, a non-prosthetic, custom scleral contact lens technology designed to fit a wide variety of corneal shapes and sizes, including patients who have advanced ocular conditions such as corneal degeneration and certain postoperative conditions.

In February 2023, Visionary Optics has launched Europa Tangent, a new scleral lens that provides customizable design and a three-zone step-system for optimal fitting. the lens design was based on clinical experience and analysis of data from more than 10,000 fittings. It includes one landing zone curve, which follows the natural contour of the scleral surface and provides a smoother, softer transition to the landing zone.

Products Covered:
• Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Scleral Lenses
• Custom Scleral Lenses
• Gas Permeable Scleral Lenses
• Hybrid Scleral Lenses
• Other Products

Materials Covered:
• Silicone Hydrogel
• Traditional Hydrogel
• PMMA (Polymethyl Methacrylate)
• Fluoro-silicone Acrylate
• Other Materials

Distribution Channels Covered:
• Hospitals
• Eye Clinics
• Optometry Offices
• Retail Pharmacies
• Other Distribution Channels

Applications Covered:
• Keratoconus
• Dry Eye Syndrome
• Post-Surgical Applications
• Irregular Cornea
• Other Applications

End Users Covered:
• Pediatric
• Adult
• Geriatric

Regions Covered:
• North America
• Europe
Rest of Europe
• Asia Pacific
New Zealand
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
• South America
Rest of South America
• Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa

What our report offers:
- Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments
- Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
- Covers Market data for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, and 2030
- Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
- Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
- Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
- Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
- Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements

1 Executive Summary
2 Preface
2.1 Abstract
2.2 Stake Holders
2.3 Research Scope
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1 Data Mining
2.4.2 Data Analysis
2.4.3 Data Validation
2.4.4 Research Approach
2.5 Research Sources
2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
2.5.3 Assumptions
3 Market Trend Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drivers
3.3 Restraints
3.4 Opportunities
3.5 Threats
3.6 Product Analysis
3.7 Application Analysis
3.8 End User Analysis
3.9 Emerging Markets
3.10 Impact of Covid-19
4 Porters Five Force Analysis
4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
4.3 Threat of substitutes
4.4 Threat of new entrants
4.5 Competitive rivalry
5 Global Scleral Lens Market, By Product
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Scleral Lenses
5.3 Custom Scleral Lenses
5.4 Gas Permeable Scleral Lenses
5.5 Hybrid Scleral Lenses
5.6 Other Products
6 Global Scleral Lens Market, By Material
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Silicone Hydrogel
6.3 Traditional Hydrogel
6.4 PMMA (Polymethyl Methacrylate)
6.5 Fluoro-silicone Acrylate
6.6 Other Materials
7 Global Scleral Lens Market, By Distribution Channel
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Hospitals
7.3 Eye Clinics
7.4 Optometry Offices
7.5 Retail Pharmacies
7.6 Other Distribution Channels
8 Global Scleral Lens Market, By Application
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Keratoconus
8.3 Dry Eye Syndrome
8.4 Post-Surgical Applications
8.5 Irregular Cornea
8.6 Other Applications
9 Global Scleral Lens Market, By End User
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Pediatric
9.3 Adult
9.4 Geriatric
10 Global Scleral Lens Market, By Geography
10.1 Introduction
10.2 North America
10.2.1 US
10.2.2 Canada
10.2.3 Mexico
10.3 Europe
10.3.1 Germany
10.3.2 UK
10.3.3 Italy
10.3.4 France
10.3.5 Spain
10.3.6 Rest of Europe
10.4 Asia Pacific
10.4.1 Japan
10.4.2 China
10.4.3 India
10.4.4 Australia
10.4.5 New Zealand
10.4.6 South Korea
10.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
10.5 South America
10.5.1 Argentina
10.5.2 Brazil
10.5.3 Chile
10.5.4 Rest of South America
10.6 Middle East & Africa
10.6.1 Saudi Arabia
10.6.2 UAE
10.6.3 Qatar
10.6.4 South Africa
10.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa
11 Key Developments
11.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
11.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
11.3 New Product Launch
11.4 Expansions
11.5 Other Key Strategies
12 Company Profiling
12.1 Johnson & Johnson Vision Care
12.2 Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
12.3 Bausch + Lomb
12.4 CooperVision
12.5 Menicon Co., Ltd.
12.6 EssilorLuxottica
12.7 UltraVision CLPL
12.8 Euclid Systems Corporation
12.9 Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc.
12.10 Blanchard Contact Lenses, Inc.
12.11 Rising Star Optical
12.12 Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems
12.13 Visionary Optics
12.14 Gelflex
12.15 SynergEyes
List of Tables
Table 1 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Region (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 2 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Product (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 3 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Scleral Lenses (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 4 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Custom Scleral Lenses (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 5 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Gas Permeable Scleral Lenses (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 6 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Hybrid Scleral Lenses (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 7 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Other Products (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 8 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Material (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 9 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Silicone Hydrogel (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 10 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Traditional Hydrogel (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 11 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By PMMA (Polymethyl Methacrylate) (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 12 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Fluoro-silicone Acrylate (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 13 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Other Materials (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 14 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Distribution Channel (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 15 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Hospitals (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 16 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Eye Clinics (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 17 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Optometry Offices (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 18 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Retail Pharmacies (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 19 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Other Distribution Channels (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 20 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Application (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 21 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Keratoconus (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 22 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Dry Eye Syndrome (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 23 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Post-Surgical Applications (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 24 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Irregular Cornea (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 25 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 26 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By End User (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 27 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Pediatric (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 28 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Adult (2022-2030) ($MN)
Table 29 Global Scleral Lens Market Outlook, By Geriatric (2022-2030) ($MN)
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.

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